409 research outputs found

    Systematic numerical investigation of the role of hierarchy in heterogeneous bio-inspired materials

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    It is well known that hierarchical structure is an important feature in biological materials to optimise various properties, including mechanical ones. It is however still unclear how these hierarchical architectures can improve material characteristics, for example strength. Also, the transposition of these structures from natural to artificial bioinspired materials remains to be perfected. In this paper, we introduce a numerical method to evaluate the strength of fibre-based heterogeneous biological materials and systematically investigate the role of hierarchy. Results show that hierarchy indeed plays an important role and that it is possible to “tune” the strength of bio-inspired materials in a wide range of values, in some cases improving the strength of non-hierarchical structures considerably


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    Abstract. The work presented is the achievement of a master degree project, developed at Politecnico di Torino. The paper aims to provide standards for the formulation and mixing of earth-based mortars, for the rehabilitation of historic buildings of the Roero area, in Piemonte region. Roero presents a large architectural heritage, consisting mainly of fired or earth bricks rural and residential buildings, which was anciently protected using lime or earth-based plasters perfectly integrated with local landscape and environment colours appearance. In recent decades (and still to present days), vernacular plasters are frequently replaced by cement-based products, resulting hardly compatible with local bearing walls materials and landscape aesthetic features. While Roero traditional buildings plasters were produced using local earth and sands coming from streams, today, aggregates extraction in watercourses proximity is not allowed, or strictly regulated by rules and regional regulations. The paper presents a classification of the characteristics of different soils from Roero area, through different types of particle distribution size analysis and diffractometric tests, and propose a method for the production of local earth-based plasters stabilized with lime, making use of earth and rocks from local excavation sites, considered in Italy as secondary raw materials or special waste. Produced plasters compressive and bending strength have been tested, while their suitability for building maintenance and restoration, as their compatibility with Roero architecture and landscape, have been verified through spectrophotometric measures

    Leaky SAW branches coupled with oblique acoustic axes in trigonal crystals

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    Types of leaky SAW degeneracy in crystals

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    Spider web-structured labyrinthine acoustic metamaterials for low-frequency sound control

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    AOK has received funding from the European Union’s 7th Framework programme for research and innovation under the Marie SkƂodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 609402-2020 researchers: Train to Move (T2M).MM has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie SkƂodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 658483. NMP is supported by the European Research Council PoC grant 2015 SILKENE No. 693670, EU FETPROACTIVE grant 732344 ‘NEUROFIBRES’, and by the European Commission under the Graphene Flagship (WP14 ‘Polymer Nanocomposites’, No. 604391). FB is supported EU FETPROACTIVE grant 732344 ‘NEUROFIBRES’

    Optimization of spider web-inspired phononic crystals to achieve tailored dispersion for diverse objectives

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    International audienceSpider orb webs are versatile multifunctional structures with optimized mechanical properties for prey capture, but also for transmitting vibrations. The versatility of such a system mainly derives from its variable geometry, which can be effectively used to design phononic crystals, thus inhibiting wave propagation in wide frequency ranges. In this work, the design of spider web-inspired singlephase phononic crystals through selective variation of thread radii and the addition of point masses is proposed, determined through the use of optimization techniques. The obtained results show that spider web geometry displays a rich vibration spectrum, which by varying its the geometric characteristics and adding localized masses can be tailored to manipulate wave modes, and the resulting two-dimensional phononic crystals present wide complete band gaps generated by Bragg scattering and local resonances

    Evidence of friction reduction in laterally graded materials

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    In many biological structures, optimized mechanical properties are obtained through complex structural organization involvingmultiple constituents, functional grading and hierarchical organization. In the case of biological surfaces, the possibility to modifythe frictional and adhesive behaviour can also be achieved by exploiting a grading of the material properties. In this paper, we in-vestigate this possibility by considering the frictional sliding of elastic surfaces in the presence of a spatial variation of the Young’smodulus and the local friction coefficients. Using finite-element simulations and a two-dimensional spring-block model, we investi-gate how graded material properties affect the macroscopic frictional behaviour, in particular, static friction values and the transi-tion from static to dynamic friction. The results suggest that the graded material properties can be exploited to reduce static frictionwith respect to the corresponding non-graded material and to tune it to desired values, opening possibilities for the design of bio-inspired surfaces with tailor-made tribological propertie
