754 research outputs found

    Desvios Axiais dos Membros Inferiores

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    As deformidades axiais dos membros inferiores constituem um dos principais motivos de consulta na área de Ortopedia Infantil. Esta situação deve-se, por um lado, ao facto de haver uma grande percentagem de crianças (cerca de 20%) que apresentam uma deformidade fisiológica durante o desenvolvimento e, por outro, à «tradição» existente, segundo a qual estes desvios necessitam de um tratamento, usualmente por calçado ortopédico. Torna-se, por isso, imperioso destrinçar o fisiológico do patológico, diferenciar as diferentes etiologias e corrigi-las precocemente medicamente e, ainda, determinar quando uma deformidade é passível de correcção espontânea ou quando exige uma terapêutica cirúrgica

    Configurations of business model themes and strategies in small firms: a qualitative comparative analysis

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    Firms' strategies and business model themes (BMTs) entail choices that create a configuration of interdependent elements that ultimately affect a firm's performance. So far, extant studies on BMTs (i.e. novelty, efficiency, complementarity and lock-in) have neglected an explorative analysis of how configurations of BMTs and the choices of a firm's strategy (namely, the source of the competitive advantage and the market scope) are associated with a firm's performance in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). We address this limitation by analysing a sample of 96 small firms using a configurational approach. We identified four equifinal configurations leading to high performance and five equifinal configurations associated with low performance. Overall, our results suggest that in small firms, it is essential to combine a differentiation strategy with either consistent pairs of BMTs or the search for new avenues of value creation and capture, while featuring too many BMTs might be detrimental to their growth. Our study contributes to the scholarly debate about the relationship between business models and strategy

    Detection of new eruptions in the Magellanic Clouds LBVs R 40 and R 110

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    We performed a spectroscopic and photometric analysis to study new eruptions in two luminous blue variables (LBVs) in the Magellanic Clouds. We detected a strong new eruption in the LBV R40 that reached V9.2V \sim 9.2 in 2016, which is around 1.31.3 mag brighter than the minimum registered in 1985. During this new eruption, the star changed from an A-type to a late F-type spectrum. Based on photometric and spectroscopic empirical calibrations and synthetic spectral modeling, we determine that R\,40 reached Teff=58006300T_{\mathrm{eff}} = 5800-6300~K during this new eruption. This object is thereby probably one of the coolest identified LBVs. We could also identify an enrichment of nitrogen and r- and s-process elements. We detected a weak eruption in the LBV R 110 with a maximum of V9.9V \sim 9.9 mag in 2011, that is, around 1.01.0 mag brighter than in the quiescent phase. On the other hand, this new eruption is about 0.20.2 mag fainter than the first eruption detected in 1990, but the temperature did not decrease below 8500 K. Spitzer spectra show indications of cool dust in the circumstellar environment of both stars, but no hot or warm dust was present, except by the probable presence of PAHs in R\,110. We also discuss a possible post-red supergiant nature for both stars

    Performance of a large limited streamer tube cell in drift mode

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    The performance of a large (3x3 cm2cm^2) streamer tube cell in drift mode is shown. The detector space resolution has been studied using cosmic muons crossing an high precision silicon telescope. The experimental results are compared with a GARFIELD simulation.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures. Accepted by Nucl. Instr. and Methods

    Characterisation of Hybrid Pixel Detectors with capacitive charge division

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    In order to fully exploit the physics potential of the future high energy e+ e- linear collider, a Vertex Tracker providing high resolution track reconstruction is required. Hybrid pixel sensors are an attractive technology due to their fast read-out capabilities and radiation hardness. A novel pixel detector layout with interleaved cells between the readout nodes has been developed to improve the single point resolution. The results of the characterisation of the first processed prototypes are reported.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, presented at LCWS2000, Linear Collider Workshop, October 24-28 2000, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois, U.S.A. Proceedings to be published by the American Institute of Physic

    Hybrid Pixel Detector Development for the Linear Collider Vertex Tracker

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    In order to fully exploit the physics potential of the future high energy e+e- linear collider, a Vertex Tracker able to provide particle track extrapolation with very high resolution is needed. Hybrid Si pixel sensors are an attractive technology due to their fast read-out capabilities and radiation hardness. A novel pixel detector layout with interleaved cells has been developed to improve the single point resolution. Results of the characterisation of the first processed prototypes by electrostatic measurements and charge collection studies are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the Proceedings of the 9th Int. Workshop on Vertex Detectors, Lake Michigan MI (USA), September~200

    An infrared diagnostic for magnetism in hot stars

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    Magnetospheric observational proxies are used for indirect detection of magnetic fields in hot stars in the X-ray, UV, optical, and radio wavelength ranges. To determine the viability of infrared (IR) hydrogen recombination lines as a magnetic diagnostic for these stars, we have obtained low-resolution (R~1200), near-IR spectra of the known magnetic B2V stars HR 5907 and HR 7355, taken with the Ohio State Infrared Imager/Spectrometer (OSIRIS) attached to the 4.1m Southern Astrophysical Research (SOAR) Telescope. Both stars show definite variable emission features in IR hydrogen lines of the Brackett series, with similar properties as those found in optical spectra, including the derived location of the detected magnetospheric plasma. These features also have the added advantage of a lowered contribution of stellar flux at these wavelengths, making circumstellar material more easily detectable. IR diagnostics will be useful for the future study of magnetic hot stars, to detect and analyze lower-density environments, and to detect magnetic candidates in areas obscured from UV and optical observations, increasing the number of known magnetic stars to determine basic formation properties and investigate the origin of their magnetic fields.Comment: 4 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    Crosswalking or jaywalking? the visualization of linked scientific and humanities data

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    A critical aspect of shared data is using an easily accessible interface that is interoperable across a wide range of heritage institutions. An innovative approach to heritage science, where data is generated about the materiality of heritage materials, is linking this data back to a visual rendering of the heritage material to begin a process of linked data and integration between science and humanities. Using the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF), the shared canvas data model is being expanded for integrating linked scientific analyses to this digital surrogate. There are challenges with this approach for spectral imaging data due to the additional required layers of metadata in the spectral, spatial and temporal modes, which need to be consistent, and persistent, across sets of canvases

    Osteomielite Crónica de Metatarsico por Pseudomonas após Ferida Perfurante Plantar

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    As feridas perfurantes dos pés são relativamente comuns e as complicações ósseas e articulares ocorrem em aproximadamente 2% dos casos. Estas infeções são na grande maioria provocadas pela Pseudomonas aeruginosa. A elevada apetência desta bactéria para o tecido cartilagíneo e a utilização frequente de calçado desportivo no grupo etário infantil constituem os dois principais fatores que contribuem para o aumento da incidência desta patologia no pé imaturo da criança. Vários artigos têm chamado a atenção para esta entidade na sua forma aguda. Neste estudo os autores pretende alertar para a evolução subaguda e crónica, cursos menos frequentes da doença. As feridas perfurantes do pé continuam a ser desvalorizadas pelos profissionais de saúde e, muitas vezes, são menosprezadas pelo próprio doente. Como consequência da falta de avaliação e de seguimento no período pós ferida, podem desenvolver-se lesões com repercussões futuras como aconteceu no caso clínico apresentado

    A Pixel Vertex Tracker for the TESLA Detector

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    In order to fully exploit the physics potential of a e+e- linear collider, such as TESLA, a Vertex Tracker providing high resolution track reconstruction is required. Hybrid Silicon pixel sensors are an attractive sensor technology option due to their read-out speed and radiation hardness, favoured in the high rate TESLA environment, but have been so far limited by the achievable single point space resolution. A novel layout of pixel detectors with interleaved cells to improve their spatial resolution is introduced and the results of the characterisation of a first set of test structures are discussed. In this note, a conceptual design of the TESLA Vertex Tracker, based on hybrid pixel sensors is presentedComment: 20 pages, 11 figure