831 research outputs found

    El do de l'aigua. Els saurins a Catalunya

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    Conditions of angelic type in function spaces

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    A systematic review of Twitter’s hashtags in public health: an example of a globally adopted standard

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    The objective is to find evidence and make recommendations on the use of Twitter in public health,particularly through the study of hashtags(#). This systematic review shows the use of Twitter in different areas of public health: epidemiological surveillance, health promotion, health protection and disease prevention. Articles on this subject published in indexed journals with impact factor show the importance of conversations to engage the attention of Twitter users by using citations (@ user) and retweets(RT); however, not much importance seems to be given to the use of hashtags(#), which are often assimilated to the concept of keywords. Although tracking recurring hashtagsshould be less expensive than computing Twitter content, the potential of hashtaggeddata has not been properly exploited or recognized over the past years, probably due to the lack of efficient tools

    Sistema accesible, interoperable y ubicuo para el acceso a las nuevas tecnologías por parte de las personas con necesidades especiales

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    The possibility to access communication and information is indispensable to achieve equality of opportunities and full citizenship participation. However, people with some sort of handicap find themselves with environments, services and products inaccessible for them and making their daily life more difficult. Communication barriers are those obstacles that prevent these people to access information. Advance in information technologies and communications, diminishing in hardware costs and information transmission rates allows us today to develop tools that give people with special needs access to new technologies. CIM Fundation has been collaborating in the development of an accessible and ubiquitous platform for people with special needs as part of his participation in the INREDIS project within the CENIT Program. The objective of this project is the development of a system that offers a multiplatform, adaptive and natural interface that responds with intelligence to the user’s needs. The platform has been developed with a Software Oriented Architecture (SOA) and within Software as a Service model (SaaS).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Study of the training needs of industrial companies in the Barcelona Area and proposal of Training Courses and Methodologies to enhance further competitiveness

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    The analysis of educational needs has shown that post university training could be better fitted to meet the strategic needs of the industrial companies, thus filling the gap generated. From this information, expert learning, professional training and innovative methodologies have been proposed. The study covers industrial companies focusing activities of: (i) Product and Process Design and Manufacturing, (ii) Production Management and Logistics and (iii) Automated and Robotized Manufacturing. These companies are considered a fair proxy of the Barcelona Area Industrial company sector. Moreover, it is concluded that in intermediate positions and executives, training should further address management and improvement of personal skills and soft skills.Postprint (published version

    Anarquisme i alliberament nacional

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    192 p. ; Il. ,Libro ElectrónicoAquest text vol ser una petita explicació de per què des del Col·lectiu Negres Tempestes, juntament amb altres col·lectius i individualitats, hem volgut reeditar el llibre que tens a les mans. Ja fa uns quants anys que diferents persones i col·lectius hem recollit el testimoni de grups com Ikària, la FACC (Federació Anarcocomunista Catalana) o Recerca Autònoma pel que respecta a l’alliberament nacional des d’un punt de vista llibertari i, per tant, contrari a tot procés emancipador que passi per la creació d’un nou estat i en el qual la peça bàsica no sigui l’individu. A la ciutat de Barcelona i comarques properes, el punt de trobada de totes nosaltres ha estat l’anomenat Bloc Negre de la manifestació de la tarda de l’onze de setembre. Diferents col·lectius com Acció Autònoma (Terrassa), Catarko (el Prat) i Negres Tempestes (Barcelona) i individualitats han donat continuïtat i contingut a un bloc que fins aleshores s’organitzava de manera gairebé espontània.Este texto pretende ser una pequeña explicación de por qué desde el Colectivo Negros Tormentas, junto con otros colectivos e individualidades, hemos querido reeditar el libro que tienes en las manos. Ya hace unos cuantos años que diferentes personas y colectivos hemos recogido el testigo de grupos como Ikari, la FACC (Federación anarcocomunista Catalana) o Investigación Autónoma en lo que respecta a la liberación nacional desde un punto de vista libertario y, por tanto, contrario a todo proceso emancipador que pase por la creación de un nuevo estado y en el que la pieza básica no sea el individuo. En la ciudad de Barcelona y comarcas cercanas, el punto de encuentro de todas nosotras ha sido el llamado Bloque Negro de la manifestación de la tarde del once de septiembre. Diferentes colectivos como Acción Autónoma (Terrassa), Catarko (El Prat) y Negras Tormentas (Barcelona) e individualidades han dado continuidad y contenido a un bloque que hasta entonces se organizaba de manera casi espontánea.Nota introductòria, Col·lectiu Negres Tempestes 5 Introducció 7 1La crisis del moviment llibertari: contra la doctrina 11 2Estat/nació 21 3Països Catalans 27 4Incidència de l’estat damunt la nació: «Espanya» i «França» 31 5Alliberament nacional 39 6Migracions i Països Catalans 59 7Situació actual: l’«Estado de las autonomías» 67 8Els clàssics anarquistes i els moviments d’alliberament nacional 81 9Moviment llibertari i qüestió nacional als Països Catalans (1874-1939) 91 10Anarquisme i moviments d’alliberament nacional d’arreu del món 103 Annexes Annex 1Entrevista al Col·lectiu Icària 115 Annex 2Aportació a la revista La Lletra A 123 Annex 3Manifest per l’Onze de setembre de 1981 127 Annex 4Els llibertaris i la lluita per l’alliberament nacional dels Països Catalans 131 Annex 5Manifest per una CNT dels Països Catalans 135 Annex 6La Confederació Nacional del Treball dels Països Catalans 139 Annex 7Autonomia, nacionalisme i CNT 141 Annex 8Declaració política final de la I Trobada Internacional 145 Annex 9Avui, com fa 70 anys enrera Un poble sobirà, és un poble ingovernable 147 Annex 10Anarco..quèeee? 151 Documents La Montse també és negre (23 d’abril, 1983) 159 Mort als Estats, visquin les terres (Onze de setembre, 1983) 160 De l’Ateneu Llibertari del Poblet (Onze de setembre, 1981) 161 Per la independència total i l’anarquia sense límits (Onze de setembre, 1982) 162 Contra el nacionalisme burgès, l’alternativa llibertària (23 d’abril, 1983) 164 Per l’anarquia i la independència (Onze de setembre, 1983) 166 La Ceba (núm1) 168 Contra la botifleria 169 Epíleg Independència total, anarquia sense lìmits Jordi Martí Font 17

    Assessment of the potential economic impact of the use of AM technologies in the cost levels of manufacturing and stocking of spare part products

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) technologies are appropriate manufacturing technologies to produce low rotation products of high added value. Products in the spare parts business usually have discontinuous demand levels of reduced numbers of parts. Indeed, spare parts inventories handle myriad of products that require big immobilized investments while having an intrinsic risk of no-use (for example due to obsolescence or spoilage). Based on these issues, the present work analyses the fundamental cost factors in a real case study of a company dedicated to the supply of spare parts for fluid conduction systems. Real inventory data is assessed to determine the product taxonomy and its associated costs. A representative product of the stock is analyzed in detail on original manufacturing costs, in AM costs and then redesigned with topological optimization to reduce the AM cost levels (via design for additive manufacturing). A general equation for cost assessment is formulated. Given the specific data collected from the company, the parameters in this general equation are calculated. Finally, the general equation and the product cost reduction achieved are used to explore the potential economic impact of the use of AM technologies in the cost levels of manufacturing and stocking of spare part products.Postprint (published version

    Bronchoscopic balloon dilatation in the management of bronchial stenosis following lung transplantation

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    SummaryBackgroundBronchial stenosis (BS) is currently found in 7–15% of lung transplantation (LT) recipients. Current treatment strategies have included Nd:Yag laser, cryotherapy, bougie dilatation and stent placement. Bronchoscopic balloon dilatation has been used as alternative treatment in a few cases with controversial results. This is a study to prospectively assess the efficacy of bronchoscopic balloon dilatation as a first step in the management of post-LT BS.MethodsFrom January 1995 to December 2002, bronchoscopic balloon dilatation was evaluated as first therapeutic option in all consecutive LT patients with BS. Symptoms, pulmonary function tests, airway diameter and use of other therapeutic techniques were evaluated.ResultsA total of 10 out of 284 anastomed airways (3.5%) in 9 out of 152 LT patients were included in the study and follow-up lasted from 6 to 81 months. Dilatation of all but one BS met with initial success: increase of both luminal dimensions and forced vital capacity (P=0.01), and relief of symptoms. Bronchoscopic balloon dilatation long-term follow-up showed effective results in 5 out of 10 (50%) bronchial stenoses, after an average of 4 bronchoscopic balloon dilatation procedures (range 1–8). No severe complications were observed. Stent placement was required in the other 5 bronchial stenoses.ConclusionsBronchoscopic balloon dilatation is a safe method that should be considered as first therapeutic treatment of post-LT BS. Its use avoids the need for stent placement in up to 50% of cases