339 research outputs found

    Supersymmetric structure of the induced W gravities

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    We derive the supersymmetric structure present in W-gravities which has been already observed in various contexts as Yang-Mills theory, topological field theories, bosonic string and chiral W_{3}-gravity. This derivation which is made in the geometrical framework of Zucchini, necessitates the introduction of an appropriate new basis of variables which replace the canonical fields and their derivatives. This construction is used, in the W_{2}-case, to deduce from the Chern-Simons action the Wess-Zumino-Polyakov action.Comment: 17 pages, Latex. To appear in Class. Quantum. Gravit

    Effect of soybean:water ratio and heat treatment on yield and protein quality of soymilk

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    Com a finalidade de maximizar rendimento e qualidade protéica do leite de soja, foi otimizado seu preparo, variando-se a proporção de soja:água, bem como o processo de aquecimento durante sua obtenção. Por meio de análises químicas e bioquímicas, verificou-se que o leite de soja extraído com proporção de soja:água de 1:10 e autoclavado (121 ºC) por 5 minutos após coagem, mostrou maior extração de proteína, nenhuma atividade do inibidor de tripsina, boa digestibilidade da proteína in vitro (86,41%), e alto valor de metionina disponível (1,22 g/16 g de N), tendo, portanto, melhor qualidade protéica.The soymilk elaboration process was optimized, with the purpose of obtaining a product with higher protein extraction and better protein quality. Different soybean:water ratios and different processes of heating were utilized for soymilk elaboration. Through both biochemical and chemical analysis, it was verified that soymilk extracted with a 1:10 soybean:water ratio and autoclaved (121 ºC) during 5 minutes, showed a higher protein extraction, no trypsin-inhibitor activity, a good digestibility of protein in vitro (86.41%), and high value of available methionine (1.22 g/16 g N)

    Sucrose and starch intake contribute to reduced alveolar bone height in a rodent model of naturally occurring periodontitis

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    Funding: This research project was funded in part by the Strategic Research Excellence Initiative 2020 (SREI2020), University of Sydney to JE and the University of Sydney HMR + Implementation Funding Grant to VC, DLC and SS.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Phylogenomic exploration of the relationships between strains of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis.

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    BACKGROUND: Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (Map) is an infectious enteric pathogen that causes Johne's disease in livestock. Determining genetic diversity is prerequisite to understanding the epidemiology and biology of Map. We performed the first whole genome sequencing (WGS) of 141 global Map isolates that encompass the main molecular strain types currently reported. We investigated the phylogeny of the Map strains, the diversity of the genome and the limitations of commonly used genotyping methods. RESULTS: Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and phylogenetic analyses confirmed two major lineages concordant with the former Type S and Type C designations. The Type I and Type III strain groups are subtypes of Type S, and Type B strains are a subtype of Type C and not restricted to Bison species. We found that the genome-wide SNPs detected provided greater resolution between isolates than currently employed genotyping methods. Furthermore, the SNP used for IS1311 typing is not informative, as it is likely to have occurred after Type S and C strains diverged and does not assign all strains to the correct lineage. Mycobacterial Interspersed Repetitive Unit-Variable Number Tandem Repeat (MIRU-VNTR) differentiates Type S from Type C but provides limited resolution between isolates within these lineages and the polymorphisms detected do not necessarily accurately reflect the phylogenetic relationships between strains. WGS of passaged strains and coalescent analysis of the collection revealed a very high level of genetic stability, with the substitution rate estimated to be less than 0.5 SNPs per genome per year. CONCLUSIONS: This study clarifies the phylogenetic relationships between the previously described Map strain groups, and highlights the limitations of current genotyping techniques. Map isolates exhibit restricted genetic diversity and a substitution rate consistent with a monomorphic pathogen. WGS provides the ultimate level of resolution for differentiation between strains. However, WGS alone will not be sufficient for tracing and tracking Map infections, yet importantly it can provide a phylogenetic context for affirming epidemiological connections

    Texture Rendering Strategies with a High Fidelity - Capacitive Visual-Haptic Friction Control Device

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    International audienceUltrasonic vibrations of a plate can modify the perception of the friction between a surface and a sliding finger. This principle, coupled with modern position sensing techniques, is able to reproduce textured materials. In this paper , an open loop control through model inversion of the friction force between the finger and the plate is presented. The device incorporating the control system is described, and two different reproduction strategies are formalized to address the reproduction of objects and textures. In the end, a psychophysical experiment evaluating the two control strategies is described

    The quality of energy- and macronutrient-balanced diets regulates host susceptibility to influenza in mice

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    Modulation of individual macronutrients or caloric density is known to regulate host resistance to infection in mice. However, the impact of diet composition, independent of macronutrient and energy content, on infection susceptibility is unclear. We show that two laboratory rodent diets, widely used as standard animal feeds and experimental controls, display distinct abilities in supporting mice during influenza infection. Mice placed on the highly processed AIN93G showed increased mortality to infection compared with those on a grain-based chow diet, suggesting a detrimental role for highly processed food in host defense. We further demonstrate that the heightened susceptibility of AIN93G-fed mice was associated with the failure in homeostasis restoration mediated by the cytokine interferon (IFN)-γ. Our findings show that diet composition calibrates host survival threshold by regulating adaptive homeostasis and highlights a pivotal role for extrinsic signals in host phenotype and outcome of host-pathogen interaction

    An adjudication algorithm for respiratory-related hospitalisation in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    Background:There is no standard definition of respiratory-related hospitalisation, a common end-point in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) clinical trials. As diverse aetiologies and complicating comorbidities can present similarly, external adjudication is sometimes employed to achieve standardisation of these events. Methods:An algorithm for respiratory-related hospitalisation was developed through a literature review of IPF clinical trials with respiratory-related hospitalisation as an end-point. Experts reviewed the algorithm until a consensus was reached. The algorithm was validated using data from the phase 3 ISABELA trials (clinicaltrials.gov identifiers NCT03711162 and NCT03733444), by assessing concordance between nonadjudicated, investigator-defined, respiratory-related hospitalisations and those defined by the adjudication committee using the algorithm. Results:The algorithm classifies respiratory-related hospitalisation according to cause: extraparenchymal (worsening respiratory symptoms due to left heart failure, volume overload, pulmonary embolism, pneumothorax or trauma); other (respiratory tract infection, right heart failure or exacerbation of COPD); “definite” acute exacerbation of IPF (AEIPF) (worsening respiratory symptoms within 1 month, with radiological or histological evidence of diffuse alveolar damage); or “suspected” AEIPF (as for “definite” AEIPF, but with no radiological or histological evidence of diffuse alveolar damage). Exacerbations (“definite” or “suspected”) with identified triggers (infective, post-procedural or traumatic, drug toxicity-or aspiration-related) are classed as “known AEIPF”; “idiopathic AEIPF” refers to exacerbations with no identified trigger. In the ISABELA programme, there was 94% concordance between investigator-and adjudication committee-determined causes of respiratory-related hospitalisation. Conclusion:The algorithm could help to ensure consistency in the reporting of respiratory-related hospitalisation in IPF trials, optimising its utility as an end-point.</p

    Restriction of essential amino acids dictates the systemic metabolic response to dietary protein dilution

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    Dietary protein dilution, where protein is reduced and replaced by other nutrient sources without caloric restriction, promotes metabolic health via the hepatokine Fgf21. Here, the authors show that essential amino acids threonine and tryptophan are necessary and sufficient to induce these effects

    Factors associated with pastoral community knowledge and occurrence of mycobacterial infections in human-animal interface areas of Nakasongola and Mubende districts, Uganda

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are emerging opportunistic pathogens whose role in human and animal disease is increasingly being recognized. Major concerns are their role as opportunistic pathogens in HIV/AIDS infections. The role of open natural water sources as source and livestock/wildlife as reservoirs of infections to man are well documented. This presents a health challenge to the pastoral systems in Africa that rely mostly on open natural water sources to meet livestock and human needs. Recent study in the pastoral areas of Uganda showed infections with same genotypes of NTM in pastoralists and their livestock. The aim of this study was to determine the environmental, animal husbandry and socio-demographic factors associated with occurrence and the pastoral community knowledge of mycobacterial infections at the human-environment-livestock/wildlife interface (HELI) areas in pastoral ecosystems of Uganda.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Two hundred and fifty three (253) individuals were subjected to a questionnaire survey across the study districts of Nakasongola and Mubende. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multivariable logistic regression analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Humans sharing of the water sources with wild animals from the forest compared to savannah ecosystem (OR = 3.3), the tribe of herding pastoral community (OR = 7.9), number of rooms present in household (3-5 vs. 1-2 rooms) (OR = 3.3) were the socio-demographic factors that influenced the level of knowledge on mycobacterial infections among the pastoral communities. Tribe (OR = 6.4), use of spring vs. stream water for domestic use (OR = 4.5), presence of sediments in household water receptacle (OR = 2.32), non separation of water containers for drinking and domestic use (OR = 2.46), sharing of drinking water sources with wild animals (OR = 2.1), duration of involvement of >5 yrs in cattle keeping (OR = 3.7) and distance of household to animal night shelters (>20 meters) (OR = 3.8) were significant socio-demographic factors associated with the risk of occurrence of mycobacterioses among the pastoral communities in Uganda.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The socio-demographic, environmental and household related factors influence the risk of occurrence as well as pastoralists' knowledge of mycobacterial infections in the pastoral households at the human-environment-livestock/wildlife pastoral interface areas of Uganda.</p