39 research outputs found

    Functional movement screen differences between male and female young judokas athletes

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    Background and Study Aim: The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) test has been used in different sports to identify the alterations and asymmetries in the basic movement patterns of the athletes, although it has not been analysed as widely in children population, and even less in judo. The cognitive objective of this study was knowledge about the basic motor competence and the probability of injury in children practicing judo through the evaluation of fundamental movement patterns using the FMS test, and to establish a comparison between genders. Material and Methods: Thirty young judokas (16 girls and 14 boys) participated in the study. The performance of each participant was digitally recorded by two cameras, one in each plane (front and sagittal), and was later analysed jointly by two evaluators who are experts in the use of FMS. Results: The girls obtained higher scores on the sum of the seven tests, compared to boys (16.00 ±1.79 vs. 13.57 ±2.59; p = 0.005). In particular, girls scored significantly better than boys in the deep squat, the rotary stability and the active straight leg raise tasks (p<0.05). The boys scored statistically significantly higher than girls in the trunk stability push up task (p<0.05). Conclusions: The girls scored higher on most tasks, indicating better fundamental movement patterns. In addition, most girls scored above 14 points, while most boys scored at or below 14 points, which may indicate decreased motor competence and increased risk of injury in boys

    Remediation of the Alluvial Aquifer of the Sardas Landfill (Sabiñánigo, Huesca) by Surfactant Application

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    Sardas Landfill at Sabiñánigo Huesca is polluted with Dense Non-Aqueous Liquid Phases (DNAPLs) composed of a complex mixture of chlorinated organic compounds (COCs). This DNAPL was produced as liquid waste from lindane production being dumped decades ago in the unlined landfills close to the lindane factory. This DNAPL migrated by gravity through the subsurface and accumulated in the contact between the alluvial and marls layers (about 15 m b.g.l.). Seven injections of an aqueous emulsion of a biodegradable non-ionic surfactant (E-Mulse 3®) were carried out at the most polluted areas of the Sardas alluvial. Injections were carried out between April and November 2021 using different surfactant concentrations (6.7, 20, 25 and 50 g/L), injection volumes (0.2 to 7 m3) and injection flow rates (0.08–0.85 m3/h). Injected fluids were extracted in the same well or surrounding wells, and the time elapsed between surfactant injection and extraction varied between 24 and 72 h. A total of 22 m3 were injected into the alluvial, and more than double this injected volume was extracted. Injection and extraction points were in the contact between the marls and the alluvial layer. Extracted fluid accumulated in tanks, and phases separated. DNAPL recovered here was mobilized rather than solubilized and managed as toxic waste. The aqueous supernatant was treated in a wastewater treatment plant with physicochemical treatment (including adsorption in activated carbon) before being discharged into the environment. The transport of the injected fluids was monitored by conductivity profiles using bromide (260–538 mg·L−1) as a conservative tracer. High radial dispersion of the injected fluid was found. Surfactant losses by adsorption in the alluvial and absorption in DNAPL were noticed, and both surfactant and contamination did not escape from the capture zone. Monitoring since 2018 of the COCS in groundwater and the DNAPL presence in the contact between alluvial and marls layers showed a significant reduction of COCs in the treated zone with the surfactant injections

    Occurrence and toxicity impact of pharmaceuticals in hospital effluents: Simulation based on a case of study

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    In the University Hospital of Albacete (Spain), the distribution of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) was studied to estimate the occurrence of the most prevalent analgesics and anti-inflammatories and antibiotics in patients’ urines. This estimation was based on the consumption amounts of APIs and their pharmacokinetic data. Results showed that metamizole would be the most prevalent drug among analgesics and anti-inflammatories with estimated concentrations ranging 100 – 1000 mg dm−3 in patients’ urines hospitalized in the surgical ICU, followed by around 10 mg dm−3 of acetylcysteine in surgical ICU and paracetamol in geriatrics. Likewise, estimated concentrations of 1–10 mg dm−3 were calculated for the 20 most representative antibiotics. Two β-lactam antibiotics (imipenem, meropenem) and one fluoroquinolone antibiotic (levofloxacin) would be present in patients’ urine from more than 3 surgical and medical areas. Additionally, the simulation of the toxicity impacts of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) in hospital effluents was developed using the SimaPro software and Ecoinvent 3.3 database since few studies were reported based on the real occurrence of drugs in urines. Ibuprofen was observed to have 2.4 times more ecotoxicity in freshwaters than paracetamol, although they did not show human toxicity related to carcinogenic effects. Amoxicillin presented a high potential ecological risk with a 3 kg equivalence of 1.4-DB per gram of drug. Overall, results demonstrate the importance to develop an adequate management and treatment of hospital effluents, including hospital urines, to reduce environmental and sanitary impacts.En el Hospital Universitario de Albacete (España) se estudió la distribución de Principios Activos Farmacéuticos (IFA) para estimar la presencia de los analgésicos y antiinflamatorios y antibióticos más prevalentes en la orina de los pacientes. Esta estimación se basó en las cantidades de consumo de API y sus datos farmacocinéticos . Los resultados mostraron que el metamizol sería el fármaco más prevalente entre los analgésicos y antiinflamatorios con concentraciones estimadas que oscilan entre 100 y 1000 mg dm- 3 en la orina de los pacientes hospitalizados en la UCI quirúrgica, seguido de alrededor de 10 mg dm - 3 de acetilcisteína en la UCI quirúrgica. y paracetamol en geriatría . Asimismo, concentraciones estimadas de 1–10 mg dm −3se calcularon para los 20 antibióticos más representativos. Dos antibióticos β-lactámicos (imipenem, meropenem) y un antibiótico de fluoroquinolona (levofloxacino) estarían presentes en la orina de pacientes de más de 3 áreas quirúrgicas y médicas. Adicionalmente, se desarrolló la simulación de los impactos de toxicidad de los principios activos farmacéuticos (API) en efluentes hospitalarios utilizando el software SimaPro y la base de datos Ecoinvent 3.3 ya que se reportaron pocos estudios basados ​​en la ocurrencia real de fármacos en orina. Ibuprofenose observó que tenía 2,4 veces más ecotoxicidad en agua dulce que el paracetamol, aunque no mostró toxicidad humana relacionada con efectos cancerígenos. La amoxicilina presentó un alto riesgo ecológico potencial con una equivalencia de 3 kg de 1,4 DB por gramo de fármaco. En general, los resultados demuestran la importancia de desarrollar un manejo y tratamiento adecuado de los efluentes hospitalarios, incluidas las orinas hospitalarias, para reducir los impactos ambientales y sanitarios

    Removal of procion red mx-5b by electrochemical technologies

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    The textile and paper industries require large volumes of water and produce effluents that contain large quantities of organic compounds and inorganic salts and have high COD and colour levels. In particular, due to the presence of reactive dyes, colour removal is the major problem in dealing with these effluents. These reactive dyes should be removed in wastewater due to the damage they cause to the environment. However, synthetic dyes contain one or more functional groups and complex aromatic structures which make them very difficult to biodegrade. Traditional physico-chemical methods for the treatment of dyeing wastewater, including adsorption, coagulation and filtration enable fast decolourization, nevertheless these processes generate large volume of sludge to be disposed and/or need the regularly regeneration of adsorbent materials. These factors lead to an increase in the operational costs and therefore, it is necessary to look for new efficient processes that minimize waste generation. In this context, Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) such as Fenton\u2019s reagent, ozonation and photochemical oxidation provide effective colour removal and complete destruction of synthetic dyes molecules avoiding the potential formation of wastes. Among the AOPs, the Electrochemical Advanced Oxidation Processes (EAOPs) are a promising alternative because they are environmentally clean and can produce large amount of hydroxyl radicals under control of applied current. In these processes, the hydroxyl radicals can be produced by anodic oxidation (AO) of water using high O2 overvoltage anodes such as boron-doped diamond (BDD) anode [1]. Alternatively, hydroxyl radicals production can take place in solution bulk through electrochemically assisted Fenton\u2019s reaction (EF), where hydrogen peroxide is generated in situ from the two-electron reduction of O2 on carbon cathodes such as gas diffusion electrodes (GDEs) or graphite felt [2]. Thus, this work presents the comparative degradation of Procion Red MX-5B, selected as model dye, by AO using BDD or DSA anode and EF using a graphite felt cathode. The influence of the main experimental variables was explored (current density, flow rate, supporting electrolyte\u2026). The decay kinetics, decolorization rate and mineralization degree were compared to clarify the oxidation power of both methods

    A new series of heteroaromatic receptors containing the 1,3-bis(6-oxopyridazin-1-yl)propane unit: Their selective transport ability towards NH4 + in relation to Na+, K+ and Ca2+

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    The synthesis of a new series of heteroaromatic macrocycles 6–9 containing the 1,3-bis(6-oxopyridazin-1-yl)propane and pyridine units is reported. The acyclic compounds 11–15 had to be prepared as the intermediates in the synthetic sequence. Evaluation of the ionophoric properties of 6–9 and 11–15 shows that 8 and 13 behave as good ammonium ion carriers and exhibit a high selectivity for ammonium with respect to spherically symmetric metallic ions like Na+, K+, and Ca2+. Molecular modelling of the ammonium complexes suggests that the host's oxyimino groups play a more relevant part in effective complexation than the pyridine unit, and that the high complexating efficiency of 13 might be related to the formation of a pseudocavity by intramolecular hydrogen bonding. The synthesis and transport ability of a new series of heteroaromatic receptors containing the 1,3-bis(6-oxopyridazin-1-yl)propane unit are described, and the complexation mode of the most selective ammonium carriers discussed with the help of molecular modelling techniques.The authors thank the Spanish Comision Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia for the economical support given to this research work (SAF99-0066)