112 research outputs found

    Network-based localized IP mobility management: Proxy Mobile IPv6 and current trends in standardization

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    IP mobility support has been a hot topic over the last years, recently fostered by the role of IP in the evolution of the 3G mobile communication networks. Standardization bodies, namely IETF, IEEE and 3GPP are working on different aspects of the mobility aiming at improving the mobility experience perceived by users. Traditional IP mobility support mechanisms, Mobile IPv4 or Mobile IPv6, are based on the operation of the terminal to keep ongoing sessions despite the movement. The current trend is towards network-based solutions where mobility support is based on network operation. Proxy Mobile IPv6 is a promising specification that allows network operators to provide localized mobility support without relying on mobility functionality or configuration present in the mobile nodes, which greatly eases the deployment of the solution. This paper presents Proxy Mobile IPv6 and the different extensions that are been considered by the standardization bodies to enhance the basic protocol with interesting features needed to offer a richer mobility experience, namely, flow mobility, multicast and network mobility support.European Community's Seventh Framework ProgramThe research leading to the results presented in this paper has received funding from the Spanish MICINN through the I-MOVING project (TEC2010-18907) and from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement 258053 (MEDIEVAL project).Publicad

    Comorbilidades neurológicas y su relación con la velocidad de la marcha en adultos mayores del Centro Médico Naval “Cirujano Mayor Santiago Távara” 2010-2015.

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    Objective: To determine the association between presence of neurological comorbidities and walking speed in older adults attended at the Naval Medical Center Cirujano Mayor Santiago Távara 2010-2015. Methods: Observational retrospective study through secondary analysis of a database of 1785 older adults. To determine the relationship between variables, the Chi-square test with a level of significance of 5%, and the STATA v.14 program were used. Results: 18.7% of the probands had Parkinsons disease, 44.9% had mild cognitive impairment, and only 3.1% had cerebrovascular disorder. There were significant differences in walking speed with respect to advanced age and female sex (greater in 80 y.o. or older females). There was a significant relationship between mild cognitive impairment and cerebrovascular disorder with walking speed. The probability of a slow walking speed adjusted for Parkinsons disease diagnosis, age and sex for those with mild cognitive impairment was 2.13 (IC95% 1.72-2.63), and for those with cerebrovascular disease, 1.79 (IC95% 1.01-3.20). Conclusions: Slow walking was presented mainly in women over 80 years of age, and was significantly related to mild cognitive impairment and cerebrovascular disorder, but not to Parkinsons diseaseObjetivo: Determinar la relación entre presencia de comorbilidades neurológicas y velocidad de la marcha en adultos mayores del Centro Médico Naval “Cirujano Mayor Santiago Távara” 2010-2015. Material y Métodos: Estudio observacional retrospectivo mediante análisis secundario de base de datos. La muestra fue conformada por 1785 adultos mayores. Para determinar la relación entre variables se utilizó Chi-cuadrado con un nivel de significación del 5% y el programa STATA v.14. Resultados: El 18,7% de los probandos presentaron enfermedad de Parkinson, 44,9% presentaron deterioro cognitivo leve y sólo el 3,1% presentó evidencia de enfermedad cerebrovascular. Existieron diferencias significativas respecto a la edad (p<0,001) y sexo (p=0,043) según la velocidad de marcha (mayor en mujeres de 80 años o más). Hubo relación significativa entre el deterioro cognitivo leve (p<0,001) y la enfermedad cerebro- vascular (p=0,002) con la velocidad de marcha. La probabilidad de una velocidad de marcha lenta ajustada por antecedente de enfermedad de Parkinson, edad y sexo para aquellos con deterioro cognitivo leve fue de 2,13 (IC95% 1,72-2,63) y para aquellos con enfermedad cerebrovascular fue de 1,79 (IC95% 1,01-3,20). Conclusiones: La lentitud de marcha se presentó mayormente en mujeres de 80 o más años de edad y se relacionó significativamente con el deterioro cognitivo leve y enfermedad cerebrovascular, pero no con la enfermedad de Parkinson

    Relación del conocimiento táctico de jóvenes futbolistas con la edad, la experiencia y el nivel de pericia

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    Dada la importancia del conocimiento previo para decidir de forma adaptable en el deporte, se estudió el conocimiento táctico de 109 jóvenes futbolistas de ocho a doce años y su relación con la edad, la experiencia y el nivel de pericia, mediante el Test de Conocimiento TácticoOfensivo en Fútbol. Se observaron diferencias significativas de magnitud moderada en función de la edad y la experiencia en competición federada de los jugadores (p < ,05; r < ,40), aunque los resultados fueron dispares. El nivel de pericia correlacionó significativamente con los conocimientos declarativo (rho = ,350; p < ,01), procedimental (rho = ,446; p < ,01) y táctico de los jugadores (rho = ,446; p < ,01). Los hallazgos sugieren que la edad y experiencia no tienen un papel tan determinante sobre el conocimiento táctico como otras variables: metodologías de enseñanza recibidas o la formación del entrenador. Se necesitan estudios en los que se analice si la formación específica en el conocimiento de los problemas tácticos mejora la habilidad de toma de decisiones en el deporte en general y en el fútbolbase en particular

    Evaluación de la reactividad árido-álcali en diversos áridos silicatados. Alternativas para minimizar esta reacción

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    Siliceous aggregates are characterized for presenting certain chemical reactivity opposite to the calcium hydroxide liberated in the hydration of the Portland cement. The consequence of this reaction between the aggregate and the components of the intermediate concrete phase is the formation of gels very eager for water that can generate important disruptive pressures in the deeper structure of concrete. We have assessed the potential reactivity of several siliceous aggregates (granites, gneiss, hornfels, granites, quartzite and serpentine) by means of the accelerated method in concrete bars (normalized method) and the superficial reactivity method, observing by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) the formation of silica calcium alkaline gels. On the other hand, we explore the way of minimizing this disruptive reaction employing ground clay bricks and cement type CEM IV UNE-EN 197-1.Los áridos silíceos se caracterizan por reaccionar con el hidróxido cálcico liberado en el proceso de hidratación del cemento, lo que debido a su elevada avidez por el agua genera geles expansivos, que provocan importantes tensiones disruptivas en el seno del hormigón. En este trabajo hemos evaluado la reactividad potencial de varios áridos silíceos (granitos, gneis, corneanas, granitos, cuarcita y serpentina) mediante el método acelerado de barras de mortero (normalizado), y el método de reactividad superficial, observando los geles silicocalcoalcalinos formados mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM). Por otra parte, aportamos dos vías de minimización de esta reacción disruptiva, empleando ladrillo cerámico molido en un caso, y cemento CEM IV UNE-EN 197-1 en el otro

    Analysis of the key features of the seismic actions due to the three main earthquakes of May 11, 2011 in Lorca, Spain

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    The seismic records are in general valuable information, especially in cases where damage in buildings has occurred. The main purpose of the present document is to describe the principal results of the analysis of features of ground motions due to the main three earthquakes that occurred in Spain on May 11, 2011. In this day the major earthquake had a magnitude of 5.1 Mw. This event triggered different levels of damage in numerous buildings in the city of Lorca located in southern Spain. Unfortunately, 9 persons died due mainly to the collapse of non-structural elements. We describe in the present paper the application of the software Seismograms Analyzer-e (SA-e) to perform the processing and the analysis of the seismic records obtained in five stations during the main three earthquakes on May 11 (the largest earthquake of magnitude 5.1 Mw, the precursor of magnitude 4.5 Mw, and the aftershock of magnitude 3.9 Mw). We also highlight the significant similitudes between the seismograms generated in the LOR station during these three earthquakes. Additionally, we determined the values of acceleration that occurred in the roof of the buildings of Lorca, because these values of acceleration contributed both to the damage of numerous buildings and the collapse of several parapets of some buildings. The analysis of these accelerations is relevant because the collapse of some parapets was the cause of the death of the 9 people that died during the main earthquake. For example, according to our study in the roof of a building with a fundamental period of 0.25 s the acceleration could have reached values near to 1.04 g. We also analyzed the potential of damage in function of the values of CAVSTD. Additionally, we determined hypothetical seismic forces for the design of parapets in buildings of Lorca considering the NCSE-02 normative, and the values of Sa based on the seismic records. We determined a significant difference between the seismic forces that could have been used to design the parapets of the buildings in the Lorca city and the forces determined according to the values of PGA that were proposed in a recent study of seismic hazard for Spain.The first author acknowledges to CONACYT, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, and to the Universidad Veracruzana by their contribution to the development of the present study. Complementary information about Seismograms Analyzer-e is available on the WEB page of SA-e2 . .Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Composición nutricional de nuevas variedades de cacahuate (Arachis Hypogaea L.)

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    Six peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) cultivars (Col-24-Gro, Col-61-Gto, VA-81-B, Ranferi Díaz, NC-2 and Florunner) were studied for agricultural yield, chemical composition (protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber and ash), amino acid profile, digestibility, fatty acid profile, tocopherol and sterol contents. Results indicated that Ranferi Díaz and Col-61-Gto presented the highest yield (6.3 Ton/ha). Protein content was from 23.5 to 26.6% and fat content ranged from 49.8-53.4%. Mean digestibility was 86%. Lysine and threonine levels in all cultivars were sufficient to meet human requirements. Total saturated fatty acids ranged from 15-18%. The oleic/linoleic ratio was estimated 1.3-1.4. Tocopherol levels varied from 390 to 706 ppm. The highest tocopherol levels corresponded to the cultivars with the lowest yield. The alpha tocopherol content was estimated at 90-150 ppm, while gamma tocopherol was 270-570 ppm.The main sterol present was βsitosterol (approx. 65%). Ranferi Diaz variety presented the highest agronomic yield and the highest protein content but low oleic acid, low sterols and low total tocopherols. The differences among cultivars suggest differences in their applications.Se estudio el rendimiento agrícola y composición química (proteína, grasa, carbohidratos, fibra y cenizas), perfil de amino ácidos, digestibilidad, perfil de ácidos grasos, contenido de tocoferol y de esteroles de seis variedades de cacahuate (Arachis hypogaea L.) Col-24-Gro, Col-61-Gto, VA-81B, Ranferi Díaz, NC-2 y Florunner. Los resultados mostraron que el mayor rendimiento se logró en las variedades Ranferi Díaz y Col-61-Gto (6.3 Ton/ha). El contenido de proteína fue de 23.5 a 26.6% y el contenido de grasa en un intervalo de 49.8 a 53.4%. La digestibilidad promedio de las seis variedades fue de 86%. El contenido de lisina y treonina en la proteína de todas las variedades fue suficiente para satisfacer los requerimientos del humano. La composición del aceite de las diferentes variedades de cacahuate se caracterizó por contener de 15-18% de ácidos grasos saturados. La relación oleico/linoleico fue de 1.3-1.4. El contenido de tocoferoles totales fue entre 390 a 706 ppm. El mayor contenido de tocoferol correspondió a las variedades con los rendimientos más bajos. Con respecto al contenido de alfa tocoferol se encontró entre 90-150 ppm y el gamma tocoferol fue entre 270570 ppm. El contenido de beta-sitosterol fue similar en las seis variedades (aprox. 65%). La variedad Ranferi Diaz presentó el más alto rendimiento agronómico y el más alto contenido de proteína. Sin embargo, esta variedad presento el más bajo contenido de ácido oleico, bajo contenido de esteroles y bajo contenido de tocoferoles totales. Estas diferencias entre las variedades de cacahuate sugieren que cada una de ellas deberá tener diferente uso como alimento

    Perfiles hematológicos en pacientes infectados con malaria en un área endémica del Perú [Hematological profiles of malaria-infected patients in an endemic area of Peru]

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    OBJECTIVES.: To evaluate the variation of hematological profiles of patients infected with uncomplicated Plasmodium vivax (Pv) and P. falciparum (Pf) malaria before, during and after treatment in a population of the Loreto region. MATERIALS AND METHODS.: This study was conducted between 2010 and 2012, in Zungarococha (Iquitos). The 425 participants had three visits (visit 1-day 0-before treatment, visit 2-day 7-during treatment, visit 3-day 28-after treatment), complete blood count, microscopic and molecular diagnosis (PCR). RESULTS.: At the first visit, 93 (21.9%) participants were found positive for Pv and 34 (8.0%) for Pf. All positives showed a reduction in hematocrit, white blood cell count (WBC), ablated and segmented neutrophils, eosinophils and platelets (p<0.001) compared to the negative group. A higher percentage of ablated neutrophils was found in Pf and segmented neutrophils in Pv compared to the negative group. Variations in hematological profiles were observed after treatment for both species; ablated neutrophils decreased, platelets increased, eosinophils increased at day 7 and declined at day 28, hematocrit and segmented neutrophils decreased at day 7 and normalized at day 28. Interspecies differences over time showed a bigger daily decrease in ablated neutrophils in Pv-infected when compared to Pf. CONCLUSIONS.: The hematological profile in uncomplicated malaria-positive patients varies over time during and after treatment. These are indicators of disease progression and help in the therapeutic surveillance of Plasmodium-infected patients

    Temas Socio-Jurídicos. Volumen 14 No. 31 Diciembre de 1996

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    Con la edición número 31 de la Revista Temas Socio-jurídicos se pone a disposición de la comunidad universitaria parte de la actividad desarrollada por los docentes y estudiantes de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga durante el segundo semestre de 1996.With the 31st edition of the Socio-legal Issues Magazine, part of the activity carried out by the teachers and students of the Faculty of Law of the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga during the second semester of 1996