214 research outputs found

    Arisztotelészi és peripatetikus természetfilozófia: Az égi természet problémaköre = Aristotelian and Peripatetic natural philosophy: The problem of celestial nature

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    A projektum a peripatetikus és az arisztoteliánus természetmagyarázat kulcsfontosságú elemeinek kontinuitásával, és a tradíción belül megfogalmazott újabb égboltelméleti álláspontok vizsgálatával foglalkozott. Ennek keretében módunk nyílt Arisztotelész Égbolt c. művének sajtó alá rendezésére; a változás arisztotelészi elméletének részletesebb vizsgálatára; Arisztotelész azon szöveghelyeinek értékelésére, ahol saját bolygómegfigyeléseiről számol be; az égboltról szóló számadáson belül érvényesülő oksági megfontolások vizsgálatára; az égboltelmélet különböző peripatetikus változatainak összevetésére, külön kiemelve ezek közül Theophrasztosz és Alexandrosz égboltelméletét, valamint Szimplikiosz Fizikakommentárjából az égalatti elemek mozgásával foglalkozó szakasz fordítására és kommentálására. | Our project studied the continuity of some key elements in Aristotelian and Peripatetic theory of nature, and within this, the different theories of the heavens put forward in this tradition. In the course of this we prepared the Hungarian edition of Aristotle’s De caelo for publication; discussed in more detail Aristotle’s theory of alteration; we examined the import of those passages Aristotle where he reports about his own planetary observations; we discussed the causal explanatory factors in Aristotle’s account about the heavens; we compared the different versions of Peripatetic celestial theory, with special emphasis on Theophrastus and Alexander; and we translated and commented on the passage of Simplicius’ Commentary on Aristotle’s Physics which discusses the motion of sublunary elements

    Márkus György (visszavont) doktori eljárásáról

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    A végszükség a büntetőjogban

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    A salsolinol dopaminerg transzmisszióban betöltött fiziológiás szerepének vizsgálata = Examination of the physiological role of salsolinol in dopaminergic neurotransmission

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    Korábban kimutattuk, hogy a hipofízis közti-hátsó lebenyének (NIL) prolaktin (PRL) ürítő hatásért a salsolinol (SAL) felelős. A PRL-szint emelkedéssel párhuzamosan a SAL az eminentia medianaban (ME) csökkenti, míg az elülső lebenyben (AL) növeli cAMP szintet. A SAL-nak egy szerkezeti analógja, az 1MeDIQ képes gátolni a szopási ingerre és a stresszre bekövetkező PRL szint emelkedést. Mindezek alátámasztják korábbi feltevésünket, hogy a SAL az a régóta keresett élettanilag is jelentős prolaktoliberin. Az 1MeDIQ az amfetamin (AMPH)-hoz hasonló psziho-stimuláns hatással is rendelkezik, növeli a plazma katecholamin-szinteket. A perifériás szimpatikus beidegzések műtéti vagy farmakológiás (chlorisondamine) lézióját követően fellépő változások a SAL hatásában világosan jelzik, hogy az 1MeDIQ hatásában a norepinefrin (NE)-erg rendszer kulcsszerepet játszik. A PRL felszabadító hatása mellett a SAL csökkenti a stressz és az 1MeDIQ kiváltotta plazma NE és epinefrin (E) emelkedést. Hasonló kölcsönhatást találtunk az AMPH és a SAL prolaktin elválasztásra gyakorolt hatásában is. A szimpatikus idegelemek által beidegzett szervekben, mint a pitvarban, lépben, májban, vagy az ovariumban, a SAL szelektíven csökkenti a dopamin (DA) koncentrációját. SAL-nak ez a hatása a kivédhető AMPH-előkezeléssel. Összefoglalva, a SAL és az AMPH között kölcsönhatás állapítható meg az elülső lebenyi PRL-ürítés és a szimpatikus végződésekben zajló katecholamin-metabolizmus vonatkozásában egyaránt. | We have previously shown that salsolinol (SAL) is responsible for the prolactin (PRL) releasing activity detected in the neurointermediate lobe (NIL) of the pituitary gland. SAL can induce a decrease of cAMP level in the median eminence (ME) and an increase in the anterior lobe (AL). A structural analogue of SAL, 1MeDIQ, can inhibit the elevation of plasma PRL induced by physiological stimuli like suckling or stress. All these data support our assumption that SAL may be the physiologically relevant prolactoliberin. 1MeDIQ has a psycho-stimulant action as well, which is similar to the effect of amphetamine (AMPH) i.e. induces an increase in plasma catecholamine concentrations. Surgical or pharmacological (chlorisondamine) lesions of peripheral sympathetic innervations clearly indicate that norepinephrin (NE)-erg system has pivotal role in the action of 1MeDIQ. SAL, besides its PRL releasing activity, can significantly decrease stress and 1MeDIQ induced increase in plasma NE and epinephrine (E) levels. There is an interaction between AMPH and SAL on pituitary PRL release too. SAL treatment results in a selective decrease in DA content of sympathetically innervated organs like atrium, spleen, liver, ovaries, and salivary gland. This effect of SAL is prevented by AMPH pretreatment. It is clear that there is a mutual interaction between SAL and AMPH not only on PRL release, but their interaction is obvious on the catecholamine ?metabolism? of nerve terminals as well

    Thalamic neuropeptide mediating the effects of nursing on lactation and maternal motivation

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    Nursing has important physiological and psychological consequences on mothers during the postpartum period. Tuberoinfundibular peptide of 39 residues (TIP39) may contribute to its effects on prolactin release and maternal motivation. Since TIP39-containing fibers and the receptor for TIP39, the parathyroid hormone 2 receptor (PTH2 receptor) are abundant in the arcuate nucleus and the medial preoptic area, we antagonized TIP39 action locally to reveal its actions. Mediobasal hypothalamic injection of a virus encoding an antagonist of the PTH2 receptor markedly decreased basal serum prolactin levels and the suckling-induced prolactin release. In contrast, injecting this virus into the preoptic area had no effect on prolactin levels, but did dampen maternal motivation, judged by reduced time in a pup-associated cage during a place preference test. In support of an effect of TIP39 on maternal motivation, we observed that TIP39 containing fibers and terminals had the same distribution within the preoptic area as neurons expressing Fos in response to suckling. Furthermore, TIP39 terminals closely apposed the plasma membrane of 82% of Fos-ir neurons. Retrograde tracer injected into the arcuate nucleus and the medial preoptic area labeled TIP39 neurons in the posterior intralaminar complex of the thalamus (PIL), indicating that these cells but not other groups of TIP39 neurons project to these hypothalamic regions. We also found that TIP39 mRNA levels in the PIL markedly increased around parturition and remained elevated throughout the lactation period, demonstrating the availability of the peptide in postpartum mothers. Furthermore, suckling, but not pup exposure without physical contact, increased Fos expression by PIL TIP39 neurons. These results indicate that suckling activates TIP39 neurons in the PIL that affect prolactin release and maternal motivation via projections to the arcuate nucleus and the preoptic area, respectively

    Post-socialist housing systems in Europe:Housing welfare regimes by default?

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    This article develops a conceptual framework derived from welfare regime and concomitant literatures to interpret housing reform in post-socialist European countries. In it, settled power structures and collective ideologies are necessary prerequisites for the creation of distinctive housing welfare regimes with clear roles for the state, market and households. Although the defining feature of post-socialist housing has been mass-privatisation to create super-homeownership societies, the emphatic retreat of the state that this represents has not been replaced by the creation of the institutions or cultures required to create fully financialised housing markets. There is, instead, a form of state legacy welfare in the form of debt-free home-ownership, which creates a gap in housing welfare that has been partially filled by households in the form of intergenerational assistance (familialism) and self-build housing. Both of these mark continuities with the previous regime. The latter is especially common in south-east Europe where its frequent illegality represents a form of anti-state housing. The lack of settled ideologies and power structures suggests that these housing welfare regimes by default will persist as part of a process that resembles a path-dependent ‘transformation’ rather than ‘transition’

    Macromolecular theory of solvation and structure in mixtures of colloids and polymers

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    The structural and thermodynamic properties of mixtures of colloidal spheres and non-adsorbing polymer chains are studied within a novel general two-component macromolecular liquid state approach applicable for all size asymmetry ratios. The dilute limits, when one of the components is at infinite dilution but the other concentrated, are presented and compared to field theory and models which replace polymer coils with spheres. Whereas the derived analytical results compare well, qualitatively and quantitatively, with mean-field scaling laws where available, important differences from ``effective sphere'' approaches are found for large polymer sizes or semi-dilute concentrations.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figure