383 research outputs found

    An SO(10)XS4 Model of Quark-Lepton Complementarity

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    The present observations of Cabbibo angle and solar mixing angle satisfy the empirical relation called Quark-Lepton Complementarity(QLC), namely θ12lπ/4θC\theta_{12}^l\sim \pi/4-\theta_C. It suggests the existence of correlation between quarks and leptons which is supported by the idea of grand unification. We propose a specific ansatz for the structure of Yukawa matrices in SO(10) unified theory which leads to such relation if neutrinos get masses through type-II seesaw mechanism. Viability of this ansatz is discussed through detailed analysis of fermion masses and mixing angles all of which can be explained in a model which uses three Higgs fields transforming as 10 and one transforming as 126ˉ\bar{126} representations under SO(10). It is shown that the proposed ansatz can be derived from an extended model based on the two pairs of 16-dimensional vector-like fermions and an S4S_4 flavor symmetry. The model leads to the lepton mixing matrix that is dominantly bimaximal with O(θC){\cal O}(\theta_C) corrections related to quark mixing. A generic prediction of the model is the reactor angle θ13lθC/2\theta_{13}^l\sim \theta_C/\sqrt{2} which is close to its present experimental upper bound.Comment: 14 page

    The controversy in the γγρρ\gamma\gamma\to\rho\rho process: potential scattering or qqqˉqˉqq\bar{q}\bar{q} resonance ?

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    The γγρ0ρ04π\gamma\gamma\to\rho^0\rho^0\to 4 \pi reaction shows a broad peak at 1.5 GeV in the (JP,Jz)=(2+,2)(J^P,J_z)=(2^+,2) channel which has no counterpart in the ρ+ρ\rho^+\rho^- channel. This "resonance" is considered as a candidate for a qqqˉqˉqq\bar q\bar q state in the "s-channel". We show, however, that it can also be explained by potential scattering of ρ0ρ0\rho^0\rho^0 via the σ\sigma- exchange in the "t-channel".Comment: 12 pages, latex, 3 postscript figures, to appear in Zeitschrift fur Physi

    Upper Bound on the Mass of the Type III Seesaw Triplet in an SU(5) Model

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    We investigate correlation between gauge coupling unification, fermion mass spectrum, proton decay, perturbativity and ultraviolet cutoff within an SU(5) grand unified theory with minimal scalar content and an extra adjoint representation of fermions. We find strong correlation between the upper bound on the mass of both the bosonic and fermionic SU(2) triplets and the cutoff. The upper bound on the mass of fermionic triplet responsible for Type III seesaw mechanism is 10^{2.1} GeV for the Planck scale cutoff. In that case both the idea of grand unification and nature of seesaw mechanism could be tested at future collider experiments through the production of those particles. Moreover, the prediction for the proton decay lifetime is at most an order of magnitude away from the present experimental limits. If the cutoff is lowered these predictions change significantly. In the most general scenario, if one does (not) neglect a freedom in the quark and lepton mixing angles, the upper bound on the fermionic triplet mass is at 10^{5.4} GeV (10^{10} GeV). Since the predictions of the model critically depend on the presence of the higher-dimensional operators and corresponding cutoff we address the issue of their possible origin and also propose alternative scenarios that implement the hybrid seesaw framework of the original proposal.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, minor changes introduced to match the JHEP versio

    Indoor environmental quality in non-residential buildings - experimental investigation

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    This paper presents the part of the research that has been done at the Universities both in Belgrade and Thessaloniki, Greece, taking into account indoor environmental quality in office buildings and classrooms. The measurements that are presented were done in Process Equipment Design Laboratory at Aristotle University Thessaloniki, during March 2015. Indoor environmental quality regarding air temperature, relative humidity, and CO2 concentration in two representative offices is observed. The similar offices are located one on the north-east and the other one on the south-west side of the University building, so as to be representative of the orientation's impact. Furthermore, the impact of natural ventilation on CO2 concentration and temperature is monitored, together with the offices' occupancy. Recommended parameters for indoor air quality are compared and discussed on the base of several standards: SRPS EN 15251:2010, ASHRAE standards 55 and 62.1, and ISO 7730. The main objectives, as set from these standards are discussed, together with the investigation results

    Indoor environmental quality in non-residential buildings - experimental investigation

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    This paper presents the part of the research that has been done at the Universities both in Belgrade and Thessaloniki, Greece, taking into account indoor environmental quality in office buildings and classrooms. The measurements that are presented were done in Process Equipment Design Laboratory at Aristotle University Thessaloniki, during March 2015. Indoor environmental quality regarding air temperature, relative humidity, and CO2 concentration in two representative offices is observed. The similar offices are located one on the north-east and the other one on the south-west side of the University building, so as to be representative of the orientation's impact. Furthermore, the impact of natural ventilation on CO2 concentration and temperature is monitored, together with the offices' occupancy. Recommended parameters for indoor air quality are compared and discussed on the base of several standards: SRPS EN 15251:2010, ASHRAE standards 55 and 62.1, and ISO 7730. The main objectives, as set from these standards are discussed, together with the investigation results

    Bulk phantom fields, increasing warp factors and fermion localisation

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    A bulk phantom scalar field (with negative kinetic energy) in a sine--Gordon type potential is used to generate an exact thick brane solution with an increasing warp factor. It is shown that the growing nature of the warp factor allows the localisation of massive as well as massless spin-half fermions on the brane even without any additional non--gravitational interactions. The exact solutions for the localised massive fermionic modes are presented and discussed. The inclusion of a fermion--scalar Yukawa coupling appears to change the mass spectrum and wave functions of the localised fermion though it does not play the crucial role it did in the case of a decreasing warp factor.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, RevTex

    Resonant and nonresonant D+ -> K- pi+ l+ nu(l) semileptonic decays

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    We analyse the semileptonic decay D+ -> K- pi+ l+ nu(l) using an effective Lagrangian developed previously to describe the decays D -> P l nu(l) and D -> V l nu(l). Light vector mesons are included in the model which combines the heavy quark effective Lagrangian and chiral perturbation theory approach. The nonresonant and resonant contributions are compared. With no new parameters the model correctly reproduces the measured ratio Gamma(nres)/Gamma(nres + res). We also present useful nonresonant decay distributions. Finally, a similar model, but with a modified current which satisfies the soft pion theorems at the expense of introducing another parameter, is analyzed and the results of the models are compared.Comment: 17 pages, 3 Postscript figures, standard Latex, extended revision, title, abstract and text (especially Sec. IV) changed, results unchange

    Probing seesaw at LHC

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    We have recently proposed a simple SU(5) theory with an adjoint fermionic multiplet on top of the usual minimal spectrum. This leads to the hybrid scenario of both type I and type III seesaw and it predicts the existence of the fermionic SU(2) triplet between 100 GeV and 1 TeV for a conventional GUT scale of about 10^{16} GeV, with main decays into W (Z) and leptons, correlated through Dirac Yukawa couplings, and lifetimes shorter than about 10^{-12} sec. These decays are lepton number violating and they offer an exciting signature of Delta L=2 dilepton events together with 4 jets at future pp (p\bar p) colliders. Increasing the triplet mass endangers the proton stability and so the seesaw mechanism could be directly testable at LHC.Comment: 19 pages, discussion on leptogenesis added, new references, main conclusions unchange

    Radiative seesaw and degenerate neutrinos

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    The radiative see-saw mechanism of Witten generates the right-handed neutrino masses in SO(10) with the spinorial 16_H Higgs field. We study here analytically the 2nd and 3rd generations for the minimal Yukawa structure containing 10_H and 120_H Higgs representations. In the approximation of small 2nd generation masses and gauge loop domination we find the following results : (1) b-tau unification, (2) natural coexistence between large theta_l and small theta_q, (3) degenerate neutrinos.Comment: 4 page

    High scale perturbative gauge coupling in R-parity conserving SUSY SO(10) with longer proton lifetime

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    It is well known that in single step breaking of R-parity conserving SUSY SO(10) that needs the Higgs representations 126+1ˉ26126+\bar 126 the GUT-gauge coupling violates the perturbative constraint at mass scales few times larger than the GUT scale. Therefore, if the SO(10) gauge coupling is to remain perturbative up the Planck scale(=2x10^{18} GeV), the scale MUM_U of GUT symmetry breaking is to be bounded from below. The bound depends upon specific Higgs representations used for SO(10) symmetry breaking but, as we find, can not be lower than 1.5x10171.5x10^{17} GeV. In order to obtain such high unification scale we propose a two-step SO(10) breaking through SU(2)LXSU(2)RXU(1)BLXSU(3)C(g2Lg2R)SU(2)_LXSU(2)_RXU(1)_{B-L}XSU(3)_C(g_{2L} \neq g_{2R}) intermediate gauge symmetry. We estimate potential threshold and gravitational corrections to the running of gauge couplings and show that they can make the picture of perturbative GUT- gauge coupling running consistent at least up to the Planck scale. We also show that when SO(10)G2213SO(10) \to G_{2213} by 210+54210 + 54, gravitational corrections alone with negligible threshold effects may guarantee such perturbative gauge coupling. The lifetime of the proton is found to increase by nearly 6 orders over the current experimental limit for pe+π0p \to e^+\pi^0. For the proton decay mediated by dim.5 operator a wide range of lifetimes is possible extending from the current experimental limit up to values 2-3 orders longer.Comment: 11 pages epjc LaTex as per specifications of European Physical Journal