186 research outputs found

    Neurocan genome-wide psychiatric risk variant affects explicit memory performance and hippocampal function in healthy humans

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    Alterations of the brain extracellular matrix (ECM) can perturb the structure and function of brain networks like the hippocampus, a key region in human memory that is commonly affected in psychiatric disorders. Here, we investigated the potential effects of a genome‐wide psychiatric risk variant in the NCAN gene encoding the ECM proteoglycan neurocan (rs1064395) on memory performance, hippocampal function and cortical morphology in young, healthy volunteers. We assessed verbal memory performance in two cohorts (N = 572, 302) and found reduced recall performance in risk allele (A) carriers across both cohorts. In 117 participants, we performed functional magnetic resonance imaging using a novelty‐encoding task with visual scenes. Risk allele carriers showed higher false alarm rates during recognition, accompanied by inefficiently increased left hippocampal activation. To assess effects of rs1064395 on brain morphology, we performed voxel‐based morphometry in 420 participants from four independent cohorts and found lower grey matter density in the ventrolateral and rostral prefrontal cortex of risk allele carriers. In silico eQTL analysis revealed that rs1064395 SNP is linked not only to increased prefrontal expression of the NCAN gene itself, but also of the neighbouring HAPLN4 gene, suggesting a more complex effect of the SNP on ECM composition. Our results suggest that the NCAN rs1064395 A allele is associated with lower hippocampus‐dependent memory function, variation of prefrontal cortex structure and ECM composition. Considering the well‐documented hippocampal and prefrontal dysfunction in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, our results may reflect an intermediate phenotype by which NCAN rs1064395 contributes to disease risk

    A comprehensive score reflecting memory-related fMRI activations and deactivations as potential biomarker for neurocognitive aging

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    Older adults and particularly those at risk for developing dementia typically show a decline in episodic memory performance, which has been associated with altered memory network activity detectable via functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). To quantify the degree of these alterations, a score has been developed as a putative imaging biomarker for successful aging in memory for older adults (Functional Activity Deviations during Encoding, FADE; Düzel et al., Hippocampus, 2011; 21: 803–814). Here, we introduce and validate a more comprehensive version of the FADE score, termed FADE-SAME (Similarity of Activations during Memory Encoding), which differs from the original FADE score by considering not only activations but also deactivations in fMRI contrasts of stimulus novelty and successful encoding, and by taking into account the variance of young adults' activations. We computed both scores for novelty and subsequent memory contrasts in a cohort of 217 healthy adults, including 106 young and 111 older participants, as well as a replication cohort of 117 young subjects. We further tested the stability and generalizability of both scores by controlling for different MR scanners and gender, as well as by using different data sets of young adults as reference samples. Both scores showed robust agegroup-related differences for the subsequent memory contrast, and the FADE-SAME score additionally exhibited age-group-related differences for the novelty contrast. Furthermore, both scores correlate with behavioral measures of cognitive aging, namely memory performance. Taken together, our results suggest that single-value scores of memory-related fMRI responses may constitute promising biomarkers for quantifying neurocognitive aging

    Graph Regionalization with Clustering and Partitioning: an Application for Daily Commuting Flows in Albania

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    The paper presents an original application of the recently proposed spatial data mining method named GraphRECAP on daily commuting flows using 2011 Albanian census data. Its aim is to identify several clusters of Albanian municipalities/communes; propose a classification of the Albanian territory based on daily commuting flows among municipalities/communes. Starting from 373 local units, we first applied a spatial clustering technique without imposing any constraining strategy. Based on the input variables, we obtained 16 clusters. In the second step of our analysis, we impose a set of constraining parameters to identify intermediate areas between the local level (municipality/commune) and the national one. We have defined 12 derived regions (same number as the actual Albanian prefectures but with different geographies). These derived regions are quite different from the traditional ones in terms of both geographical dimensions and boundarie

    CDH12 as a Candidate Gene for Kidney Injury in Posterior Urethral Valve Cases:A Genome-wide Association Study Among Patients with Obstructive Uropathies

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    Background: Posterior urethral valves (PUVs) and ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO) are congenital obstructive uropathies that may impair kidney development. Objective: To identify genetic variants associated with kidney injury in patients with obstructive uropathy. Design, setting, and participants: We included 487 patients born in 1981 or later who underwent pyeloplasty or valve resection before 18 yr of age in the discovery phase, 102 PUV patients in a first replication phase, and 102 in a second replication phase

    Dioksini i njihova toksičnost za ljude

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    The term dioxins usually refers to polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs). As 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) has the highest toxic potential, the toxic potentials of other PCDDs and PCDFs are defined in comparison with it. Human exposure to dioxins can be environmental (background), occupational, or accidental pollution. In the human body, dioxins are in part metabolised and eliminated, and the rest is stored in body fat. People vary in their capacity to eliminate TCDD, but it is also dose-dependent; the elimination rate is much faster at higher than lower levels. The liver microsomal P4501A1 enzyme oxygenates lipophilic chemicals such as dioxins. It is encoded by the CYP1A1 gene. Cytosolic aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) mediates their carcinogenic action. It binds to dioxin, translocates to nucleus and together with hydrocarbon nuclear translocator (ARNT) and xenobiotic responsive element (XRE) increases the expression of CYP1A1. Dioxins are classified as known human carcinogens, but they also cause noncancerous effects like atherosclerosis, hypertension, and diabetes. Long-term exposures to dioxins cause disruption of the nervous, immune, reproductive, and endocrine system. Short-term exposure to high levels impairs the liver function and causes chloracne. The most sensitive population to dioxin exposure are the foetuses and infants. A large number of health effects have been documented in the scientific literature, and they all place dioxins among the most toxic chemicals known to man.Dioksini su skupina kemijskih spojeva koji obuhvaćaju poliklorirane dibenzo-dioksine (PCDD) i poliklorirane dibenzo-furane (PCDF). Najveći toksični potencijal (faktor ekvivalentne toksičnosti) ima 2,3,7,8-TCDD, dok su toksični potencijali drugih PCDD i PCDF određeni u odnosu na njega. Izloženost dioksinima može biti izravna: izloženost dioksinima emitiranim u okoliš kao posljedica nesreće, profesionalna izloženost te neizravna, tzv. pozadinska. Nakon ulaska u ljudski organizam dioksini se djelomično metaboliziraju i eliminiraju, a ostatak se pohranjuje u adipozno tkivo. Postoji određena varijabilnost između ljudi u kapacitetu eliminacije TCDD. Eliminacija TCDD ovisna je o dozi – kod veće izloženosti (izloženost višim koncentracijama) brzina eliminacije je viša nego kod manje izloženosti (izloženost nižim koncentracijama). Enzim P4501A1 najvažniji je u oksigenaciji lipofi lnih supstrata poput dioksina. Kodiran je genom CYP1A1. AhR je stanični receptor koji djeluje kao transkripcijski faktor koji posreduje u njihovu karcinogenom učinku. AhR veže dioksin te se premješta u jezgru gdje zajedno s ARNT (engl. aryl hydrocarbon nuclear translocator) i XRE (engl. xenobiotic responsive element), smještenim u promotorskoj regiji gena za CYP1A1, uzrokuje povećani izražaj CYP1A1. Dioksini su karcinogeni spojevi, ali imaju i nekarcinogene učinke poput ateroskleroze, hipertenzije, dijabetesa, poremećaj živčanog, imunosnog, reproduktivnog i endokrinog sustava, posebice kod kronične izloženosti. Akutna izloženost uzrokuje oštećenja jetre i klorakne. Najosjetljivija skupina izloženosti dioksinu je dojenčad u prenatalnom i postnatalnom razdoblju. U znanstvenoj i stručnoj literaturi dokumentirani su brojni zdravstveni učinci kao posljedice izloženosti dioksinima te ih svi ističu kao jedne od najtoksičnijih kemijskih spojeva

    Bar-Coded Pyrosequencing Reveals the Responses of PBDE-Degrading Microbial Communities to Electron Donor Amendments

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    Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) can be reductively degraded by microorganisms under anaerobic conditions. However, little is known about the effect of electron donors on microbial communities involved in PBDEs degradation. Here we employed 454 Titanium pyrosequencing to examine the phylogenetic diversity, composition, structure and dynamics of microbial communities from microcosms under the conditions of different electron donor amendments. The community structures in each of the five alternate electron donor enrichments were significantly shifted in comparison with those of the control microcosm. Commonly existing OTUs between the treatment and control consortia increased from 5 to 17 and more than 50% of OTUs increased around 13.7 to 186 times at least in one of the microcosms after 90-days enrichment. Although the microbial communities at different taxonomic levels were significantly changed by different environmental variable groups in redundancy analysis, significant correlations were observed between the microbial communities and PBDE congener profiles. The lesser-brominated PBDE congeners, tri-BDE congener (BDE-32) and hexa-BDE, were identified as the key factors shaping the microbial community structures at OTU level. Some rare populations, including the known dechlorinating bacterium, Dehalobacter, showed significant positive-correlation with the amounts of PBDE congeners in the consortia. The same results were also observed on some unclassified bacteria. These results suggest that PBDEs-degrading microbial communities can be successfully enriched, and their structures and compositions can be manipulated through adjusting the environmental parameters

    Identification of major dioxin-like compounds and androgen receptor antagonist in acid-treated tissue extracts of high trophic-level animals

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    We evaluated the applicability of combining in vitro bioassays with instrument analyses to identify potential endocrine disrupting pollutants in sulfuric acid-treated extracts of liver and/or blubber of high trophic-level animals. Dioxin-like and androgen receptor (AR) antagonistic activities were observed in Baikal seals, common cormorants, raccoon dogs, and finless porpoises by using a panel of rat and human cell-based chemical-activated luciferase gene expression (CALUX) reporter gene bioassays. On the other hand, no activity was detected in estrogen receptor α (ERα)-, glucocorticoid receptor (GR)-, progesterone receptor (PR)-, and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ2 (PPARγ2)-CALUX assays with the sample amount applied. All individual samples (n = 66) showed dioxin-like activity, with values ranging from 21 to 5500 pg CALUX-2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin equivalent (TEQ)/g-lipid. Because dioxins are expected to be strong contributors to CALUX-TEQs, the median theoretical contribution of dioxins calculated from the result of chemical analysis to the experimental CALUX-TEQs was estimated to explain up to 130% for all the tested samples (n = 54). Baikal seal extracts (n = 31), but not other extracts, induced AR antagonistic activities that were 8-150 μg CALUX-flutamide equivalent (FluEQ)/g-lipid. p,p′-DDE was identified as an important causative compound for the activity, and its median theoretical contribution to the experimental CALUX-FluEQs was 59% for the tested Baikal seal tissues (n = 25). Our results demonstrate that combining in vitro CALUX assays with instrument analysis is useful for identifying persistent organic pollutant-like compounds in the tissue of wild animals on the basis of in vitro endocrine disruption toxicity. © 2011 American Chemical Society

    Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) and Fractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy (FSRT) for children with head-and-neck-rhabdomyosarcoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The present study evaluates the outcome of 19 children with rhabdomyosarcoma of the head-and-neck region treated with Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) or Fractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy (FSRT) between August 1995 and November 2005.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We treated 19 children with head-and-neck rhabdomyosarcoma with FSRT (n = 14) or IMRT (n = 5) as a part of multimodal therapy. Median age at the time of radiation therapy was 5 years (range 2–15 years). All children received systemic chemotherapy according to the German Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study protocols.</p> <p>Median size of treatment volume for RT was 93,4 ml. We applied a median total dose of 45 Gy (range 32 Gy – 54 Gy) using a median fractionation of 5 × 1,8 Gy/week (range 1,6 Gy – 1,8 Gy).</p> <p>The median time interval between primary diagnosis and radiation therapy was 5 months (range 3–9 months).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>After RT, the 3- and 5-year survival rate was 94%. The 3- and 5-year actuarial local control rate after RT was 89%.</p> <p>The actuarial freedom of distant metastases rate at 3- and 5-years was 89% for all patients.</p> <p>Radiotherapy was well tolerated in all children and could be completed without interruptions > 4 days. No toxicities >CTC grade 2 were observed. The median follow-up time after RT was 17 months.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>IMRT and FSRT lead to excellent outcome in children with head-and-neck RMS with a low incidence of treatment-related side effects.</p