14,270 research outputs found

    Spin-axis attitude estimation and magnetometer bias determination for the AMPTE mission

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    Algorithms were developed for magnetometer biases and spin axis attitude calculation. Numerical examples of the performance of the algorithm are given

    Thickness dependence of spin-orbit torques generated by WTe2

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    We study current-induced torques in WTe2/permalloy bilayers as a function of WTe2 thickness. We measure the torques using both second-harmonic Hall and spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance measurements for samples with WTe2 thicknesses that span from 16 nm down to a single monolayer. We confirm the existence of an out-of-plane antidamping torque, and show directly that the sign of this torque component is reversed across a monolayer step in the WTe2. The magnitude of the out-of-plane antidamping torque depends only weakly on WTe2 thickness, such that even a single-monolayer WTe2 device provides a strong torque that is comparable to much thicker samples. In contrast, the out-of-plane field-like torque has a significant dependence on the WTe2 thickness. We demonstrate that this field-like component originates predominantly from the Oersted field, thereby correcting a previous inference drawn by our group based on a more limited set of samples.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Abell 2111: An Optical and Radio Study of the Richest Butcher-Oemler Cluster

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    We present an in-depth analysis of the Butcher-Oemler cluster A2111, including new optical spectroscopy plus a deep Very Large Array (VLA) radio continuum observation. These are combined with optical imaging from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) to assess the activity and properties of member galaxies. Prior X-ray studies have suggested A2111 is a head-on cluster merger, a dynamical state which might be connected to the high level of activity inferred from its blue fraction. We are able to directly assess this claim, using our spectroscopic data to identify 95 cluster members among 196 total galaxy spectra. These galaxy velocities do not themselves provide significant evidence for the merger interpretation, however they are consistent with it provided the system is viewed near the time of core passage and at a viewing angle >~30 degrees different from the merger axis. The SDSS data allow us to confirm the high blue fraction for A2111, f_b = 0.15 +/- 0.03 based on photometry alone and f_b = 0.23 +/- 0.03 using spectroscopic data to remove background galaxies. We are able to detect 175 optical sources from the SDSS in our VLA radio data, of which 35 have redshift information. We use the SDSS photometry to determine photometric redshifts for the remaining 140 radio-optical sources. In total we identify up to 26 cluster radio galaxies, 14 of which have spectroscopic redshifts. The optical spectroscopy and radio data reveal a substantial population of dusty starbursts within the cluster. The high blue fraction and prevalence of star formation is consistent with the hypothesis that dynamically-active clusters are associated with more active member galaxies than relaxed clusters.Comment: To appear in AJ; 53 pages including 10 figures and several long table

    Strategic Tax Planning for State Tax Amnesties: Evidence from Eligibility Period Restrictions

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    Tax amnesty programs have exploded in popularity among cash-strapped states since the beginning of the Great Recession. Though many scholars have been interested in the long-term tax compliance effects after amnesty programs, this article is the first to consider short-run compliance effects just prior to a known amnesty—a moral hazard effect leading to strategic delinquencies. Evidence of this is detected from year-over-year tax revenue change in quarters just prior to an amnesty program. Regression analysis on pre-amnesty periods for state tax amnesty programs between 1982 and 2011 indicates that states experience higher pre-amnesty revenues when recent delinquents are excluded from amnesty participation. The point estimates from ordinary least squares (OLS) indicated that about 4.3 to 6.4 percent of an average amnesty’s recovery came from strategically delayed payments, whereas IV/2SLS put the range at 12.9 to 16.5 percent

    Autologous Stem Cell Infusion for Treatment of Pulmonary Disease

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    Giant Cell Arteritis: Clinical Guide for the Eyecare Professional

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    Purpose The purpose of this article is to review giant cell arteritis, with a focus on ophthalmic manifestations, and provide a quick reference for clinical identification, diagnosis and appropriate management. Summary Giant cell arteritis is one of a few true medical emergencies that may present initially to the eyecare professional. Understanding the clinical picture of disease course and management arms the eyecare professional with the ability to detect and manage early in the disease process, potentially preventing blindness and life-threatening systemic manifestations

    The Class 0 Protostar BHR71: Herschel Observations and Dust Continuum Models

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    We use Herschel spectrophotometry of BHR71, an embedded Class 0 protostar, to provide new constraints on its physical properties. We detect 645 (non-unique) spectral lines amongst all spatial pixels. At least 61 different spectral lines originate from the central region. A CO rotational diagram analysis shows four excitation temperature components, 43 K, 197 K, 397 K, and 1057 K. Low-J CO lines trace the outflow while the high-J CO lines are centered on the infrared source. The low-excitation emission lines of H2O trace the large-scale outflow, while the high-excitation emission lines trace a small-scale distribution around the equatorial plane. We model the envelope structure using the dust radiative transfer code, Hyperion, incorporating rotational collapse, an outer static envelope, outflow cavity, and disk. The evolution of a rotating collapsing envelope can be constrained by the far-infrared/millimeter SED along with the azimuthally-averaged radial intensity profile, and the structure of the outflow cavity plays a critical role at shorter wavelengths. Emission at 20-40 um requires a cavity with a constant-density inner region and a power-law density outer region. The best fit model has an envelope mass of 19 solar mass inside a radius of 0.315 pc and a central luminosity of 18.8 solar luminosity. The time since collapse began is 24630-44000 yr, most likely around 36000 yr. The corresponding mass infall rate in the envelope (1.2x105^{-5} solar mass per year) is comparable to the stellar mass accretion rate, while the mass loss rate estimated from the CO outflow is 20% of the stellar mass accretion rate. We find no evidence for episodic accretion.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 33 pages; 34 figures; 4 table

    Cooling Radiation and the Lyman-alpha Luminosity of Forming Galaxies

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    We examine the cooling radiation from forming galaxies in hydrodynamic simulations of the LCDM model (cold dark matter with a cosmological constant), focusing on the Ly-alpha line luminosities of high-redshift systems. Primordial composition gas condenses within dark matter potential wells, forming objects with masses and sizes comparable to the luminous regions of observed galaxies. As expected, the energy radiated in this process is comparable to the gravitational binding energy of the baryons, and the total cooling luminosity of the galaxy population peaks at z ~= 2. However, in contrast to the classical picture of gas cooling from the \sim 10^6 K virial temperature of a typical dark matter halo, we find that most of the cooling radiation is emitted by gas with T < 20,000 K. As a consequence, roughly 50% of this cooling radiation emerges in the Ly-alpha line. While a galaxy's cooling luminosity is usually smaller than the ionizing continuum luminosity of its young stars, the two are comparable in the most massive systems, and the cooling radiation is produced at larger radii, where the Ly-alpha photons are less likely to be extinguished by dust. We suggest, in particular, that cooling radiation could explain the two large (\sim 100 kpc), luminous (L_{Ly-alpha} \sim 10^{44} erg s^{-1}) ``blobs'' of Ly-alpha emission found in Steidel et al.'s (1999) narrow band survey of a z = 3 proto-cluster. Our simulations predict objects of the observed luminosity at about the right space density, and radiative transfer effects can account for the observed sizes and line widths. We discuss observable tests of this hypothesis for the nature of the Ly-alpha blobs, and we present predictions for the contribution of cooling radiation to the Ly-alpha luminosity function of galaxies as a function of redshift.Comment: Submitted to ApJ. 28 pages including 9 PS figures. Version with color figures available at http://donald.astro.umass.edu/~fardal/papers/cooling/cooling.htm

    Urinary diversion and bladder reconstruction/replacement using intestinal segments for intractable incontinence or following cystectomy

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    Background Surgery performed to improve or replace the function of the diseased urinary bladder has been carried out for over a century. Main reasons for improving or replacing the function of the urinary bladder are bladder cancer, neurogenic bladder dysfunction, detrusor overactivity and chronic inflammatory diseases of the bladder (such as interstitial cystitis, tuberculosis and schistosomiasis). There is still much uncertainty about the best surgical approach. Options available at the present time include: (1) conduit diversion (the creation of various intestinal conduits to the skin) or continent diversion (which includes either a rectal reservoir or continent cutaneous diversion), (2) bladder reconstruction and (3) replacement of the bladder with various intestinal segments. Objectives To determine the best way of improving or replacing the function of the lower urinary tract using intestinal segments when the bladder has to be removed or when it has been rendered useless or dangerous by disease. Search methods We searched the Cochrane Incontinence Group Specialised Trials Register (searched 28 October 2011), which contains trials identified from the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE and CINAHL, and handsearching of journals and conference proceedings, and the reference lists of relevant articles. Selection criteria All randomised or quasi-randomised controlled trials of surgery involving transposition of an intestinal segment into the urinary tract. Data collection and analysis Trials were evaluated for appropriateness for inclusion and for risk of bias by the review authors. Three review authors were involved in the data extraction. Data were combined in a meta-analysis when appropriate. Main results Five trials met the inclusion criteria with a total of 355 participants. These trials addressed only five of the 14 comparisons pre-specified in the protocol. One trial reported no statistically significant differences in the incidence of upper urinary tract infection, uretero-intestinal stenosis and renal deterioration in the comparison of continent diversion with conduit diversion. The confidence intervals were all wide, however, and did not rule out important clinical differences. In a second trial, there was no reported difference in the incidence of upper urinary tract infection and uretero-intestinal stenosis when conduit diversions were fashioned from either ileum or colon. A meta-analysis of two trials showed no statistically significant difference in daytime or nocturnal incontinence amongst participants who were randomised to ileocolonic/ileocaecal segment bladder replacement compared to an ileal bladder replacement. However, one small trial suggested that bladder replacement using an ileal segment compared to using an ileocolonic segment may be better in terms of lower rates of nocturnal incontinence. There were no differences in the incidence of dilatation of upper tract, daytime urinary incontinence or wound infection using different intestinal segments for bladder replacement. However the data were reported for 'renal units', but not in a form that allowed appropriate patient-based paired analyses. No statistically significant difference was found in the incidence of renal scarring between anti-refluxing versus freely refluxing uretero-intestinal anastomotic techniques in conduit diversions and bladder replacement groups. Again, the outcome data were not reported as paired analysis or in form to carry out paired analysis. Authors' conclusions The evidence from the included trials was very limited. Only five studies met the inclusion criteria; these were small, of moderate or poor methodological quality, and reported few of the pre-selected outcome measures. This review did not find any evidence that bladder replacement (orthotopic or continent diversion) was better than conduit diversion following cystectomy for cancer. There was no evidence to suggest that bladder reconstruction was better than conduit diversion for benign disease. The clinical significance of data from one small trial suggesting that bladder replacement using an ileal segment compared to using an ileocolonic segment is better in terms of lower rates of nocturnal incontinence is uncertain. The small amount of usable evidence for this review suggests that collaborative multi centre studies should be organised, using random allocation where possible. This review is published as a Cochrane Review in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 2. Cochrane Reviews are regularly updated as new evidence emerges and in response to comments and criticisms, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews should be consulted for the most recent version of the Review.</p