223 research outputs found

    Convolution operations arising from Vandermonde matrices

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    Different types of convolution operations involving large Vandermonde matrices are considered. The convolutions parallel those of large Gaussian matrices and additive and multiplicative free convolution. First additive and multiplicative convolution of Vandermonde matrices and deterministic diagonal matrices are considered. After this, several cases of additive and multiplicative convolution of two independent Vandermonde matrices are considered. It is also shown that the convergence of any combination of Vandermonde matrices is almost sure. We will divide the considered convolutions into two types: those which depend on the phase distribution of the Vandermonde matrices, and those which depend only on the spectra of the matrices. A general criterion is presented to find which type applies for any given convolution. A simulation is presented, verifying the results. Implementations of all considered convolutions are provided and discussed, together with the challenges in making these implementations efficient. The implementation is based on the technique of Fourier-Motzkin elimination, and is quite general as it can be applied to virtually any combination of Vandermonde matrices. Generalizations to related random matrices, such as Toeplitz and Hankel matrices, are also discussed.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 16 pages, 1 figur

    On the Nash Equilibria in Decentralized Parallel Interference Channels

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    In this paper, the 2-dimensional decentralized parallel interference channel (IC) with 2 transmitter-receiver pairs is modelled as a non-cooperative static game. Each transmitter is assumed to be a fully rational entity with complete information on the game, aiming to maximize its own individual spectral efficiency by tuning its own power allocation (PA) vector. Two scenarios are analysed. First, we consider that transmitters can split their transmit power between both dimensions (PA game). Second, we consider that each transmitter is limited to use only one dimension (channel selection CS game). In the first scenario, the game might have either one or three NE in pure strategies (PS). However, two or infinitely many NE in PS might also be observed with zero probability. In the second scenario, there always exists either one or two NE in PS. We show that in both games there always exists a non-zero probability of observing more than one NE. More interestingly, using Monte-Carlo simulations, we show that the highest and lowest network spectral efficiency at any of the NE in the CS game are always higher than the ones in the PA.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, presented in ICCC Kyoto 201

    From Spectrum Pooling to Space Pooling: Opportunistic Interference Alignment in MIMO Cognitive Networks

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    We describe a non-cooperative interference alignment (IA) technique which allows an opportunistic multiple input multiple output (MIMO) link (secondary) to harmlessly coexist with another MIMO link (primary) in the same frequency band. Assuming perfect channel knowledge at the primary receiver and transmitter, capacity is achieved by transmiting along the spatial directions (SD) associated with the singular values of its channel matrix using a water-filling power allocation (PA) scheme. Often, power limitations lead the primary transmitter to leave some of its SD unused. Here, it is shown that the opportunistic link can transmit its own data if it is possible to align the interference produced on the primary link with such unused SDs. We provide both a processing scheme to perform IA and a PA scheme which maximizes the transmission rate of the opportunistic link. The asymptotes of the achievable transmission rates of the opportunistic link are obtained in the regime of large numbers of antennas. Using this result, it is shown that depending on the signal-to-noise ratio and the number of transmit and receive antennas of the primary and opportunistic links, both systems can achieve transmission rates of the same order.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Trans. in Signal Processing. Revised on 23-11-0

    Introducing Hierarchy in Energy Games

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    In this work we introduce hierarchy in wireless networks that can be modeled by a decentralized multiple access channel and for which energy-efficiency is the main performance index. In these networks users are free to choose their power control strategy to selfishly maximize their energy-efficiency. Specifically, we introduce hierarchy in two different ways: 1. Assuming single-user decoding at the receiver, we investigate a Stackelberg formulation of the game where one user is the leader whereas the other users are assumed to be able to react to the leader's decisions; 2. Assuming neither leader nor followers among the users, we introduce hierarchy by assuming successive interference cancellation at the receiver. It is shown that introducing a certain degree of hierarchy in non-cooperative power control games not only improves the individual energy efficiency of all the users but can also be a way of insuring the existence of a non-saturated equilibrium and reaching a desired trade-off between the global network performance at the equilibrium and the requested amount of signaling. In this respect, the way of measuring the global performance of an energy-efficient network is shown to be a critical issue.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communication

    Finite Dimensional Statistical Inference

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    In this paper, we derive the explicit series expansion of the eigenvalue distribution of various models, namely the case of non-central Wishart distributions, as well as correlated zero mean Wishart distributions. The tools used extend those of the free probability framework, which have been quite successful for high dimensional statistical inference (when the size of the matrices tends to infinity), also known as free deconvolution. This contribution focuses on the finite Gaussian case and proposes algorithmic methods to compute the moments. Cases where asymptotic results fail to apply are also discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Using Random Matrix Theory

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    In this paper, using tools from asymptotic random matrix theory, a new cooperative scheme for frequency band sensing is introduced for both AWGN and fading channels. Unlike previous works in the field, the new scheme does not require the knowledge of the noise statistics or its variance and is related to the behavior of the largest and smallest eigenvalue of random matrices. Remarkably, simulations show that the asymptotic claims hold even for a small number of observations (which makes it convenient for time-varying topologies), outperforming classical energy detection techniques.Comment: Submitted to International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing 200

    Power Allocation Games in Wireless Networks of Multi-antenna Terminals

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    We consider wireless networks that can be modeled by multiple access channels in which all the terminals are equipped with multiple antennas. The propagation model used to account for the effects of transmit and receive antenna correlations is the unitary-invariant-unitary model, which is one of the most general models available in the literature. In this context, we introduce and analyze two resource allocation games. In both games, the mobile stations selfishly choose their power allocation policies in order to maximize their individual uplink transmission rates; in particular they can ignore some specified centralized policies. In the first game considered, the base station implements successive interference cancellation (SIC) and each mobile station chooses his best space-time power allocation scheme; here, a coordination mechanism is used to indicate to the users the order in which the receiver applies SIC. In the second framework, the base station is assumed to implement single-user decoding. For these two games a thorough analysis of the Nash equilibrium is provided: the existence and uniqueness issues are addressed; the corresponding power allocation policies are determined by exploiting random matrix theory; the sum-rate efficiency of the equilibrium is studied analytically in the low and high signal-to-noise ratio regimes and by simulations in more typical scenarios. Simulations show that, in particular, the sum-rate efficiency is high for the type of systems investigated and the performance loss due to the use of the proposed suboptimum coordination mechanism is very small

    Learning Equilibria with Partial Information in Decentralized Wireless Networks

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    In this article, a survey of several important equilibrium concepts for decentralized networks is presented. The term decentralized is used here to refer to scenarios where decisions (e.g., choosing a power allocation policy) are taken autonomously by devices interacting with each other (e.g., through mutual interference). The iterative long-term interaction is characterized by stable points of the wireless network called equilibria. The interest in these equilibria stems from the relevance of network stability and the fact that they can be achieved by letting radio devices to repeatedly interact over time. To achieve these equilibria, several learning techniques, namely, the best response dynamics, fictitious play, smoothed fictitious play, reinforcement learning algorithms, and regret matching, are discussed in terms of information requirements and convergence properties. Most of the notions introduced here, for both equilibria and learning schemes, are illustrated by a simple case study, namely, an interference channel with two transmitter-receiver pairs.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, 1 table. To appear in IEEE Communication Magazine, special Issue on Game Theor
