324 research outputs found
Asymptotic confidence interval for R2 in multiple linear regression
Following White's approach of robust multiple linear regression, we give
asymptotic confidence intervals for the multiple correlation coefficient R2
under minimal moment conditions. We also give the asymptotic joint distribution
of the empirical estimators of the individual R2's. Through different sets of
simulations, we show that the procedure is indeed robust (contrary to the
procedure involving the near exact distribution of the empirical estimator of
R2 is the multivariate Gaussian case) and can be also applied to count linear
Homogeneous variational problems: a minicourse
A Finsler geometry may be understood as a homogeneous variational problem,
where the Finsler function is the Lagrangian. The extremals in Finsler geometry
are curves, but in more general variational problems we might consider extremal
submanifolds of dimension . In this minicourse we discuss these problems
from a geometric point of view.Comment: This paper is a written-up version of the major part of a minicourse
given at the sixth Bilateral Workshop on Differential Geometry and its
Applications, held in Ostrava in May 201
Berry-Esseen type bounds for the Left Random Walk on GL d (R) under polynomial moment conditions
Let , where is a sequence of independent random matrices taking values in , , with common distribution . In this paper,
under standard assumptions on (strong irreducibility and proximality), we
prove Berry-Esseen type theorems for when has a
polynomial moment. More precisely, we get the rate
when has a moment of order and the rate when
has a moment of order , which significantly improves earlier results
in this setting
Asymptotic normality of the Parzen-Rosenblatt density estimator for strongly mixing random fields
We prove the asymptotic normality of the kernel density estimator (introduced
by Rosenblatt (1956) and Parzen (1962)) in the context of stationary strongly
mixing random fields. Our approach is based on the Lindeberg's method rather
than on Bernstein's small-block-large-block technique and coupling arguments
widely used in previous works on nonparametric estimation for spatial
processes. Our method allows us to consider only minimal conditions on the
bandwidth parameter and provides a simple criterion on the (non-uniform) strong
mixing coefficients which do not depend on the bandwith.Comment: 16 page
An extended quantitative model for super-resolution optical fluctuation imaging (SOFI)
Super-resolution optical fluctuation imaging (SOFI) provides super-resolution (SR) fluorescence imaging by analyzing fluctuations in the fluorophore emission. The technique has been used both to acquire quantitative SR images and to provide SR biosensing by monitoring changes in fluorophore blinking dynamics. Proper analysis of such data relies on a fully quantitative model of the imaging. However, previous SOFI imaging models made several assumptions that can not be realized in practice. In this work we address these limitations by developing and verifying a fully quantitative model that better approximates real-world imaging conditions. Our model shows that (i) SOFI images are free of bias, or can be made so, if the signal is stationary and fluorophores blink independently, (ii) allows a fully quantitative description of the link between SOFI imaging and probe dynamics, and (iii) paves the way for more advanced SOFI image reconstruction by offering a computationally fast way to calculate SOFI images for arbitrary probe, sample and instrumental properties
On symmetries of Chern-Simons and BF topological theories
We describe constructing solutions of the field equations of Chern-Simons and
topological BF theories in terms of deformation theory of locally constant
(flat) bundles. Maps of flat connections into one another (dressing
transformations) are considered. A method of calculating (nonlocal) dressing
symmetries in Chern-Simons and topological BF theories is formulated
Symmetries of Helmholtz forms and globally variational dynamical forms
Invariance properties of classes in the variational sequence suggested to
Krupka et al. the idea that there should exist a close correspondence between
the notions of variationality of a differential form and invariance of its
exterior derivative. It was shown by them that the invariance of a closed
Helmholtz form of a dynamical form is equivalent with local variationality of
the Lie derivative of the dynamical form, so that the latter is locally the
Euler--Lagrange form of a Lagrangian. We show that the corresponding local
system of Euler--Lagrange forms is variationally equivalent to a global
Euler--Lagrange form.Comment: Presented at QTS7 - Quantum Theory and Symmetries VII, Prague
Constraint algorithm for k-presymplectic Hamiltonian systems. Application to singular field theories
The k-symplectic formulation of field theories is especially simple, since
only tangent and cotangent bundles are needed in its description. Its defining
elements show a close relationship with those in the symplectic formulation of
mechanics. It will be shown that this relationship also stands in the
presymplectic case. In a natural way, one can mimick the presymplectic
constraint algorithm to obtain a constraint algorithm that can be applied to
-presymplectic field theory, and more particularly to the Lagrangian and
Hamiltonian formulations of field theories defined by a singular Lagrangian, as
well as to the unified Lagrangian-Hamiltonian formalism (Skinner--Rusk
formalism) for k-presymplectic field theory. Two examples of application of the
algorithm are also analyzed.Comment: 22 p
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