4,714 research outputs found

    Dynamisme, résultats et problèmes actuels de l’agriculture espagnole

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    The need to substitute capital for labor-force and the augmentation of internal demand explain the forms of expansion of spanish agriculture for the last 20 years: growth of production and changes in its composition, progression of productivity, intense mecanization, increase of imports more rapidly than exports. To day several factors disturbe this model of growth, the main ones being the slow-down or rural depopulation, the inequality on land distribution, the persistent weakness of breeding. In the crisis ' cycle, we may doubt that government and agricultors can reach, beyond their short term accommodation, a new long term compromise

    Bradu, Fabienne, El volcán y el sosiego. Una biografía de Gonzalo Rojas, Ciudad de México, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2016, 486 págs

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    Determinación de los parámetros de solubilidad de Hansen para el aceite de caña de azúcar. Uso del etanol para la refinación de la cera de caña de azúcar

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    Currently, the refining of sugarcane wax is carried out with 95% v/v ethanol as solvent. This process has a high rate of ethanol consumption thus, the main objective of this work was to corroborate the feasibility of 95% v/v ethanol as a solvent in the refining of sugarcane wax. The suitability of its performance over other organic solvents was evaluated through the relative energy difference (RED) determined from Hansen solubility parameters (HSPs) of sugarcane oil, which were calculated using HSPiP software. HSPs turned out to be δD = 16.24 MPa½, δP = 3.21 MPa½ and δH = 10.34 MPa½, similar to those reported for pine resin and castor oil. The best solvent was 1-decanol. 95% v/v ethanol turned out to be a bad solvent. Absolute ethanol had a RED value of 0.993, which made it a better candidate since it could reduce consumption rates, and constituted an eco-friendly solvent produced in Cuba for the refining process.La refinaciĂłn de la cera cruda de caña se realiza con etanol a 95% v/v, incurriendo en altos Ă­ndices de consumo, por lo que el objetivo principal de este trabajo es determinar si el etanol a 95% v/v es un solvente adecuado. Su uso respecto a otros solventes orgánicos es evaluado por la diferencia de energĂ­a relativa (RED) determinada a partir de los parámetros de solubilidad de Hansen (HSPs), se calcularon usando el programa HSPiP. Los HSPs fueron δD = 16.24 MPa½, δP = 3.21 MPa½ and δH = 10.34 MPa ½, siendo similares a los reportados para la resina de pino y el aceite de ricino. El mejor solvente fue 1-decanol, el etanol del 95% v/v fue un mal solvente; el etanol absoluto con un RED= 0.993 es un mejor candidato, ya que podrĂ­a reducir las tasas de consumo, manteniendo un solvente ecolĂłgico y producido en Cuba para el proceso de refinaciĂłn

    Non-ergodic effects in the Coulomb glass: specific heat

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    We present a numerical method for the investigation of non-ergodic effects in the Coulomb glass. For that, an almost complete set of low-energy many-particle states is obtained by a new algorithm. The dynamics of the sample is mapped to the graph formed by the relevant transitions between these states, that means by transitions with rates larger than the inverse of the duration of the measurement. The formation of isolated clusters in the graph indicates non-ergodicity. We analyze the connectivity of this graph in dependence on temperature, duration of measurement, degree of disorder, and dimensionality, studying how non-ergodicity is reflected in the specific heat.Comment: Submited Phys. Rev.
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