148 research outputs found

    Understanding maternal postnatal blood pressure changes following hypertensive disorders in pregnancy: protocol for a prospective cohort study.

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    INTRODUCTION: Hypertensive disorders occur in approximately 10% of women during pregnancy. There is robust population-based data to show that women who have hypertension in pregnancy are much more likely to develop cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the postpartum period. Women with a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy (HDP) are twice more at risk of heart disease and stroke, and four times more likely to develop hypertension after birth. Two out of three women who had HDP will die from CVD. Recent evidence suggests that young women with HDP develop signs of CVD in the immediate postpartum period, rather than several decades later as previously presumed. If confirmed, this concerning finding presents healthcare practitioners with an opportunity to influence women's cardiovascular health by advising on lifestyle choices and considering therapeutic interventions to prevent the development of CVD. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: This prospective cohort study design will ask approximately 300 participants to complete 3 days of home blood pressure monitoring every fortnight for 12 weeks postpartum and will culminate with a 24-hour episode of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring at 12 weeks postpartum. Women and healthcare professionals will complete questionnaires surrounding postpartum care for women who had HDP and knowledge of CVD risk. In addition, the relationship between hypertension and factors likely to influence outcomes such as severity of HDP, maternal age, body mass index and ethnicity will be analysed using logistic regression. Blood pressure and data from questionnaires will be analysed using descriptive statistics, with temporal stratification. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Research ethics approval was obtained from London-West London & GTAC Research Ethics Committee. Research outputs will be published and disseminated through midwifery, obstetric or general practitioner targeted academic journals. The patient and public involvement group will disseminate findings to women who have experienced HDP among their peer groups. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT05137808

    Encouraging brisk walking with the free Active10 app in postnatal women who had a hypertensive pregnancy: "Just Walk It" feasibility study.

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    OBJECTIVE: To explore the feasibility of a future trial to investigate whether encouraging use of the free NHS smartphone app Active10 increases brisk walking and reduces blood pressure (BP) in postnatal mothers who had hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP). DESIGN: 3-month feasibility study. SETTING: London maternity unit. POPULATION: 21 women with HDP. METHODS: At recruitment we recorded initial (booking) clinic BP and asked participants to complete a questionnaire. Two months after delivery all participants were sent (by post/email/WhatsApp) a "Just Walk It" leaflet encouraging them to download the Active10 app and walk briskly for at least 10 minutes/day. This was backed by a telephone call after 2-weeks. Assessments were repeated 3-months later, and included telephone interviews about the acceptability and use of Active10. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Were recruitment rate, follow-up rate and acceptability/use of Active10. RESULTS: Of 28 women approached, 21 (75%, 95% CI 55.1-89.3%) agreed to participate. Age range was 21-46 years and five (24%) self-identified as black ethnicity. One woman dropped out of the study, and one became ill. The remaining participants (90%, 19/21, 95% CI 69.6-98.8%) were followed up after 3-months. Ninety-five percent (18/19) downloaded the Active10 app and 74% (14/19) continued using it at 3-months, averaging 27-minutes brisk walking/day according to Active10 weekly screenshots. Comments included: "Brilliant app", "Really motivates me". Mean BP was 130/81mmHg at booking and 124/80mmHg at 3-months follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: The Active10 app was acceptable to postnatal women after HDP and may have increased minutes of brisk walking. A future trial could explore whether this simple, low-cost intervention could reduce long-term BP in this vulnerable group

    Guidance and Ethical Considerations for Undertaking Transgender Health Research and Institutional Review Boards Adjudicating this Research

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    The purpose of this review is to create a set of provisional criteria for Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) to refer to when assessing the ethical orientation of transgender health research proposals. We began by searching for literature on this topic using databases and the reference lists of key articles, resulting in a preliminary set of criteria. We then collaborated to develop the following nine guidelines: (1) Whenever possible, research should be grounded, from inception to dissemination, in a meaningful collaboration with community stakeholders; (2) language and framing of transgender health research should be non-stigmatizing; (3) research should be disseminated back to the community; (4) the diversity of the transgender and gender diverse (TGGD) community should be accurately reflected and sensitively reflected; (5) informed consent must be meaningful, without coercion or undue influence; (6) the protection of participant confidentiality should be paramount; (7) alternative consent procedures should be considered for TGGD minors; (8) research should align with current professional standards that refute conversion, reorientation, or reparative therapy; and (9) IRBs should guard against the temptation to avoid, limit, or delay research on this subject

    Maternal and fetal outcomes in pregnancies complicated by the inherited aortopathy Loeys–Dietz syndrome

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    Objective Pregnancies in women with Loeys–Dietz syndrome (LDS) are rare and are typically documented in case reports only. Early reports suggested high rates of maternal complications during pregnancy and the puerperium, including aortic dissection and uterine rupture, but information on fetal outcomes was very limited. Design A retrospective cohort study. Setting Eight specialist UK centres. Sample Pregnant women with LDS. Methods Data was collated on cardiac, obstetric, and neonatal outcomes. Main outcome measures Maternal and perinatal outcomes in pregnancies complicated by LDS. Results Twenty pregnancies in 13 women with LDS were identified. There was one miscarriage, one termination of pregnancy, and 18 livebirths. In eight women the diagnosis was known prior to pregnancy but only one woman had preconception counselling. In four women the diagnosis was made during pregnancy through positive genotyping, and the other was diagnosed following delivery. Five women had a family history of aortic dissection. There were no aortic dissections in our cohort during pregnancy or postpartum. Obstetric complications were common, including postpartum haemorrhage (33%) and preterm delivery (50%). In all, 14/18 (78%) of deliveries were by elective caesarean section, at a median gestational age at delivery of 37 weeks. Over half the infants (56%) were admitted to the neonatal unit following delivery. Conclusion Women with LDS require multidisciplinary specialist management throughout pregnancy. Women should be referred for preconception counselling to make informed decisions around pregnancy risk and outcomes. Early elective preterm delivery needs to be balanced against a high infant admission rate to the neonatal unit

    Species difference in ANP32A underlies influenza A virus polymerase host restriction.

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    Influenza pandemics occur unpredictably when zoonotic influenza viruses with novel antigenicity acquire the ability to transmit amongst humans. Host range breaches are limited by incompatibilities between avian virus components and the human host. Barriers include receptor preference, virion stability and poor activity of the avian virus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase in human cells. Mutants of the heterotrimeric viral polymerase components, particularly PB2 protein, are selected during mammalian adaptation, but their mode of action is unknown. We show that a species-specific difference in host protein ANP32A accounts for the suboptimal function of avian virus polymerase in mammalian cells. Avian ANP32A possesses an additional 33 amino acids between the leucine-rich repeats and carboxy-terminal low-complexity acidic region domains. In mammalian cells, avian ANP32A rescued the suboptimal function of avian virus polymerase to levels similar to mammalian-adapted polymerase. Deletion of the avian-specific sequence from chicken ANP32A abrogated this activity, whereas its insertion into human ANP32A, or closely related ANP32B, supported avian virus polymerase function. Substitutions, such as PB2(E627K), were rapidly selected upon infection of humans with avian H5N1 or H7N9 influenza viruses, adapting the viral polymerase for the shorter mammalian ANP32A. Thus ANP32A represents an essential host partner co-opted to support influenza virus replication and is a candidate host target for novel antivirals

    Transmission and pathogenicity of novel reassortants derived from Eurasian avian-like and 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza viruses in mice and guinea pigs

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    Given the present extensive co-circulation in pigs of Eurasian avian-like (EA) swine H1N1 and 2009 pandemic (pdm/09) H1N1 viruses, reassortment between them is highly plausible but largely uncharacterized. Here, experimentally co-infected pigs with a representative EA virus and a pdm/09 virus yielded 55 novel reassortant viruses that could be categorized into 17 genotypes from Gt1 to Gt17 based on segment segregation. Majority of novel reassortants were isolated from the lower respiratory tract. Most of reassortant viruses were more pathogenic and contagious than the parental EA viruses in mice and guinea pigs. The most transmissible reassortant genotypes demonstrated in guinea pigs (Gt2, Gt3, Gt7, Gt10 and Gt13) were also the most lethal in mice. Notably, nearly all these highly virulent reassortants (all except Gt13) were characterized with possession of EA H1 and full complement of pdm/09 ribonucleoprotein genes. Compositionally, we demonstrated that EA H1-222G contributed to virulence by its ability to bind avian-type sialic acid receptors, and that pdm/09 RNP conferred the most robust polymerase activity to reassortants. The present study revealed high reassortment compatibility between EA and pdm/09 viruses in pigs, which could give rise to progeny reassortant viruses with enhanced virulence and transmissibility in mice and guinea pig models

    Prevalence of pre-eclampsia and adverse pregnancy outcomes in women with pre-existing cardiomyopathy: a multi-centre retrospective cohort study

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    Pre-eclampsia is associated with postnatal cardiac dysfunction; however, the nature of this relationship remains uncertain. This multicentre retrospective cohort study aimed to determine the prevalence of pre-eclampsia in women with pre-existing cardiac dysfunction (left ventricular ejection fraction < 55%) and explore the relationship between pregnancy outcome and pre-pregnancy cardiac phenotype. In this cohort of 282 pregnancies, pre-eclampsia prevalence was not significantly increased (4.6% [95% C.I 2.2–7.0%] vs. population prevalence of 4.6% [95% C.I. 2.7–8.2], p = 0.99); 12/13 women had concurrent obstetric/medical risk factors for pre-eclampsia. The prevalence of preterm pre-eclampsia (< 37 weeks) and fetal growth restriction (FGR) was increased (1.8% vs. 0.7%, p = 0.03; 15.2% vs. 5.5%, p < 0.001, respectively). Neither systolic nor diastolic function correlated with pregnancy outcome. Antenatal ß blockers (n = 116) were associated with lower birthweight Z score (adjusted difference − 0.31 [95% C.I. − 0.61 to − 0.01], p = 0.04). To conclude, this study demonstrated a modest increase in preterm pre-eclampsia and significant increase in FGR in women with pre-existing cardiac dysfunction. Our results do not necessarily support a causal relationship between cardiac dysfunction and pre-eclampsia, especially given the population’s background risk status. The mechanism underpinning the relationship between cardiac dysfunction and FGR merits further research but could be influenced by concomitant ß blocker use

    Impact of electronic medical record on physician practice in office settings: a systematic review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Increased investments are being made for electronic medical records (EMRs) in Canada. There is a need to learn from earlier EMR studies on their impact on physician practice in office settings. To address this need, we conducted a systematic review to examine the impact of EMRs in the physician office, factors that influenced their success, and the lessons learned.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>For this review we included publications cited in Medline and CINAHL between 2000 and 2009 on physician office EMRs. Studies were included if they evaluated the impact of EMR on physician practice in office settings. The Clinical Adoption Framework provided a conceptual scheme to make sense of the findings and allow for future comparison/alignment to other Canadian eHealth initiatives.</p> <p>In the final selection, we included 27 controlled and 16 descriptive studies. We examined six areas: prescribing support, disease management, clinical documentation, work practice, preventive care, and patient-physician interaction. Overall, 22/43 studies (51.2%) and 50/109 individual measures (45.9%) showed positive impacts, 18.6% studies and 18.3% measures had negative impacts, while the remaining had no effect. Forty-eight distinct factors were identified that influenced EMR success. Several lessons learned were repeated across studies: (a) having robust EMR features that support clinical use; (b) redesigning EMR-supported work practices for optimal fit; (c) demonstrating value for money; (d) having realistic expectations on implementation; and (e) engaging patients in the process.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Currently there is limited positive EMR impact in the physician office. To improve EMR success one needs to draw on the lessons from previous studies such as those in this review.</p