44 research outputs found

    Sex Ideologies in China: Examining Interprovince Differences

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    In recent decades, premarital sex, extramarital sex, and homosexuality have become increasingly visible in China, leading scholars to claim that a national “sex revolution” is under way. However, China’s internal sociocultural diversity calls this nation-level generalization into question. How do sex ideologies vary across China’s distinct provinces? To what extent are inter-province variations in sex ideologies associated with distinct macro- level social factors in China? In this research, data from the 2010 China General Social Survey and the 2011 Chinese Statistics Yearbook were analyzed using multilevel models to test four contending theories of inter-province differences in sex ideologies in China: modernization, Westernization, deindustrialization, and the “rice theory.” The modernization theory was unsupported by the results, as socioeconomic development is not significantly associated with sex ideologies. Higher levels of deindustrialization and Westernization were associated with less traditional sex ideologies, but the strength of association varied across the domains of premarital sex, extramarital sex, and homosexuality. The rice theory was consistently supported, as the distinction between rice and wheat agriculture explained up to 30% of the province-level variance in sex ideologies. The findings underline the roles of both long-standing geographic differences and recent social changes in shaping China’s ideational landscape of sex

    Untangling the Interplay between Epidemic Spread and Transmission Network Dynamics

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    The epidemic spread of infectious diseases is ubiquitous and often has a considerable impact on public health and economic wealth. The large variability in the spatio-temporal patterns of epidemics prohibits simple interventions and requires a detailed analysis of each epidemic with respect to its infectious agent and the corresponding routes of transmission. To facilitate this analysis, we introduce a mathematical framework which links epidemic patterns to the topology and dynamics of the underlying transmission network. The evolution, both in disease prevalence and transmission network topology, is derived from a closed set of partial differential equations for infections without allowing for recovery. The predictions are in excellent agreement with complementarily conducted agent-based simulations. The capacity of this new method is demonstrated in several case studies on HIV epidemics in synthetic populations: it allows us to monitor the evolution of contact behavior among healthy and infected individuals and the contributions of different disease stages to the spreading of the epidemic. This gives both direction to and a test bed for targeted intervention strategies for epidemic control. In conclusion, this mathematical framework provides a capable toolbox for the analysis of epidemics from first principles. This allows for fast, in silico modeling - and manipulation - of epidemics and is especially powerful if complemented with adequate empirical data for parameterization

    HIV, resurgent infections and population change in Africa

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    Concurrent sexual partnerships and HIV prevalence in five urban communities of sub-Saharan Africa.

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate parameters of concurrent sexual partnerships in five urban populations in sub-Saharan Africa and to assess their association with levels of HIV infection and other sexually transmitted infections (STI). METHODS: Data were obtained from a multicentre study of factors which determine the differences in rate of spread of HIV in five African cities. Consenting participants were interviewed on sexual behaviour and at four of the five sites also provided a blood and a urine sample for testing for HIV and other STI. Data on sexual behaviour included the number of partnerships in the 12 months preceding the interview as well as the dates of the start and end of each partnership. Summary indices of concurrent sexual partnerships -- some of which were taken from the literature, while others were newly developed -- were computed for each city and compared to HIV and STI prevalence rates. RESULTS: A total of 1819 adults aged 15--49 years were interviewed in Dakar (Senegal), 2116 in Cotonou (Benin), 2089 in Yaoundé (Cameroon), 1889 in Kisumu (Kenya) and 1730 in Ndola (Zambia). Prevalence rates of HIV infection were 3.4% for Cotonou, 5.9% for Yaoundé, 25.9% for Kisumu and 28.4% for Ndola, and around 1% for Dakar. The estimated fraction of sexual partnerships that were concurrent at the time of interview (index k) was relatively high in Yaoundé (0.98), intermediate in Kisumu (0.44) and Cotonou (0.33) and low in Ndola (0.26) and in Dakar (0.18). An individual indicator of concurrency (iic) was developed which depends neither on the number of partners nor on the length of the partnerships and estimates the individual propensity to keep (positive values) or to dissolve (negative values) on-going partnership before engaging in another one. This measure iic did not discriminate between cities with high HIV infection levels and cities with low HIV infection levels. In addition, iic did not differ significantly between HIV-infected and uninfected people in the four cities where data on HIV status were collected. CONCLUSION: We could not find evidence that concurrent sexual partnerships were a major determinant of the rate of spread of HIV in five cities in sub-Saharan Africa. HIV epidemics are the result of many factors, behavioural as well as biological, of which concurrent sexual partnerships are only one

    Commercial sex and the spread of HIV in four cities in sub-Saharan Africa.

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine whether commercial sex transactions were more common and/or transmission between sex workers and clients more efficient in two African cities with high HIV prevalence (Kisumu, Kenya and Ndola, Zambia) compared with two with relatively low HIV prevalence (Cotonou, Benin and Yaoundé, Cameroon). METHODS: Data on sexual behaviour, HIV and sexually transmitted infections were collected from representative samples of around 300 female sex workers in each city. Sexual behaviour data from a population-based study of around 1000 men aged 15-49 in each city were used to estimate the extent of contact with sex workers. RESULTS: The number of sex workers per 1000 males was highest in Kisumu and Ndola, but other estimates of the extent or characteristics of sex work contact showed no consistent differences between high or low prevalence cities. HIV prevalence among sex workers was 75% in Kisumu, 69% in Ndola, 55% in Cotonou and 34% in Yaoundé. The prevalence of genital ulceration and trichomoniasis was higher among sex workers in Kisumu and Ndola but no clear pattern was seen for the other sexually transmitted infections. Around 70% of sex workers in Cotonou reported use of a condom with the last client, markedly higher than in the other cities. CONCLUSIONS: Although sex work is likely to have played an important role in the spread of HIV in all four cities, differences in present patterns of sex work do not appear to explain the differential spread of HIV. However, high levels of condom use among sex workers may have slowed the spread from sex workers to the general population in Cotonou, highlighting the importance of interventions among sex workers and their clients

    To stem HIV in Africa, prevent transmission to young women

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