11 research outputs found

    Slow and Fast Fatigable Frog Muscle Fibres: Electrophysiological and Histochemical Characteristics

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    Abstract. Continuous activity of isolated frog gastrocnemius muscle fibres provoked by repetitive stimulation of 5 Hz was used as an experimental model for fatigue development in different fibre types. Parameter changes of the elicited intracellular action potentials and mechanical twitches during the period of uninterrupted activity were used as criteria for fatigue evaluation. Slow fatigable muscle fibre (SMF) and fast fatigable muscle fibre (FMF) types were distinguished depending on the duration of their uninterrupted activity, which was significantly longer in SMFs than in FMFs. The normalized changes of action potential amplitude and duration were significantly smaller in FMFs than in SMFs. The average twitch force and velocity of contraction and relaxation were significantly higher in FMFs than in SMFs. Myosin ATPase (mATPase) and succinate dehydrogenase activity were studied by histochemical assessment in order to validate the fibre type classification based on their electrophysiological characteristics. Based on the relative mATPase reactivity, the fibres of the studied muscle were classified as one of five different types (1-2, 2, 2-3, 3 and tonic). Smaller sized fibres (tonic and type 3) expressed higher succinate dehydrogenase activity than larger sized fibres (type 1-2, 2), which is related to the fatigue resistance. The differences between fatigue development in SMFs and FMFs during continuous activity were associated with fibre-type specific mATPase and succinate dehydrogenase activity

    Diabetes Converts Arterial Regulation by Perivascular Adipose Tissue From Relaxation Into H2O2-Mediated Contraction

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    This study aims to reveal the reason for the increased force of 5-hydroxytryptamine-induced contraction of endotheliumdenuded skeletal muscle arteries of diabetic rats in the presence of perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT). Our data on rat gracilis arteries show that i) PVAT of skeletal muscle arteries of healthy and diabetic rats releases hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), ii) higher concentrations of 5-hydroxytryptamine increase the production of H2O2 in PVAT; iii) an enhanced PVAT production of H2O2 is the main, if not the only, reason for the sensitization of arterial contraction to 5-hydroxytriptamine-induced contraction in diabetes and iv) endothelium antagonizes the effect of PVATderived H2O2

    Transfer and Transcriptomic Profiling in Liver and Brain of European Eels ( Anguilla anguilla ) After Diet‐borne Exposure to Gold Nanoparticles

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    A nanometric revolution is underway, promising technical innovations in a wide range of applications and leading to a potential boost in environmental discharges. The propensity of nanoparticles (NPs) to be transferred throughout trophic chains and to generate toxicity was mainly assessed in primary consumers, whereas a lack of knowledge for higher trophic levels persists. The present study focused on a predatory fish, the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) exposed to gold NPs (AuNPs; 10 nm, polyethylene glycol–coated) for 21 d at 3 concentration levels in food: 0 (NP0), 1 (NP1), and 10 (NP10) mg Au kg−1. Transfer was assessed by Au quantification in eel tissues, and transcriptomic responses in the liver and brain were revealed by a high‐throughput RNA‐sequencing approach. Eels fed at NP10 presented an erratic feeding behavior, whereas Au quantification only indicated transfer to intestine and kidney of NP1‐exposed eels. Sequencing of RNA was performed in NP0 and NP1 eels. A total of 258 genes and 156 genes were significantly differentially transcribed in response to AuNP trophic exposure in the liver and brain, respectively. Enrichment analysis highlighted modifications in the immune system–related processes in the liver. In addition, results pointed out a shared response of both organs regarding 13 genes, most of them being involved in immune functions. This finding may shed light on the mode of action and toxicity of AuNPs in fish.Approches Ă  diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles pour caractĂ©riser les interactions cellulaires, le transfert trophique et les impacts toxiques de nanoparticules mĂ©talliques chez les organismes aquatiquesCOntinental To coastal Ecosystems: evolution, adaptability and governanc