75 research outputs found

    Use of DPP4 inhibitors in Italy does not correlate with diabetes prevalence among COVID-19 deaths

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    In a nationwide study of 3,818 charts from patients with fatal COVID-19, we found that geographical differences in Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4) inhibitors use did not correlate with diabetes prevalence among COVID-19 deaths, thus not supporting the hypothesis of a clinically relevant involvement of DPP4 in COVID-19 development and progression

    Response to comment on Vassy et al. polygenic type 2 diabetes prediction at the limit of common variant detection. Diabetes 2014;63:2172-2182.

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    Abbasi et al. (1) raise excellent points about the current and future states of type 2 diabetes risk prediction. Two issues in particular are worth consideration. First, our clinical and polygenic prediction models do not include time-varying assessments of known risk factors such as BMI and fasting glucose (2). Abbasi et al. are correct that doing so would likely improve the models\u2019 predictive accuracy. Instead, we patterned our models on what is more common in clinical practice. In many ways, the Framingham Heart Study cardiovascular disease risk score defines the paradigm of using a \u201csnapshot in time\u201d approach to risk assessment. That is, what can the characteristics of a patient sitting in front of the clinician tell him or her about that patient\u2019s risk of an outcome 10 years from now? The dynamic risk factors Abbasi et al. propose will be especially salient if clinicians increasingly incorporate risk factor trajectories into their clinical decision making. Second, their tiered approach to risk stratification (i.e., obtaining more resource-intensive information only among those individuals whose history suggests higher risk) places an appropriate emphasis on the risks, benefits, and costs of screening. We agree with their call for an evaluation of such screening strategies, although we would argue that anthropometry and basic laboratory analyses are already routinely measured in the many clinical settings. An interesting question, then, is whether collection of genome-wide data will be increasingly routine in the clinical setting or even brought by the patients themselves after consulting genotyping services outside of the standard clinical setting. We think our analyses show that even if each individual had his or her genotype for common genetic variation stored in the electronic medical record, its marginal value in diabetes risk prediction would be small. Whether more sophisticated genetic information available soon from high-throughput whole-genome sequencing with detailed functional annotation will improve type 2 diabetes risk prediction, drug targeting, or patient care overall remains an important question for the future

    Sex differences in the association of psychological status with measures of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in adults with type 2 diabetes

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    Aim – To assess the association of psychological variables on leisure time physical activity and sedentary time in men and women with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D). Methods – In this cross-sectional study, we evaluated 163 patients with T2D, consecutively recruited at the Diabetes Centre of the Verona General Hospital. Scores on depression and anxiety symptoms, psychosocial factors (including self-efficacy, perceived interference, perceived severity, social support, misguided support behaviour, spouse’s positive behaviour), physical activity and time spent sitting were ascertained using questionnaires responses to the Beck Depression Inventory-II, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Multidimensional Diabetes Questionnaire, International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Results – Physical activity was significantly associated with higher social support in women, and with increased self-efficacy in men. Sedentary time was significantly associated with higher perceived interference, anxiety and depressive symptoms, and with reduced diabetes self-efficacy in women, while it was associated solely with anxiety in men. Depressive symptoms and self-efficacy in women and anxiety symptoms in men were independent predictors of sedentary time when entered in a multivariable regression model also including age, BMI, hemoglobin A1c, diabetes duration, perceived interference and self-efficacy as covariates. Conclusions – Lower self-efficacy and higher symptoms of depression were closely associated with increased sedentary time in women, but not in men, with T2D. It is possible that individualized behavioral interventions designed to reduce depressive symptoms and to improve diabetes self-efficacy would ultimately reduce sedentary behaviours, particularly in women with T2D

    Serum HMGB1 levels are independently associated with glucose clamp-derived measures of insulin resistance in women with PCOS

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    Purpose: PCOS is associated with low grade inflammation which could play a role in insulin resistance and ovarian dysfunction. Preliminary findings suggested that serum levels of HMGB1, a cytokine involved in inflammation, might be altered in women with PCOS. Primary aim of this study was to assess whether HMGB1 serum concentrations are associated with PCOS and with the state of insulin resistance of these women. Methods: Sixty women with PCOS, selected to have a similar proportion of subjects with altered or normal insulin sensitivity, and 29 healthy controls were studied. Serum HMGB1 levels were compared in subgroups of PCOS women and controls. In PCOS women, insulin sensitivity was assessed by the glucose clamp technique and HMGB1 was measured at baseline and after acute hyperinsulinemia. Results: HMGB1 levels were similar in women with PCOS and controls and no elements used for diagnosing PCOS were associated with serum HMGB1. However, HMGB1 concentrations were higher in insulin-resistant vs insulin-sensitive PCOS women (p = 0.017), and inversely associated with insulin-induced total and non-oxidative glucose metabolism. In both subgroups of PCOS women, serum HMBG1 levels significantly increased after acute hyperinsulinemia. Conclusions: These data suggest that HMGB1 levels are not associated with PCOS per se, but with insulin resistance. Further research should establish the underlying nature of this relationship, and whether this protein might play a role in the metabolic complications of PCOS

    Prognostic impact of in-hospital hyperglycemia in hospitalized patients with acute heart failure: Results of the IN-HF (Italian Network on Heart Failure) Outcome registry

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    Objectives: Although diabetes mellitus is frequently associated with heart failure (HF), the association between elevated admission glucose levels and adverse outcomes has not been well established in hospitalized patients with acute HF. Methods: We prospectively evaluated in-hospital mortality, post-discharge 1-year mortality and 1-year re-hospitalization rates in the Italian Network on Heart Failure (IN-HF) Outcome registry cohort of 1776 patients hospitalized with acute HF and stratified by their admission glucose levels (i.e., known diabetes, newly diagnosed hyperglycemia, no diabetes). Results: Compared with those without diabetes (n = 586), patients with either known diabetes (n = 749) (unadjusted-odds ratio [OR] 1.64, 95%CI 0.99\u20132.70) or newly diagnosed hyperglycemia (n = 441) (unadjusted-OR 2.34, 95%CI 1.39\u20133.94) had higher in-hospital mortality, but comparable post-discharge 1-year mortality rates. After adjustment for age, sex, systolic blood pressure, estimated glomerular filtration rate, left ventricular ejection fraction, HF etiology and HF worsening/de novo presentation, the results remained unchanged in patients with known diabetes (adjusted-OR 1.86, 95%CI 1.01\u20133.42), while achieved borderline significance in those with newly diagnosed hyperglycemia (adjusted-OR 1.81, 95%CI 0.95\u20133.45). One-year re-hospitalization rates were lower in patients with newly diagnosed hyperglycemia (adjusted-hazard ratio 0.74, 95%CI 0.56\u20130.96) than in other groups. Conclusions: Elevated admission blood glucose levels are associated with poorer in-hospital survival outcomes in patients with acute HF, especially in those with previously known diabetes. This finding further highlights the importance of tight glycemic control during hospital stay and address the need of dedicated intervention studies to identify customized clinical protocols to improve in-hospital survival of these high-risk patients

    Evolocumab and lipoprotein apheresis combination therapy may have synergic effects to reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia: A case report

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    A 49 years old woman (weight 68 kg, BMI 27.3 kg/m2 ) with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HeFH) and multiple statin intolerance with muscle aches and creatine kinase elevation, presented at the Outpatient Lipid Clinic of Verona University Hospital in May 2015. Hypercholesterolemia was firstly diagnosed during adolescence, followed in adulthood by a diagnosis of Cogan's syndrome, a rheumatologic disorder characterized by corneal and inner ear inflammation. No xanthomas, corneal arcus, or vascular bruits were detectable at physical examination. Screening for macrovascular complications did not reveal relevant damages. Ongoing medical therapy included salicylic acid, methylprednisolone, methotrexate, and protonic-pump inhibitor. In the absence of specific lipid-lowering therapy, plasma lipid levels at first visit were: total-cholesterol\u2009=\u2009522 mg/dL, LDL-cholesterol\u2009=\u2009434 mg/dL, HDL-cholesterol\u2009=\u200984 mg/dL, triglycerides\u2009=\u2009120 mg/dL, Lp(a)\u2009=\u200913 mg/dL. On December 2015, evolocumab 140 mg sc every 2 weeks was initiated. After a 24-week treatment, the LDL-cholesterol levels decreased by an average of 21.2% to 342\u2009\ub1\u200922 mg/dL (mean\u2009\ub1\u2009SD). On May 2016, LDL-apheresis (H.E.L.P.system) was started as add-on therapy. Compared to the average levels obtained during the evolocumab monotherapy period, the LDL-cholesterol was reduced by 49.4%, thus reaching an inter-apheresis level (mean\u2009\ub1\u2009SD) of 173\u2009\ub1\u200937 mg/dL. This report suggests that a combination therapy with evolocumab and lipoprotein-apheresis may have synergic effects on circulating lipid levels. Its relevance as a highly effective treatment option for hyperlipidemia in HeFH patients warrants further investigation in larger datasets

    Chronic complications in patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes: prevalence and related metabolic and clinical features: the Verona Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Study (VNDS) 9

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    INTRODUCTION: We explored the presence of chronic complications in subjects with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes referred to the Verona Diabetes Clinic. Metabolic (insulin secretion and sensitivity) and clinical features associated with complications were also investigated.RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: The comprehensive assessment of microvascular and macrovascular complications included detailed medical history, resting ECG, ultrasonography of carotid and lower limb arteries, quantitative neurological evaluation, cardiovascular autonomic tests, ophthalmoscopy, kidney function tests. Insulin sensitivity and beta-cell function were assessed by state-of-the-art techniques (insulin clamp and mathematical modeling of glucose/C-peptide curves during oral glucose tolerance test).RESULTS: We examined 806 patients (median age years, two-thirds males), of whom prior clinical cardiovascular disease (CVD) was revealed in 11.2% and preclinical CVD in 7.7%. Somatic neuropathy was found in 21.2% and cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in 18.6%. Retinopathy was observed in 4.9% (background 4.2%, proliferative 0.7%). Chronic kidney disease (estimated glomerular filtration rate <60mL/min/1.73 m2) was found in 8.8% and excessive albuminuria in 13.2% (microalbuminuria 11.9%, macroalbuminuria 1.3%).Isolated microvascular disease occurred in 30.8%, isolated macrovascular disease in 9.3%, a combination of both in 9.1%, any complication in 49.2% and no complications in 50.8%.Gender, age, body mass index, smoking, hemoglobin A1c and/or hypertension were independently associated with one or more complications. Insulin resistance and beta-cell dysfunction were associated with macrovascular but not microvascular disease.CONCLUSIONS: Despite a generally earlier diagnosis for an increased awareness of the disease, as many as ~50% of patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes had clinical or preclinical manifestations of microvascular and/or macrovascular disease. Insulin resistance might play an independent role in macrovascular disease.TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT01526720

    Fifteen years trends of cardiogenic shock and mortality in patients with diabetes and acute coronary syndromes

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    PURPOSE: Our study was intended to examine time trends of management and mortality of acute coronary syndrome patients with associated diabetes mellitus. METHODS: We analyzed data from 5 nationwide registries established between 2001 and 2014, including consecutive acute coronary syndrome patients admitted to the Italian Intensive Cardiac Care Units. RESULTS: Of 28,225 participants, 8521 (30.2%) had diabetes: as compared with patients without diabetes, they were older and had significantly higher rates of prior myocardial infarction and comorbidities (all P < .0001). Prevalence of diabetes and comorbidities increased over time (P for trend < .0001). Cardiogenic shock rates were higher in patients with diabetes, as compared with those without diabetes (7.8% vs 2.8%, P < .0001), and decreased significantly over time only in patients without diabetes (P = .007). Revascularization rates increased over time in patients both with and without diabetes (both P for trend < .0001), although with persistingly lower rates in patients with diabetes. All-cause in-hospital mortality was higher in patients with diabetes (5.4 vs 2.5%, respectively, P < .0001) and decreased more consistently in patients without diabetes (P for trend = .007 and < .0001, respectively). At multivariable analysis, diabetes remains an independent predictor of both cardiogenic shock (odds ratio 2.03; 95% confidence interval, 1.77-2.32; P < .0001) and mortality (odds ratio 1.95; 95% confidence interval, 1.69-2.26; P < .0001). CONCLUSIONS: Despite significant mortality reductions observed over 15 years in acute coronary syndromes, patients with diabetes continue to show threefold higher rates of cardiogenic shock and lower revascularization rates as compared with patients without diabetes. These findings may explain the persistingly higher mortality of patients with diabetes and acute coronary syndromes

    Polygenic type 2 diabetes prediction at the limit of common variant detection.

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) may have reached their limit of detecting common type 2 diabetes (T2D)-associated genetic variation. We evaluated the performance of current polygenic T2D prediction. Using data from the Framingham Offspring (FOS) and the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) studies, we tested three hypotheses: 1) a 62-locus genotype risk score (GRSt) improves T2D prediction compared with previous less inclusive GRSt; 2) separate GRS for \u3b2-cell (GRS\u3b2) and insulin resistance (GRSIR) independently predict T2D; and 3) the relationships between T2D and GRSt, GRS\u3b2, or GRSIR do not differ between blacks and whites. Among 1,650 young white adults in CARDIA, 820 young black adults in CARDIA, and 3,471 white middle-aged adults in FOS, cumulative T2D incidence was 5.9%, 14.4%, and 12.9%, respectively, over 25 years. The 62-locus GRSt was significantly associated with incident T2D in all three groups. In FOS but not CARDIA, the 62-locus GRSt improved the model C statistic (0.698 and 0.726 for models without and with GRSt, respectively; P < 0.001) but did not materially improve risk reclassification in either study. Results were similar among blacks compared with whites. The GRS\u3b2 but not GRSIR predicted incident T2D among FOS and CARDIA whites. At the end of the era of common variant discovery for T2D, polygenic scores can predict T2D in whites and blacks but do not outperform clinical models. Further optimization of polygenic prediction may require novel analytic methods, including less common as well as functional variants
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