163 research outputs found


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    Sungai Krueng Baro merupakan sungai utama yang terletak di Kabupaten Pidie. Sungai Krueng Baro mempunyai panjang keseluruhan 61,7 km, melewati 8 kecamatan dengan luas DAS sebesar 571,84 km2 yang airnya berasal dari pegunungan Tangse atau Beungga. Sungai Krueng Baro merupakan sungai yang sering dilanda banjir. Banjir pada DAS Krueng Baro ini disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, yaitu tingginya erosi dan sedimentasi yang disebabkan oleh sering terjadinya galian C secara illegal pada hulu sungai. Panjang sungai yang ditinjau pada pemodelan banjir ini adalah 3,7 km yang berada di Desa Pulo Pante, Desa Bareh, Desa Kandang, dan Desa Rieweuk dengan luas DAS yang diperoleh dari perhitungan sebesar 218,28 km2. Tujuan dari penelitian yang dilakukan pada Sungai Krueng Baro ini adalah untuk memprediksi besarnya debit banjir dan waktu tercapainya debit puncak selama terjadinya hujan. Selain itu juga dilakukan kajian terhadap pengendalian banjir guna memberikan informasi terhadap rencana penanganan permasalahan banjir. Metode studi yang digunakan adalah dengan mengumpulkan data sekunder berupa data debit sungai, peta DAS dan data geometri sungai. Debit banjir rencana periode ulang 25 tahun dihitung menggunakan metode MLM. Debit banjir rencana yang digunakan adalah Q 25 = 609,188 m3/s. Debit banjir rencana Q25 = 609,188 m3s digunakan untuk running software HEC-RAS 4.1. Normalisasi sungai yang dilakukan berupa pengerukan dasar sungai. Hasil running kapasitas sungai kondisi eksisting, banjir tertinggi yang terjadi adalah 0,97 m yang terletak pada STA 2+050. Total limpasan yang terjadi sebanyak 41 pias. Setelah pengerukan dasar sungai dilakukan, total limpasan yang terjadi menurun drastis dengan jumlah limpasan terjadi hanya pada 8 pias. Limpasan tertinggi yang terjadi pada kondisi normalisasi adalah 0,73 m pada STA2+050. Elevasi muka air banjir yang terjadi dapat ditanggulangi dengan cara peningkatan elevasi tanggul

    Automated camera ranking and selection using video content and scene context

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    PhDWhen observing a scene with multiple cameras, an important problem to solve is to automatically identify “what camera feed should be shown and when?” The answer to this question is of interest for a number of applications and scenarios ranging from sports to surveillance. In this thesis we present a framework for the ranking of each video frame and camera across time and the camera network, respectively. This ranking is then used for automated video production. In the first stage information from each camera view and from the objects in it is extracted and represented in a way that allows for object- and frame-ranking. First objects are detected and ranked within and across camera views. This ranking takes into account both visible and contextual information related to the object. Then content ranking is performed based on the objects in the view and camera-network level information. We propose two novel techniques for content ranking namely: Routing Based Ranking (RBR) and Multivariate Gaussian based Ranking (MVG). In RBR we use a rule based framework where weighted fusion of object and frame level information takes place while in MVG the rank is estimated as a multivariate Gaussian distribution. Through experimental and subjective validation we demonstrate that the proposed content ranking strategies allows the identification of the best-camera at each time. The second part of the thesis focuses on the automatic generation of N-to-1 videos based on the ranked content. We demonstrate that in such production settings it is undesirable to have frequent inter-camera switching. Thus motivating the need for a compromise, between selecting the best camera most of the time and minimising the frequent inter-camera switching, we demonstrate that state-of-the-art techniques for this task are inadequate and fail in dynamic scenes. We propose three novel methods for automated camera selection. The first method (¡go f ) performs a joint optimization of a cost function that depends on both the view quality and inter-camera switching so that a i Abstract ii pleasing best-view video sequence can be composed. The other two methods (¡dbn and ¡util) include the selection decision into the ranking-strategy. In ¡dbn we model the best-camera selection as a state sequence via Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG) designed as a Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN), which encodes the contextual knowledge about the camera network and employs the past information to minimize the inter camera switches. In comparison ¡util utilizes the past as well as the future information in a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) where the camera-selection at a certain time is influenced by the past information and its repercussions in the future. The performance of the proposed approach is demonstrated on multiple real and synthetic multi-camera setups. We compare the proposed architectures with various baseline methods with encouraging results. The performance of the proposed approaches is also validated through extensive subjective testing

    Uniform convergence of the Bieberbach polynomials in closed smooth domains of bounded boundary rotation

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    AbstractLet G be a Jordan smooth domain of bounded boundary rotation, let z0∈G, and let w=ϕ0(z) be the conformal mapping of G onto D(0,r0)≔{w:|w|<r0} with the normalization ϕ0(z0)=0,ϕ0′(z0)=1. Let also πn(z),n=1,2,…, be the Bieberbach polynomials for the pair (G,z0). We investigate the uniform convergence of these polynomials on Ḡ and prove the estimate||ϕ0−πn||Ḡ≔maxz∈Ḡ|ϕ0(z)−πn(z)|⩽cn1−ε,for some constant c=c(ε) independent of n

    Use of Corrosion Inhibitors for Steel Protection in Cementitious Composites-A Review

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    Steel reinforced cementitious composite is one of the most commonly used materials in construction industries. This is mainly because of its excellent mechanical properties that can withstand various types of loading conditions and low cost. But, the corrosion of embedded steel reinforcement is a main problem associated with steel reinforced cementitious composite because it shortens the life of structure. The most important causes of corrosion initiation of steel reinforcement are the ingress of carbon dioxide and chloride ions to the surface of steel. Though, the corrosion initiation of embedded steel can be delayed using corrosion inhibitors. However, after starting of corrosion, the effectiveness of corrosion inhibitor was reported to be reduced significantly and propagation of corrosion becomes more rapidly. Generally, the negative effects of the corrosion inhibitors on properties of cementitious composite were reported to be negligible. Also, the information regarding the long-term performance of the corrosion inhibitors in actual practice are very limited. Various investigations reported several types of corrosion inhibitors in order to control the corrosion of steel that were also used in construction industries commercially. However, some of the corrosion inhibitors were found to be poisonous and harmful to the environment. Therefore, there is need for more research on the corrosion inhibitors in order to find out the suitable inhibitor with low cost and without side effects to the environment

    Approximation in Smirnov-Orlicz classes

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    We use the approximation properties of the Faber polynomials to obtain some direct theorems of the polynomial approximation in Smirnov-Orlicz classes

    Approximation and moduli of fractional order in Smirnov-Orlicz classes

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    In this work we investigate the approximation problems in the Smirnov-Orlicz spaces in terms of the fractional modulus of smoothness. We prove the direct and inverse theorems in these spaces and obtain a constructive descriptions of the Lipschitz classes of functions defined by the fractional order modulus of smoothness, in particular

    Convalescent Plasma Therapy: A Passive Therapy for An Aggressive COVID-19

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    As of May 19, 2020, there are in total 4,986,200 laboratory-confirmed Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) cases. 2% (45,425) out of 2,657,390 active COVID-19 cases are critically ill and might be requiring intensive care support. Unfortunately, even after six months since its first detection, we still do not have any definitive treatment options for COVID-19 pneumonia. Recently, the use of human convalescent plasma is being considered as a potential option for the treatment of COVID-19

    The properties of convolution type operators in weighted Orlicz spaces

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    In the weighted Orlicz spaces a convolution type transform is defined and a relation between this transform and the best approximation by trigonometric polynomials in the weighted Orlicz spaces is obtained

    Efficient Circular Repeated Measurements Designs Nearly Strongly Balanced for Carryover Effects

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    Repeated measurements designs (RMDs) are always economical but with the use of these designs, there may arise carryover effects. Minimal strongly balanced RMDs are well known to estimate the treatment effects and carryover effects independently. Where these minimal designs cannot be constructed, minimal nearly strongly balanced RMDs are used to balance the carryover effects. In this article, efficient circular nearly strongly balanced RMDs are constructed in periods of two and three different sizes with the smallest of size four