367 research outputs found

    TopBP1 in DNA Damage Response

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    First use of single-crystal diamonds as fission-fragment detector

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    Single crystal chemical vapor deposited diamond (sCVD) was investigated for its ability to act as Fission fragment detector. In particular we investigated timing and energy resolution for application in a simultaneous time and energy measurement to determine the mass of the detected fission fragment. Previous tests have shown that poly crystalline chemical vapor deposited (pCVD) diamonds provide sufficient timing resolution, but their poor energy resolution did not allow complete separation between very low energy fission fragments, alpha-particles and noise. Our present investigations prove artificial sCVD diamonds to show similar timing resolution as pCVD diamonds close to 100 ps. Improved pulse height resolution allows the unequivocal separation of fission fragments, and the detection efficiency reaches 100%, but remains with about a few percent behind requirements for fragment mass identification. With high-speed digital electronics a timing resolution well below 100 ps is possible. However, the strongly varying quality of the presently available diamond material does not allow application on a sufficiently large scale within reasonable investments

    High-precision prompt-γ-ray spectral data from the reaction Pu 241 (nth, f)

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    In this paper we present results from the first high-precision prompt-γ-ray spectral measurements from the reaction Pu241(nth, f). Apart from one recent experiment, no data are reported in the literature for this fissioning system, which motivated a new dedicated experiment. We have measured prompt-fission γ rays with three cerium-doped LaBr3 (two 5.08cm×5.08 cm and one 7.62cm×7.62 cm) and one CeBr3 (5.08cm×5.08 cm) scintillation detectors, which all exhibit excellent timing and good energy resolution. The average γ-ray multiplicity was determined to be ν̄γ=(8.21±0.09) per fission, the average energy to be εγ=(0.78±0.01) MeV, and the total energy to be Eγ,tot=(6.41±0.06) MeV as the weighted average from all detectors. Since the results from all detectors are in excellent agreement, and the total released γ energy is modestly higher than the one in the present evaluated nuclear data files, we suspect that the underestimation of the prompt-γ heating in nuclear reactors is due to fast-neutron-induced fission on U238 or rather from fission induced by γ rays from neutron capture in the construction material.European Commision NeutAndalus FP7-PEOPLE-2012-CIGPrograma ERINDA 26949

    Longitudinal cortical split sign as a potential diagnostic feature for cortical osteitis

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    Septic cortical osteitis is a rare but distinct type of bone infection that is characterized as a hematogenously seeded infection predominantly or exclusively limited to the cortex. Diagnosis is difficult and often delayed. Combination of clinical and laboratory findings together with the typical radiological findings consisting of vertically orientated cortical osteolysis, the ‘cortical split sign’ and the predominantly cortical disruption at the periosteal side of the cortex may lead to the correct diagnosis

    Local search and restart strategies for satisfiability solving in fuzzy logics

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    Satisfiability solving in fuzzy logics is a subject that has not been researched much, certainly compared to satisfiability in propositional logics. Yet, fuzzy logics are a powerful tool for modelling complex problems. Recently, we proposed an optimization approach to solving satisfiability in fuzzy logics and compared the standard Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy algorithm (CMA-ES) with an analytical solver on a set of benchmark problems. Especially on more finegrained problems did CMA-ES compare favourably to the analytical approach. In this paper, we evaluate two types of hillclimber in addition to CMA-ES, as well as restart strategies for these algorithms. Our results show that a population-based hillclimber outperforms CMA-ES on the harder problem class

    TLR family gene expression in relation to the HIF1α and the VEGFR pathway activation in endometrial cancer

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    Introduction: Malignant neoplasm of the endometrium is the most common malignant neoplasm of the female reproductive system. Toll Like Receptors (TLR) play a significant role in innate and late-immunity against infections or damaged tissues. TLRs are also involved in the development of tumors in their natural microenvironment. TLRs play an important role in angiogenesis, necessary for survival and growth of the tumor. Hypoxia playing a critical role in angiogenesis, carcinogenesis, tumor progression and distant metastasis is primarily mediated through hypoxia inducible factors (HIFs). Vascular endothelial growth factor family proteins (VEGF) are also strongly involved in tumor angiogenesis and their action is strongly associated with TLR receptors.Objectives: The aim of the study was to correlate the expression of selected TLRs and VEGFR’s as well as HIF1α with clinicopathological data of endometrial cancer patients. Material and methods: 123 neoplastic endometrial samples were included in the study. 51 samples of healthy endometrium served as control. The expression of TLR1, TLR2, TLR3, TLR4, VEGFR1 and VEGFR2, VEGF-A and HIF1α was examined after RNA isolation at the mRNA level by Real Time-PCR.Results: We have noted a significant correlation between the expression of selected TLR and VEGFR’s and clinical stage as well as pathological grading of endometrial cancer.Conclusions: Received correlations confirm a significant contribution of some TLR expression and the receptor for VEGF in the pathogenesis of epithelial endometrial cancer
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