655 research outputs found

    Analysis of Legowo Row Planting System and System of Rice Intensification (Sri) of Paddy Field (Oryza Sativa L.) Toward Growth and Production

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    Rice is the main commodity crops in the province of Gorontalo, in addition to maize and pulses. One alternative technology to increase productivity is through application of Legowo cropping system that is engineered way of planting the tiles so that there is a spacious room extends to one direction between two rows of rice plants, while the other way seemed more tightly. In rice cultivation with system of transplanting, planting distance is one factor of production that is very important because it determines the productivity achieved. This research is expected to be a reference for farmers, especially in the province of Gorontalo to carry rice cultivation so as to increase the production of rice plants. The design of the study is a Randomized Complete Block Design by comparing between systems that are often used by farmers, namely row planting system tiles (S0), the system of row planting Legowo (2: 1) (S1), system of row planting Legowo (4: 1 ) (S2), planting system SRI (S3). The parameters of observations made were plant height, number of tillers, production (kg/plot), and observations of soil samplesman. The results showed treatment plant system of tiles provide number of tiller and height of plants that are best compared with other treatments. The best results for a number of productive tillers, the average production of grain/plot, grain weight of 1000 grain was in the treatment plant system Legowo row 2: 1

    Tradisi Festival Perahu Layar "Jongkong" di Kecamatan Buru Kabupaten Karimun

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    Saling boats or jongkong is the one of folk game in the along the Karimun coastline and become a tradition for the Malay people that live as fisherman. Now a days this game (festival) is the annual event. This game always conducted to commemorate the independence day on seven teenth August. Aim of this research are to discover (1) history of sailing boat “jongkong” festival in the Buru Region, Karimun Regency. (2) the incentive factors of sailing boat “jongkong” festival in the Buru Region, Karimun Regency. (3) the shape and the parts of sailing boat “jongkong” in the Buru Region, Karimun Regency (4) the conduction process of the sailing boat “jongkong” festival game in the Buru Region, Karimun Regency. (5) the benefit for the citizen in the sailing boat “jongkong” festival game on Buru Region, Karimun Regency. Methods used in this research are historic methoods and qualitative methods. Data generated from interview result analyzed to the own language. The research location in the Buru Region, Karimun Regency. The research began from proposal colloquium to the scription examination. Data collection technics use the observation technic, interview technic, documentation technic, and literature study technic

    Peningkatan Kemandirian Peserta Didik Melalui Strategi Pembelajaran Problem Solving Pada Kompetensi Perawatan Dan Perbaikan Pc Di Kelas X Tkj Smk Negeri 3 YOGYAKARTA

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    Pembelajaran praktik yang kurang bervariasi, menjadikan kemandirian peserta didik tidak berkembang. Terlebih peserta didik belum memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup. Peserta didik dengan kompetensi kurang, cenderung bergantung kepada anggota yang memiliki kompetensi lebih. Salah satu alternatif pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan kemandirian peserta didik dengan menerapkan strategi pembelajaran problem solving untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Berdasarkan uraian di atas, peneliti mencoba untuk menerapkan strategi ini sebagai alternatif pembelajaran dengan rumusan masalah : 1) Langkah-langkah apa yang perlu dilakukan dalam menerapkan strategi pembelajaran problem solving pada kompetensi perawatan dan perbaikan PC ? 2) Apakah strategi pembelajaran problem solving dapat meningkatkan kemandirian peserta didik pada kompetensi perawatan dan perbaikan PC ? Berdasarkan paparan di atas, peneliti menggunakan desain penelitian tindakan kelas jenis kolaboratis partisipatoris dengan model yang dikembangkan oleh Elliott. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan observasi, interview dan dokumentasi. Data yang bersifat kualitatif dianalisis dengan deskriptif kualitatif. Sedangkan data yang bersifat kuantitatif dianalisis dengan deskriptif kuantitatif. Penerapan strategi problem solving dalam penelitian ini dengan langkah sebagai berikut : 1) Peserta didik untuk menggali informasi secara mandiri melalui internet dalam bentuk video tutorial. 2) Peserta didik melakukan eksplorasi pengetahuan ke dalam praktik sebagai bentuk penerapan kompetensi/skill yang harus dikuasai. 3) Peserta didik menyelesaikan tugas/permasalahan berdasarkan hasil latihan yang telah dilaksanakan. 4) Konfirmasi antar peserta didik pada setiap akhir tugas praktik sebagi bentuk cara belajar teman sebaya (peer teaching). 5) Mengungkap kembali pengetahuan/ketrampilan tersebut ke dalam bentuk laporan individu. Hasil observasi dan data empiris di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa penerapan strategi ini terbukti dapat meningkatkan kemandirian belajar peserta didik pada kompetensi perawatan dan perbaikan PC. Hasil observasi sikus I dan siklus II, dapat diketahui adanya peningkatan terhadap kemandirian sebesar 19% dari nilai semula 72% menjadi 91%. Pola penerapan strategi ini dengan menggabungkan dengan strategi pembelajaran trouble shooting menjadikan peserta didik mandiri dalam belajar

    Dividend Omission Announcement Effect to Market Reaction in Indonesia Stock Exchange

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    This study examined the signalling theory about how the market / investors respond to dividend announcements made by companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period 2008-2012. This period was chosen because the economy and economic growth of Indonesia is relatively stable. In general, the objective of this research is to develop new theoretical approaches, in an effort to resolve the conceptual controversies regarding the impact of dividend policy on firm value. That in detail, in particular, objective: To analyze and empirically test the market reaction to the announcement dividend omissions, as well as Analyze and test empirically the firm-specific characteristics variables that affect the market reaction. The samples are all companies that announced dividend policy for 5 years as many as 242 companies with 729 event announcements. The results showed that in events dividend announcement found a significant reaction from the market. At the announcement of dividend omissions, there are 5 significant observations with 2 observations fit in theory. The study also shows none of the significant characteristics of the company is able to explain the market reaction to dividend announcements

    Pitting Corrosion Model for Partial Prestressed Concrete (Pc) Structures in a Chloride Environment

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    Prestressed concrete structures cannot escape from corrosion problems, especially when they are subjected to very aggressive environment, such as chloride environment. For prestressed concrete structures, corrosion of prestressing strands may initiate structural collapse due to higher stress levels in the steel. Research on corrosion effect on concrete structures has mainly considered the effect of corrosion have on reinforced and full prestressed concrete structures. In this study, a structural framework will be developed to predict the flexural strength of partial prestressed concrete structures in a chloride environment. The framework developed will be combined with probability analysis to take into account the variability of parameters influencing the corrosion process

    Legal Protection for Disputing Parties through the Aceh Customary Court

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    Article 13 paragraph (1) of the Aceh Qanun Number 9 of 2008 on the Development of Customary and Indigenous Life discussing customary disputes mentions that ideally, the customary court can solve customary disputes. However, sometimes, it can not solve all cases and provide legal protection for all disputing parties. This study aims to explain the process of resolving private disputes through the customary court and providing legal protection for the parties. This type of research was empirical juridical with qualitative analysis. The results showed that a dispute resolution process could be done through two models. First is through customary judicature using formalized procedures by involving customary instruments. Second is using positive law indicator by not providing legal protection for the parties. Certain parties will typically file a lawsuit again after getting the customary court's decision. This research suggests collaboration among the Government, the Police, and the Customary Assembly in consistently promoting the customary court and improving the quality of customary instruments

    Legal Protection for Disputing Parties through the Aceh Customary Court

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    Article 13 paragraph (1) of the Aceh Qanun Number 9 of 2008 on the Development of Customary and Indigenous Life discussing customary disputes mentions that ideally, the customary court can solve customary disputes. However, sometimes, it can not solve all cases and provide legal protection for all disputing parties. This study aims to explain the process of resolving private disputes through the customary court and providing legal protection for the parties. This type of research was empirical juridical with qualitative analysis. The results showed that a dispute resolution process could be done through two models. First is through customary judicature using formalized procedures by involving customary instruments. Second is using positive law indicator by not providing legal protection for the parties. Certain parties will typically file a lawsuit again after getting the customary court's decision. This research suggests collaboration among the Government, the Police, and the Customary Assembly in consistently promoting the customary court and improving the quality of customary instruments

    Evaluasi Desain Termal Kondensor Pltn Tipe Pwr Menggunakan Program Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Design

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    The study was executed to get a quick calculation method for the design of equipment heat exchanger type shell and tube with a program shell and tube heat exchanger design. The purpose of this study was to obtain the results of the validation program shell and tube heat exchanger design of a condenser with power 4368.75 kW and the results of the evaluation program shell and tube heat exchanger design on the thermal design condensers nuclear power plant AP1000 PWR type. Input data into the program is done by inserting the parameters temperature, flow rate, physical properties and geometrical dimensions of the available designs of heat exchanger equipment specifications. Parameter for comparison of data can be obtained from the results of other calculations or experimental data. The results of comparison of the validation program shell and tube heat exchanger with condenser design calculations showed the highest difference found on Utube parameter equal to 1.3% lower than the design condition. This occurs because of differences in calculation between the program designed. The result evaluation of program shell and tube heat exchanger design toward the thermal design condensers nuclear power plant PWR type AP1000 obtained unknown parameters from the technical specifications

    Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Student Teams Achievement Divisions (Stad) untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar IPS Terpadu Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Sawan Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar IPS Terpadu serta mengetahui respons siswa melalui implementasi model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD pada siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Sawan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan secara kolaboratif dengan guru mata pelajaran IPS Terpadu. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 26 siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Sawan tahun pelajaran 2012/2013. Data aktivitas belajar siswa dikumpulkan dengan metode observasi, data hasil belajar siswa dikumpulkan melalui tes hasil belajar, dan data mengenai respons siswa dikumpulkan melalui angket.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, pertama, implementasi model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dapat meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa dengan perbedaan skor yang tidak signifikan yang ditunjukkan oleh hasil penelitian pada siklus I dengan rata-rata skor aktivitas sebesar 45,04 yang berada pada kategori aktif selanjutnya menjadi 46,4 yang berada pada kategori aktif pada siklus II. Kedua, implementasi model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dengan perbedaan nilai siswa yang tidak signifikan, yaitu pada siklus I rata-rata nilai siswa sebesar 75,9 selanjutnya meningkat menjadi 76,92 pada siklus II. Adapun respons siswa terhadap implementasi model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD berada pada kategori positif dengan skor rata-rata respons siswa sebesar 38,7.Kata Kunci: aktivitas belajar, hasil belajar, model pembelajaran kooperatif, dan respons siswa

    Rancang Bangun Trainer Sistem Kelistrikan Honda Supra X 125 Pgm – Fi Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Praktik Sepeda Motor

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    MIL (Malfunction Indicator Lamp) berfungsi memberikan informasi kerusakan yang ada pada sistem injeksi sehingga dapat diketahui komponen/sensor mana yang mengalami kerusakan yang  bisa diperbaiki oleh mekanik. MIL bekerja dengan cara berkedip, jadi kerusakan sensor yang terjadi diberi tanda dengan kedipan. Setiap kedipan memiliki arti pada masing – masing komponen, maka dari itu setiap pemilik kendaraan dengan teknologi EFI dianjurkan untuk mengetahui maksud dari kedipan tersebut. Dari alasan tersebut penulis membuat trainer sistem kelistrikan Honda Supra X 125 PGM – FI agar mengetahui maksud dari kedipan MIL yang ditimbulkan pada speedometer. Obyek yang digunakan adalah Honda Supra X 125 PGM – FI. Pemeriksaan dilakukan dengan standar yang ada pada Buku Pedoman Reparasi Honda Supra X 125 PGM – FI. Trainer bekerja pada putaran mesin 750 – 1500 rpm. Dari hasil pengujian trainer sistem kelistrikan Honda Supra X 125 PGM – FI semua komponen dapat bekerja dengan baik. Pada saat pemeriksaan sistem PGM – FI ketika salah satu sensor tidak dipasang dalam sistem, akan tampak kode kegagalan yang ditunjukkan oleh MIL dan MIL tidak akan menyala ketika sensor tersebut dipasang di dalam sistem dengan benar. Namun, kode kegagalan masih tersimpan di dalam ECM yang akan terhapus jika dilakukan penghapusan kode kegagalan menggunakan DLC (Data Link Connector) short connector melalui DLC. Jika terlalu banyak kode kegagalan yang tersimpan di dalam ECM, maka akan mempengaruhi performa mesin serta ECM akan mengalami fatal error sehingga tidak dapat digunakan kembali.   Kata Kunci: PGM – FI (Programmed Fuel Injection), ECM (Engine Control Module), DLC (Data Link Connector), dan MIL (Malfunction Indicator Lamp)
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