139 research outputs found

    Self-identity in modern conflicts reality: essence and concepts

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    This article deals with the factors triggering the emergence of conflicting realities, the psychological analysis of the phenomenon and their features: «self-determination» and «professional self-determination»В статье раскрывается факторы инициирующие возникновение конфликтующих реальностей, психологический анализ феномена и их особенности: «самоопределения» и «профессионального самоопределения


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    Purpose. The purpose of the work is to develop proposals for improving the process of forming measures and programs for reforming the railway transport industry of Ukraine in the process of European integration based on research, comparison and generalization of information. Methodology. A study of the content and the main provisions of legal acts declaring the conditions for the reform of the railway transport was carried out using analysis and synthesis methods. Methods of the system approach, comparison and generalization of the obtained data allowed developing proposals for improving the process of the formation of activities and programs. Findings. The need for reforming Ukraine's railway transport has been under consideration since 2006, but for a long time reform was limited only to the development of reforming plans and programs. Not being implemented within the framework of one program, the measures were reflected in the next or parallel one, with the corresponding change in the terms. The carried out analysis of their implementation does not allow talking about inactivity or denying the existence of positive changes, however, given the duration of the period 2006-2017, they occur very slowly. This situation requires new approaches to the development of programs and activities, as well as assessing their implementation, one of which is proposed in the work. Originality. The work justifies the need to evaluate the implementation of measures and programs for reforming the railway transport industry by two criteria: legal and practical. The developed basic principles for the formation of programs for reforming and developing the railway transport industry provide an opportunity to receive timely and reliable information on the status of their implementation. Practical value. We obtained the possibilities of constant monitoring of the state of financial support for reforms and directions of use of funds, which will prevent their misuse and significantly accelerate the implementation of certain activities, and then increase their effectiveness

    Geastrum juliae (Geastrales, Agaricomycetes), a new species from the Russian Far East

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    A new species, Geastrum juliae, is described from Primorsky Krai in the Russian Far East. Based on the analysis of sequences retrieved from GenBank, this taxon is also found in China. The closest species is G. rubellum based on morphology and phylogenetics. We present the new species with illustrated descriptions and molecular data


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    Subject and Purpose. The study deals with the dual-frequency radio interferometry technique, which is based on the employment of two fairly close frequencies with the aim to remove ambiguity of the radar target elevation estimation using 2D-radar and eliminate 2 pm-uncertainty of the signal phase difference measurement. Analysis of random noise action on the accuracy of the elevation angle estimation by the dual-frequency radio interferometry and assessment of practical applicability of the method make up the purpose of the paper. Methods and Methodology. The noise action on the elevation angle measurement accuracy is examined through a series of analytical calculations with the use of statistical analysis methods. The noise in each receiving channel is modeled in terms of additive, statistically independent stationary Gaussian processes with zero mean values and equal variances. The calculation results are checked via computer simulations with statistics estimations for 106 random noise realizations. Results. A correct condition has been developed for the sector width where the target elevation angle is unambiguously estimated depending on the space separation of the antennas (baselines) and the frequency ratio. Expressions for elevation angle estimation errors have been obtained, showing that the error is mainly contributed by the faults in the determination of the ambiguity interval number. A probability of the correct determination of the ambiguity interval number has been derived depending on the signal- to-noise ratio and the frequency difference, indicating that almost one hundred per cent probability of the correct determination of the ambiguity interval number is only achieved when the signal-to-noise ratio exceeds 30 dB. A comparative analysis has been performed between the methods of dual-frequency interferometry and conventional phase-difference direction finding in the case of close X-band frequencies and the same sectors of survey. Conclusions. The dual-frequency radio interferometry technique with close frequencies has been shown to outperform the standard phase-difference direction-finding method only when the signal-to-noise ratio is sufficiently high (over 30 dB). In principle, the accuracy of the technique seems possible to improve by taking significantly different frequencies selected with regard to the scale negotiation condition. However, it should be mentioned that the implementation of the relevant algorithm in practice is much more complicated than the conventional scheme with a single frequency and several antenna baselines


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    Priority of postgraduate education is to train professionals with the necessary professional knowledge and skills. The results of a comparative study of the quality of medical education inUkraineat the postgraduate stage training of doctors have been established in the article. It was determined that the inclusion of subtest tests such USMLE stimulate the learning process and preparation for license examination in higher education institutions. However, there is a significant difference between the results of assembly subtest among American and Ukrainian medical interns. To increase the requirements for the content and quality of training of interns internship needed reform at all stages.Пріоритетом післядипломної освіти є підготовка фахівців з необхідними професійними знаннями, уміннями та навичками. У статті наведено результати порівняльного дослідження якості медичної освіти в Україні на післядипломному етапі підготовки лікарів. Визначено, що включення субтесту із тестових завдань типу USMLE стимулювало навчальний процес та підготовку до ліцензійного іспиту у вищих навчальних закладах. Проте має місце суттєва різниця між результатами складання субтесту американськими та українськими лікарями-інтернами. Для підвищення вимог до змісту та якості підготовки лікарів-інтернів необхідна реформа інтернатури на всіх її етапах


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    The aim of the work – to analyze the results of passing by native Ukrainian students the subtest from English of professional orientation “Krok-1. Dentistry”.The main body. It was analyzed the results of passing the exam from each discipline of “Krok-1. Dentistry”(English of professional orientation) by students of specialty “Dentistry”, Field of Study 22 “Health Care”. All students studied English at a higher education institution.Conclusion. The average score of successful passing exam of English of professional orientation was 36.6 %. It testifies low level, and in some higher educational institutions – very low level, of English proficiency by native Ukrainian students, who study in Ukrainian.Мета роботи – аналіз результатів складання студентами громадянами України субтесту з іноземної мови професійного спрямування ліцензійного іспиту “Крок 1. Стоматологія”.Основна частина. Проаналізовано результати складання студентами громадянами України, які навчаються за спеціальністю “Стоматологія”, галузі знань 22 “Охорона здоров’я”, субтесту з тестових завдань іноземною мовою професійного спрямування, яку вивчали студенти у закладі вищої освіти, з кожної дисципліни, що входить до змісту ліцензійного іспиту “Крок 1. Стоматологія”.Висновок. Середній результат складання субтесту з іноземної мови професійного спрямування 36,6 % свідчить про низький, а в окремих закладах вищої освіти дуже низький, рівень володіння студентами громадянами України іноземною мовою професійного спрямування


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    Searching standards in higher medical education is the best strategy to achieve conceptually new level of quality of training future professionals, whose base is the training of health workers in accordance with generally accepted international standards of teaching and allowing for the interests of the national health system. Among the priority tasks of universities and graduate schools in the new school year will bring content software certification for interns and students in line with the current standard treatment protocols and diagnostics; bringing the teaching of educational process in accordance with the content of modern higher education, current treatment protocols and standards of diagnostics.Пошук стандартів вищої медичної освіти є оптимальною стратегією досягнення  концептуально нового рівня якості підготовки майбутніх фахівців, основою якого є підготовка медичних працівників відповідно до загальноприйнятих міжнародних норм викладання з урахуванням особливостей та інтересів національної системи охорони здоров’я. Серед першочергових завдань діяльності вищих навчальних закладів та закладів післядипломної освіти у новому навчальному році будуть приведення змісту комп’ютерних програм для атестації інтернів та слухачів у відповідність до положень сучасних протоколів лікування та стандартів діагностики; приведення навчально-методичного забезпечення навчального процесу у відповідність до змісту сучасних стандартів вищої освіти, сучасних протоколів лікування та стандартів діагностики тощо

    Thermodynamic aspects of materials' hardness: prediction of novel superhard high-pressure phases

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    In the present work we have proposed the method that allows one to easily estimate hardness and bulk modulus of known or hypothetical solid phases from the data on Gibbs energy of atomization of the elements and corresponding covalent radii. It has been shown that hardness and bulk moduli of compounds strongly correlate with their thermodynamic and structural properties. The proposed method may be used for a large number of compounds with various types of chemical bonding and structures; moreover, the temperature dependence of hardness may be calculated, that has been performed for diamond and cubic boron nitride. The correctness of this approach has been shown for the recently synthesized superhard diamond-like BC5. It has been predicted that the hypothetical forms of B2O3, diamond-like boron, BCx and COx, which could be synthesized at high pressures and temperatures, should have extreme hardness


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    The article presents the principles and features of certification of graduates of Ukrainian medical and pharmaceutical universities in 2016.У статті наведено принципи та особливості проведення атестації випускників українських вищих медичних та фармацевтичних навчальних закладів у 2016 р