77 research outputs found

    Capture and return of sexual genomes by hybridogenetic frogs provide clonal genome enrichment in a sexual species.

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    Hybridogenesis is a reproductive tool for sexual parasitism. Hybridogenetic hybrids use gametes from their sexual host for their own reproduction, but sexual species gain no benefit from such matings as their genome is later eliminated. Here, we examine the presence of sexual parasitism in water frogs through crossing experiments and genome-wide data. We specifically focus on the famous Central-European populations where Pelophylax esculentus males (hybrids of P. ridibundus and P. lessonae) live with P. ridibundus. We identified a system where the hybrids commonly produce two types of clonal gametes (hybrid amphispermy). The haploid lessonae genome is clonally inherited from generation to generation and assures the maintenance of hybrids through a process, in which lessonae sperm fertilize P. ridibundus eggs. The haploid ridibundus genome in hybrids received from P. ridibundus a generation ago, is perpetuated as clonal ridibundus sperm and used to fertilize P. ridibundus eggs, yielding female P. ridibundus progeny. These results imply animal reproduction in which hybridogenetic taxa are not only sexual parasites, but also participate in the formation of a sexual taxon in a remarkable way. This occurs through a process by which sexual gametes are being captured, converted to clones, and returned to sexual populations in one generation

    Contrasting reproductive strategies of triploid hybrid males in vertebrate mating systems

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    The scarcity of parthenogenetic vertebrates is often attributed to their ‘inferior’ mode of clonal reproduction, which restricts them to self-reproduce their own genotype lineage and leaves little evolutionary potential with regard to speciation and evolution of sexual reproduction. Here, we show that for some taxa, such uniformity does not hold. Using hybridogenetic water frogs (Pelophylax esculentus) as a model system, we demonstrate that triploid hybrid males from two geographic regions exhibit very different reproductive modes. With an integrative data set combining field studies, crossing experiments, flow cytometry and microsatellite analyses, we found that triploid hybrids from Central Europe are rare, occur in male sex only and form diploid gametes of a single clonal lineage. In contrast, triploid hybrids from north-western Europe are widespread, occur in both sexes and produce recombined haploid gametes. These differences translate into contrasting reproductive roles between regions. In Central Europe, triploid hybrid males sexually parasitize diploid hybrids and just perpetuate their own genotype–which is the usual pattern in parthenogens. In north-western Europe, on the other hand, the triploid males are gamete donors for diploid hybrids, thereby stabilizing the mixed 2n-3nhybrid populations. By demonstrating these contrasting roles in male reproduction, we draw attention to a new significant evolutionary potential for animals with nonsexual reproduction, namely reproductive plasticity

    Age-related issues of instruments screening for autism in young children

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    Loretta Thomaidis, Antigoni Choleva, Miltiades Kyprianou Second Department of Paediatrics, Developmental Assessment Unit, “P. & A. Kyriakou” Children’s Hospital, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Medicine, Athens, Greece A recent publication in your journal titled “ESSENCE-Q – a first clinical validation study of a new screening questionnaire for young children with suspected neurodevelopmental problems in south Japan” by Hatakenaka et al1 has caught our attention. The proposed instrument has produced promising results in the specific sample. Coupled with its simplicity, the screening instrument is indeed worthy of merit. Authors’ replyYuhei Hatakenaka,1,2 Elisabeth Fernell,2 Masahiko Sakaguchi,3 Hitoshi Ninomiya,3 Ichiro Fukunaga,1 Christopher Gillberg2 1Kochi Gillberg Neuropsychiatry Centre, Kochi Prefectural Medical and Welfare Centre, Kochi, Japan; 2Gillberg Neuropsychiatry Centre, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden; 3Integrated Centre for Advanced Medical Technologies, Kochi University Medical School, Kochi, Japan We have read with interest and appreciate the comments made by Loretta Thomaidis, Antigoni Choleva and Miltiades Kyprianou. View the original paper by Hatakenaka and colleagues.&nbsp

    All-male hybrids of a tetrapod Pelophylax esculentus share its origin and genetics of maintenance

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    Background Sexual parasites offer unique insights into the reproduction of unisexual and sexual populations. Because unisexuality is almost exclusively linked to the female sex, most studies addressed host-parasite dynamics in populations where sperm-dependent females dominate. Pelophylax water frogs from Central Europe include hybrids of both sexes, collectively named P. esculentus. They live syntopically with their parental species P. lessonae and/or P. ridibundus. Some hybrid lineages consist of all males providing a chance to understand the origin and perpetuation of a host-parasite (egg-dependent) system compared to sperm-dependent parthenogenesis. Methods We focused on P. ridibundus-P. esculentus populations where P. ridibundus of both sexes lives together with only diploid P. esculentus males. Based on 17 microsatellite markers and six allozyme loci, we analyzed (i) the variability of individual genomes, (ii) the reproductive mode(s) of all-male hybrids, and (iii) the genealogical relationships between the hybrid and parental genomes. Results Our microsatellite data revealed that P. esculentus males bear Mendelian-inherited ridibundus genomes while the lessonae genome represents a single clone. Our data indicate that this clone did not recently originate from adjacent P. lessonae populations, suggesting an older in situ or ex situ origin. Conclusions Our results confirm that also males can perpetuate over many generations as the unisexual lineage and successfully compete with P. ridibundus males for eggs provided by P. ridibundus females. Natural persistence of such sex-specific hybrid populations allows to studying the similarities and differences between male and female reproductive parasitism in many biological settings

    Wine and its metabolic effects. A comprehensive review of clinical trials

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    The introduction of the term “French Paradox” motivated an extensive and in-depth research into health benefits of moderate wine consumption. The superiority of wine is thought to be attributed to its micro-constituents and consequent effort was made to isolate and identify these bioactive compounds as well as to elucidate the mechanisms of their action. Controlled trials offer more concrete answers to several raised questions than observational studies. Under this perspective, clinical trials have been implemented, mainly in healthy volunteers and rarely in patients, in order to investigate the acute or chronic effect of wine consumption on metabolism and physio-pathological systems, which are mainly associated with cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this review is to update the knowledge about the acute and long term effect of wine consumption on lipid and glucose/insulin metabolism as well as on the inflammatory and haemostatic systems, based on the reported data of controlled clinical trials. In conclusion, the most repeated result of wine consumption is on lipid metabolism, attributed mainly to ethanol, while wine micro-constituents seem to have an important role mainly in haemostatic and inflammatory/endothelial systems. © 201