398 research outputs found

    Is the Attractive Nuisance Doctrine Outmoded

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    The history of the attractive nuisance rule shows that it stemmed from the turntable cases because the courts felt that an owner of a contrivance of this nature was negligent in not keeping it locked when he realized that small children would play on it. From this shaky proposition of law was built the even shakier structure of the attractive nuisance. There was no longer any question of the owner failing to repair a lock on a turntable, but the mere fact that the instrumentality or appliance was there became enough to find the owner liable towards trespassing children. The attractive nuisance doctrine as such should be discarded and each case decided on its own merits with due regard given to whether or not the child was or was not a trespasser

    The Labor Injunction - Weapon or Tool

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    An injunction is an order or write issued by a court of equity commanding an individual or group of individuals to do or refrain from doing certain acts. These certain acts may pertain to any one of a variety of matters. Here we are concerned only with the injunction as it is applied to labor organizations or individuals to prevent them from doing or cause them to do certain acts in their relationship to management. Whether these acts are lawful or unlawful is the point which decides whether or not an injunction will be allowed

    Studies of Pi° Production Near Threshold

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    Supported by the National Science Foundation and Indiana Universit

    Systematics of Inclusive Charged Particles Production with Medium Energy Protons

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    This work was supported by National Science Foundation Grants PHY 76-84033A01, PHY 78-22774, and Indiana Universit

    Charged Particles from Nuclear Reactions Induced by Medium-Energy Protons

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    This work was supported by National Science Foundation Grant PHY 76-84033 and Indiana Universit

    Sensitive Search for a Permanent Muon Electric Dipole Moment

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    We are proposing a new method to carry out a dedicated search for a permanent electric dipole moment (EDM) of the muon with a sensitivity at a level of 10^{-24} e cm. The experimental design exploits the strong motional electric field sensed by relativistic particles in a magnetic storage ring. As a key feature, a novel technique has been invented in which the g-2 precession is compensated with radial electric field. This technique will benefit greatly when the intense muon sources advocated by the developers of the muon storage rings and the muon colliders become available.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures. Submitted for publication in Proceedings of the International Workshop on High Intensity Muon Sources (HIMUS99), KEK, Japan, December 1-4 199

    Exercise Overrides Blunted Hypoxic Ventilatory Response in Prematurely Born Men.

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    Pre-term birth provokes life-long anatomical and functional respiratory system sequelae. Although blunted hypoxic ventilatory response (HVR) is consistently observed in pre-term infants, it remains unclear if it persists with aging and, moreover, if it influences hypoxic exercise capacity. In addition, it remains unresolved whether the previously observed prematurity-related alterations in redox balance could contribute to HVR modulation. Twenty-one prematurely born adult males (gestational age = 29 ± 4 weeks], and 14 age matched controls born at full term (gestational age = 39 ± 2 weeks) underwent three tests in a randomized manner: (1) hypoxia chemo-sensitivity test to determine the resting and exercise poikilocapnic HVR and a graded exercise test to volitional exhaustion in (2) normoxia (F <sub>i</sub> O <sub>2</sub> = 0.21), and (3) normobaric hypoxia (F <sub>i</sub> O <sub>2</sub> = 0.13) to compare the hypoxia-related effects on maximal aerobic power (MAP). Selected prooxidant and antioxidant markers were analyzed from venous samples obtained before and after the HVR tests. Resting HVR was lower in the pre-term (0.21 ± 0.21 L ⋅ min <sup>-1</sup> ⋅ kg <sup>-1</sup> ) compared to full-term born individuals (0.47 ± 0.23 L ⋅ min <sup>-1</sup> ⋅ kg <sup>-1</sup> ; p < 0.05). No differences were noted in the exercise HVR or in any of the measured oxidative stress markers before or after the HVR test. Hypoxia-related reduction of MAP was comparable between the groups. These findings indicate that blunted resting HVR in prematurely born men persists into adulthood. Also, active adults born prematurely seem to tolerate hypoxic exercise well and should, hence, not be discouraged to engage in physical activities in hypoxic environments. Nevertheless, the blunted resting HVR and greater desaturation observed in the pre-term born individuals warrant caution especially during prolonged hypoxic exposures

    Improved Measurement of the Positive Muon Lifetime and Determination of the Fermi Constant

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    The mean life of the positive muon has been measured to a precision of 11 ppm using a low-energy, pulsed muon beam stopped in a ferromagnetic target, which was surrounded by a scintillator detector array. The result, tau_mu = 2.197013(24) us, is in excellent agreement with the previous world average. The new world average tau_mu = 2.197019(21) us determines the Fermi constant G_F = 1.166371(6) x 10^-5 GeV^-2 (5 ppm). Additionally, the precision measurement of the positive muon lifetime is needed to determine the nucleon pseudoscalar coupling g_P.Comment: As published version (PRL, July 2007

    Measurement of the Positive Muon Lifetime and Determination of the Fermi Constant to Part-per-Million Precision

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    We report a measurement of the positive muon lifetime to a precision of 1.0 parts per million (ppm); it is the most precise particle lifetime ever measured. The experiment used a time-structured, low-energy muon beam and a segmented plastic scintillator array to record more than 2 x 10^{12} decays. Two different stopping target configurations were employed in independent data-taking periods. The combined results give tau_{mu^+}(MuLan) = 2196980.3(2.2) ps, more than 15 times as precise as any previous experiment. The muon lifetime gives the most precise value for the Fermi constant: G_F(MuLan) = 1.1663788 (7) x 10^-5 GeV^-2 (0.6 ppm). It is also used to extract the mu^-p singlet capture rate, which determines the proton's weak induced pseudoscalar coupling g_P.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let
