474 research outputs found

    Modeling, Stability Analysis, and Testing of a Hybrid Docking Simulator

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    A hybrid docking simulator is a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulator that includes a hardware element within a numerical simulation loop. One of the goals of performing a HIL simulation at the European Proximity Operation Simulator (EPOS) is the verification and validation of the docking phase in an on-orbit servicing mission.....Comment: 30 papge

    Analytical and experimental stability investigation of a hardware-in-the-loop satellite docking simulator

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    The European Proximity Operation Simulator (EPOS) of the DLR-German Aerospace Center is a robotics-based simulator that aims at validating and verifying a satellite docking phase. The generic concept features a robotics tracking system working in closed loop with a force/torque feedback signal. Inherent delays in the tracking system combined with typical high stiffness at contact challenge the stability of the closed-loop system. The proposed concept of operations is hybrid: the feedback signal is a superposition of a measured value and of a virtual value that can be tuned in order to guarantee a desired behavior. This paper is concerned with an analytical study of the system's closed-loop stability, and with an experimental validation of the hybrid concept of operations in one dimension (1D). The robotics simulator is modeled as a second-order loop-delay system and closed-form expressions for the critical delay and associated frequency are derived as a function of the satellites' mass and the contact dynamics stiffness and damping parameters. A numerical illustration sheds light on the impact of the parameters on the stability regions. A first-order Pade approximation provides additional means of stability investigation. Experiments were performed and tests results are described for varying values of the mass and the damping coefficients. The empirical determination of instability is based on the coefficient of restitution and on the observed energy. There is a very good agreement between the critical damping values predicted by the analysis and observed during the tests...Comment: 16 page

    Functional Maps Representation on Product Manifolds

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    We consider the tasks of representing, analyzing and manipulating maps between shapes. We model maps as densities over the product manifold of the input shapes; these densities can be treated as scalar functions and therefore are manipulable using the language of signal processing on manifolds. Being a manifold itself, the product space endows the set of maps with a geometry of its own, which we exploit to define map operations in the spectral domain; we also derive relationships with other existing representations (soft maps and functional maps). To apply these ideas in practice, we discretize product manifolds and their Laplace--Beltrami operators, and we introduce localized spectral analysis of the product manifold as a novel tool for map processing. Our framework applies to maps defined between and across 2D and 3D shapes without requiring special adjustment, and it can be implemented efficiently with simple operations on sparse matrices.Comment: Accepted to Computer Graphics Foru

    Direct perturbation theory on the shift of Electron Spin Resonance

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    We formulate a direct and systematic perturbation theory on the shift of the main paramagnetic peak in Electron Spin Resonance, and derive a general expression up to second order. It is applied to one-dimensional XXZ and transverse Ising models in the high field limit, to obtain explicit results including the polarization dependence for arbitrary temperature.Comment: 5 pages (no figures) in REVTE

    A Hot Gap Around Jupiter's Orbit in the Solar Nebula

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    The Sun was an order of magnitude more luminous during the first few hundred thousand years of its existence, due in part to the gravitational energy released by material accreting from the Solar nebula. If Jupiter was already near its present mass, the planet's tides opened an optically-thin gap in the nebula. We show using Monte Carlo radiative transfer calculations that sunlight absorbed by the nebula and re-radiated into the gap raised temperatures well above the sublimation threshold for water ice, with potentially drastic consequences for the icy bodies in Jupiter's feeding zone. Bodies up to a meter in size were vaporized within a single orbit if the planet was near its present location during this early epoch. Dust particles lost their ice mantles, and planetesimals were partially to fully devolatilized, depending on their size. Scenarios in which Jupiter formed promptly, such as those involving a gravitational instability of the massive early nebula, must cope with the high temperatures. Enriching Jupiter in the noble gases through delivery trapped in clathrate hydrates will be more difficult, but might be achieved by either forming the planet much further from the star, or capturing planetesimals at later epochs. The hot gap resulting from an early origin for Jupiter also would affect the surface compositions of any primordial Trojan asteroids.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures. ApJ in press. Discussion of Jupiter's volatile enrichment revised in sec. 4.

    Electron Irradiation and Thermal Processing of Mixed-ices of Potential Relevance to Jupiter Trojan Asteroids

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    In this work we explore the chemistry that occurs during the irradiation of ice mixtures on planetary surfaces, with the goal of linking the presence of specific chemical compounds to their formation locations in the solar system and subsequent processing by later migration inward. We focus on the outer solar system and the chemical differences for ice mixtures inside and outside the stability line for H_2S. We perform a set of experiments to explore the hypothesis advanced by Wong & Brown that links the color bimodality in Jupiter's Trojans to the presence of H_2S in the surface of their precursors. Non-thermal (10 keV electron irradiation) and thermally driven chemistry of CH_3OH–NH_3–H_2O ("without H_2S") and H_2S–CH_3OH–NH_3–H_2O ("with H_2S") ices were examined. Mid-IR analyses of ice and mass spectrometry monitoring of the volatiles released during heating show a rich chemistry in both of the ice mixtures. The "with H_2S" mixture experiment shows a rapid consumption of H_2S molecules and production of OCS molecules after a few hours of irradiation. The heating of the irradiated "with H_2S" mixture to temperatures above 120 K leads to the appearance of new infrared bands that we provisionally assign to SO_2 and CS. We show that radiolysis products are stable under the temperature and irradiation conditions of Jupiter Trojan asteroids. This makes them suitable target molecules for potential future missions as well as telescope observations with a high signal-to-noise ratio. We also suggest the consideration of sulfur chemistry in the theoretical modeling aimed at understanding the chemical composition of Trojans and KOBs

    Successful validation of a larval dispersal model using genetic parentage data

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    Larval dispersal is a critically important yet enigmatic process in marine ecology, evolution, and conservation. Determining the distance and direction that tiny larvae travel in the open ocean continues to be a challenge. Our current understanding of larval dispersal patterns at management-relevant scales is principally and separately informed by genetic parentage data and biological-oceanographic (biophysical) models. Parentage datasets provide clear evidence of individual larval dispersal events, but their findings are spatially and temporally limited. Biophysical models offer a more complete picture of dispersal patterns at regional scales but are of uncertain accuracy. Here, we develop statistical techniques that integrate these two important sources of information on larval dispersal. We then apply these methods to an extensive genetic parentage dataset to successfully validate a high-resolution biophysical model for the economically important reef fish species Plectropomus maculatus in the southern Great Barrier Reef. Our results demonstrate that biophysical models can provide accurate descriptions of larval dispersal at spatial and temporal scales that are relevant to management. They also show that genetic parentage datasets provide enough statistical power to exclude poor biophysical models. Biophysical models that included species-specific larval behaviour provided markedly better fits to the parentage data than assuming passive behaviour, but incorrect behavioural assumptions led to worse predictions than ignoring behaviour altogether. Our approach capitalises on the complementary strengths of genetic parentage datasets and high-resolution biophysical models to produce an accurate picture of larval dispersal patterns at regional scales. The results provide essential empirical support for the use of accurately parameterised biophysical larval dispersal models in marine spatial planning and management

    Complex organosulfur molecules on comet 67P: Evidence from the ROSINA measurements and insights from laboratory simulations.

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    The ROSINA (Rosetta Orbiter Spectrometer for Ion and Neutral Analysis) instrument aboard the Rosetta mission revolutionized our understanding of cometary material composition. One of Rosetta's key findings is the complexity of the composition of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Here, we used ROSINA data to analyze dust particles that were volatilized during a dust event in September 2016 and report the detection of large organosulfur species and an increase in the abundances of sulfurous species previously detected in the coma. Our data support the presence of complex sulfur-bearing organics on the surface of the comet. In addition, we conducted laboratory simulations that show that this material may have formed from chemical reactions that were initiated by the irradiation of mixed ices containing H2S. Our findings highlight the importance of sulfur chemistry in cometary and precometary materials and the possibility of characterizing organosulfur materials in other comets and small icy bodies using the James Webb Space Telescope
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