379 research outputs found

    Trophoblast lineage-specific differentiation and associated alterations in preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction.

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    The human placenta is a poorly-understood organ, but one that is critical for proper development and growth of the fetus in-utero. The epithelial cell type that contributes to primary placental functions is called "trophoblast," including two main subtypes, villous and extravillous trophoblast. Cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast comprise the villous compartment and contribute to gas and nutrient exchange, while extravillous trophoblast invade and remodel the uterine wall and vessels, in order to supply maternal blood to the growing fetus. Abnormal differentiation of trophoblast contributes to placental dysfunction and is associated with complications of pregnancy, including preeclampsia (PE) and fetal growth restriction (FGR). This review describes what is known about the cellular organization of the placenta during both normal development and in the setting of PE/FGR. It also explains known trophoblast lineage-specific markers and pathways regulating their differentiation, and how these are altered in the setting of PE/FGR, focusing on studies which have used human placental tissues. Finally, it also highlights remaining questions and needed resources to advance this field

    WHO 75 gram OGTT-A single step procedure for screening and diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus

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    Background: Indian women have an eleven fold increased risk of developing glucose intolerance during pregnancy compared to Caucasian women .Universal screening for GDM is essential in India. This study was undertaken to find out a single step procedure which serves both as a screening and a diagnostic tool. Methods: This study was carried out in a tertiary care teaching institute in Karnataka. 839 pregnant women with gestational age between 24-28 weeks were subjected to 50 gram OGCT and venous blood was drawn after 1 hour. These patients were requested to come after 72 hours on empty stomach for WHO-75 gram OGTT. Fasting and 2 hour blood samples after 75 gram of glucose were drawn.Results: Amongst the 839 pregnant women who underwent 50 gram OGCT, 136 (16.2%) women had one hour plasma glucose >140 mg/dl. Subsequent 75 gram OGTT revealed that only 43 (31.62%) of screen positive patients were diabetic.93 women who tested positive by 50 gram OGCT were false positive cases (10.58%). Prevalence of GDM in study population was 6.3 % (53/839). Screening OGCT missed 10 (15.87%) of gestational diabetes mellitus cases which were picked up by 75 gram WHO OGTT only.Conclusions: The diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus by OGTT based on initial OGCT screening leaves 15.87% undiagnosed. The two step method of screening OGCT and diagnosing GDM with subsequent OGTT is tedious and not economical. Instead a single step WHO 75 gram fasting OGTT with 2 hour PPG ≥ 140 mg/dl is simple and precise

    Experimental Analysis Of Rotor Blade In Wind Turbine Using Composite Materials With Natural Fiber

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    Rotor blades are a critical structural component of the tidal turbine since they are responsible for harvesting the kinetic energy of the water and transmitting it through the main drive train to the generator. At hand the rotor blades are manufactured using the materials like Conventional Steels and Aluminium Alloys. With the use of these existing materials it results in relatively low fracture toughness in high strength conditions, limited performance at elevated temperature. One of the main drawback of steel is suspected to corrosion and it also loses its properties at high temperatures. To overcome this issue Composite Material is being used. Rotor blade is made up of composite materials. The materials are glass fiber epoxy and natural fiber(sugar cane fiber) with the composition 10% of natural fiber and 90% of glass fiber epoxy. The modeling of the Rotor blade is carried out in SOLID WORKS and analysed using ANSYS FLUENT, Also the rotor blade is fabricated by HAND LAY-UP METHOD. The mechanical properties are tested. The results are validated

    Organisational transformation through CRM implementation: a descriptive case study

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    CRM is becoming critical to organisations worldwide as global competition increases and technological innovations in communication continue to emerge. In this descriptive case study, we have investigated a utility provider &ndash; with a geographical monopoly, who has successfully implemented a complaint management system, as part of their CRM process transformation. We have applied the teleological process theory (Ven de Ven and Poole 1995) to describe the organisational change, based on our empirical research.<br /

    A clinical study of trends of ectopic pregnancy and its management in a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Ectopic gestation is a gynaecological emergency which culminates in pregnancy loss and causes significant maternal morbidity, mortality besides jeopardizing future conception. The study discusses the incidence, risk factors, symptomatology and management of ectopic pregnancy in a tertiary care teaching hospital.Methods: This was a prospective study of 45 cases of ectopic pregnancies at a tertiary care teaching hospital from January 2012 to December 2013. Information was collected in a structured proforma, tabulated and descriptive analysis was carried out.Results: The incidence of ectopic pregnancy was 1.17%. Majority of the patients (80%) belonged to 20-30 yrs age group. Second gravidas predominated (42.2%). Fallopian tube was the most common site (95.5%). Rudimentary horn ectopic accounted for 4.65%. Previous abdominopelvic surgery (31.1%), IUCD usage (22.2%), PID (20%), abortions (20%), tubectomy (15.5%) were the principal risk factors. 42% of the patients had no risk factor. The triad of amenorrhea, bleeding per vaginum and abdominal pain was seen in 51.1% of cases. Ultrasound, UPT, β-hCG estimation were the diagnostic tools. Ruptured ectopic pregnancy accounted for 64.4%. Nearly 95.5% of patients underwent surgery; salpingectomy (76%). Methotrexate was successful in 4.44%. There was no maternal mortality.Conclusions: Mostly diagnosis, prompt surgical or medical management is cornerstone of treatment. Primary prevention such as improved access to family planning services, sex education, treatment of STI, PID, surgical asepsis  and haemostasis, implementing legislation for dispensing MTP drugs ameliorate risk factors and hence reduce ectopic pregnancy

    “Humanized” Stem Cell Culture Techniques: The Animal Serum Controversy

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    Cellular therapy is reaching a pinnacle with an understanding of the potential of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) to regenerate damaged tissue in the body. The limited numbers of these hMSCs in currently identified sources, like bone marrow, adipose tissue, and so forth, bring forth the need for their in vitro culture/expansion. However, the extensive usage of supplements containing xenogeneic components in the expansion-media might pose a risk to the post-transplantation safety of patients. This warrants the necessity to identify and develop chemically defined or “humanized” supplements which would make in vitro cultured/processed cells relatively safer for transplantation in regenerative medicine. In this paper, we outline the various caveats associated with conventionally used supplements of xenogenic origin and also portray the possible alternatives/additives which could one day herald the dawn of a new era in the translation of in vitro cultured cells to therapeutic interventions

    Dilated cardiomyopathy in a child with abdominal neuroblastoma and normal serum catecholamine levels: anaesthetic management and review of literature

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    Neuroblastoma is the most common extracranial solid tumour of childhood. Dilated cardiomyopathy as an initial presentation of neuroblastoma is rare. We report the case of a three-year-old child with giant abdominal neuroblastoma encasing the abdominal aorta who presented with dilated cardiomyopathy in heart failure without hypertension or elevated serum catecholamine levels. The probable pathophysiological mechanism for such an occurrence and review of similar cases along with perioperative management is presented.Keywords: anaesthesia, catecholamines, child, dilated cardiomyopathy, neuroblastom

    LSTM-Based Air Quality Prediction

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    &nbsp; In this project we are using Neural networks and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) to address the air pollution detection. As each living organism needs fresh and good quality air for every moment, very few of the living things can survive without such air. Increasing industry and populace have end up fundamental contributor for the air pollutants. Over the time, many countries are finding numerous approaches of fighting towards air pollution. The air we breathe every moment causes several health hazards.&nbsp; So we'd like an honest system that predicts such pollutions and is useful in better environment. It leads us to address the advance techniques for predicting the pollution using&nbsp;&nbsp; Air Quality Index. So, here we are predicting air pollution using LSTM and Neural Network techniques for the coming hour mainly on pollutants like ammonia (NH3), lead (Pb), ozone(O3), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and ecosystem&nbsp;&nbsp; aspects inclusive of temperature, strain, rainfall, wind pace according to minute and wind direction