2,439 research outputs found

    Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Iranian Women Towards Breast Cancer Screening Methods

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    Female breast cancer is the second leading cause of death due to cancer and the second leading cause of cancer deaths in women after lung cancer. This study aimed to investigate the knowledge, attitude and practice of women about breast cancer\u27s screening methods in order to offer more appropriate training programs if necessary. A cross-sectional study was carried out with a population comprised of women who had referred to public health centers in Sanandaj in 2008. The results of this study do provide some understanding on the topic and suggest that although the majority of Iranian women seem to be quite knowledgeable about breast cancer and screening methods. They need more education on breast cancer, SBE and other methods of early detection. We recommend the establishment of an institutional framework and policy guidelines that will enhance adequate and urgent information dissemination about breast cancer and screening methods to all women in Iran. Since women\u27s beliefs and behaviors may impact young women, designing training courses for this group seems to be essential

    Central Obesity and BMI Associated with Different Phenotypes of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Adolescent

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    Adipose tissue distribution is effective in metabolic complications resulting from obesity. Fat accumulation in the body, particularly increase in visceral fat, is a major risk factor of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The present study aimed to determine the prevalence of obesity and android obesity based on various phenotypes of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) in 14-18 year old high-school girl students in Shiraz in 2009. This descriptive study was conducted on 14-18 year old high-school girl students in Shiraz in 2009. Considering the confidence coefficient of 95% and loss rate of 20%, a 3190subject sample size was determined for the study. The participants were selected through purposive sampling. After obtaining written informed consents, demographic information questionnaire was completed and the participants were examined regarding hirsutism, acne, alopecia, and menstrual disorders. Besides, the criteria proposed by Adams et al. were employed to diagnose PCOS in sonography. Android obesity and Body Mass Index (BMI) were evaluated, as well. The results of independent t-test showed no significant difference among various phenotypes of PCOS regarding mean android obesity and BMI (P>0.05). The results of the present study revealed no significant relationship between girl adolescents\u27 obesity and various phenotypes of PCOS. However, adolescents should be informed about the long-term hyperandrogenic outcomes which are accompanied by insulin secretion and endanger their health after the age of 40 years

    Multiple phase transitions in an agent-based evolutionary model with neutral fitness

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    Null models are crucial for understanding evolutionary processes such as speciation and adaptive radiation. We analyse an agent-based null model, considering a case without selection—neutral evolution—in which organisms are defined only by phenotype. Universal dynamics has previously been demonstrated in a related model on a neutral fitness landscape, showing that this system belongs to the directed percolation (DP) universality class. The traditional null condition of neutral fitness (where fitness is defined as the number of offspring each organism produces) is extended here to include equal probability of death among organisms. We identify two types of phase transition: (i) a non-equilibrium DP transition through generational time (i.e. survival), and (ii) an equilibrium ordinary percolation transition through the phenotype space (based on links between mating organisms). Owing to the dynamical rules of the DP reaction–diffusion process, organisms can only sparsely fill the phenotype space, resulting in significant phenotypic diversity within a cluster of mating organisms. This highlights the necessity of understanding hierarchical evolutionary relationships, rather than merely developing taxonomies based on phenotypic similarity, in order to develop models that can explain phylogenetic patterns found in the fossil record or to make hypotheses for the incomplete fossil record of deep time

    Hypergraph-Based Analysis of Clustered Cooperative Beamforming with Application to Edge Caching

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    The evaluation of the performance of clustered cooperative beamforming in cellular networks generally requires the solution of complex non-convex optimization problems. In this letter, a framework based on a hypergraph formalism is proposed that enables the derivation of a performance characterization of clustered cooperative beamforming in terms of per-user degrees of freedom (DoF) via the efficient solution of a coloring problem. An emerging scenario in which clusters of cooperative base stations (BSs) arise is given by cellular networks with edge caching. In fact, clusters of BSs that share the same requested files can jointly beamform the corresponding encoded signals. Based on this observation, the proposed framework is applied to obtain quantitative insights into the optimal use of cache and backhaul resources in cellular systems with edge caching. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the merits of the proposed framework.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, Submitte

    Evaluating the ≤10:1 wholegrain criterion in identifying nutrient quality and health implications of UK breads and breakfast cereals

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    This article has been published in a revised form in Public Health Nutrition DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S1368980017003718. This version is free to view and download for private research and study only. Not for re-distribution, re-sale or use in derivative works. © 2017 The Authors. Under embargo until 26 June 2018.Objective: To evaluate the nutrient quality of breads and breakfast cereals identified using the wholegrain definition of ≤10:1 carbohydrate:fibre ratio. Design: Following a cross-sectional study design, nutritional information was systematically gathered from food labels of breads and breakfast cereals that met the ≤10:1 carbohydrate:fibre criterion. The median nutrient content was compared with the UK Food Standards Agency nutrient profiling standards and the association between carbohydrate:fibre ratio and other nutrients were analysed. Subgroup analyses were undertaken for products with and without fruit, nuts and/or seeds. Setting: Products from four major supermarket stores in the UK. Subjects: 162 breads and 266 breakfast cereals. Results: Breads which met the ≤10:1 criterion typically contained medium fat, low saturated fat, low sugar and medium sodium. Breakfast cereals typically contained medium fat, low saturated fat, high sugar and low sodium. In both groups, as the carbohydrate:fibre ratio decreased, fat content increased (bread: p=0.029, r=-0.171; breakfast cereal: p=0.033, r=-0.131) and, in breakfast cereals, as the ratio increased, sugar content increased (p<0.0005, r=0.381). Breakfast cereals with fruit, nuts and/or seeds contained, per 100 g, more energy (p=0.002), fat, saturated fat and sugar (all p<0.0005) while seeded breads had more energy, fat and saturated fat (all p<0.0005). Conclusions: Overall, breads and breakfast cereals meeting the ≤10:1 criterion have good nutritional quality, suggesting that the criterion could be useful in public health and/or food labelling. The utility of applying the 10:1 criterion to products containing fruit, nuts and/or seeds is less clear and requires further research.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Kajian Islam Nusantara Bugis di Perguruan Tinggi Islam Negeri: studi pada UIN Alaudin Makasar, STAIN Watampone dan STAIN Palopo

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    Kajian Islam Bugis di UIN Makasar, STAIN Watampone dan STAIN Palopo memiliki dinamika dan berbagai varian kajian. Varian pertama adalah kajian sejarah dan perkembangan Islam serta proses Islamisasi di Sulawesi Selatan di mana masyarakat Bugis menjadi salah satu sentral kajiannya. Kajian semacam ini banyak ditemui di UIN Makasar terutama di jurusan Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam, di mana mahasiswa S1 banyak melakukan kajian terhadap aspek tersebut. Varian kedua, kajian tradisi Islam Bugis terutama yang meliputi upacara kelahiran, kematian dan pernikahan. Kajian ini meliputi peleburan budaya Bugis dengan Islam dalam berbagai tradisi yang melekat dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Kajian semacam ini banyak ditemukan dalam riset-riset mahasiswa Pasca UIN Makasar dan riset dosen STAIN. Varian ketiga adalah kajian artikulasi budaya Bugis Islam dengan politik dan social-ekonomi, yakni bagaimana tradisi yang dipegang dan dianut secara kuat oleh masyarakat mengejewantah dalam prilaku politik dan prilaku sosial-ekonomi masyarakat. Kajian semacam ini tampak terlihat dalam berbagai kajian multidisipliner yang di kembangkan oleh kalangan kampus, baik di UIN Makasar, STAIN Watampone dan STAIN Palopo di tingkat jurusan dan prodi. Varian keempat adalah kajian institusi, yakni proses institusionalisasi Islam Bugis dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Kajian semacam ini sangat terlihat di STAIN Watampone, di mana budaya Bugis menyatu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat. Dukungan akademik kajian Islam Bugis di UIN Makasar, STAIN Watampone dan STAIN Palopo masing-masing memiliki keunggulan dan kelemahan. Dari sisi jumlah riset tentang Islam Bugis dan Islam Bugis-Makasar, UIN Makasar lebih menonjol dibandingkan dengan STAIN Watampone dan STAIN Palopo. Hal ini dapat dimaklumi karena jumlah mahasiswa, dosen, doktor dan guru besar serta fasilitas-fasilitas pendukung lebih memadai dibandingkan dengan STAIN Watampone dan Palopo. Demikian pula dukungan kerjasama kelembagaan terutama dengan UNHAS yang memiliki pusat kajian sejarah Bugis, lebih memungkinkan UIN Makasar dibandingkan dengan kedua STAIN. Akan tetapi dari aspek resources, referensi dan dukungan pemerintah daerah, STAIN Watampone lebih memungkinkan. Setidaknya warisan cagar budaya yang menjadi simbol Islam Bugis sangat banyak bertebaran di Bone, misalnya perpustakaan lontara, museum, istana, para ahli sejarah, Masjid dan rumah budaya dan beberapa aspek lain. Dukungan kelembagaan kajian Islam Bugis di UIN Makasar, STAIN Watampone dan STAIN Palopo dilihat dari berbagai perpektif memiliki differensiasi. Dari sisi kelembagaan, UIN Makasar jauh memadai dibandingkan STAIN Watampone dan Palopo, karena di UIN sudah memiliki program Pascasarjana S2 dan S3, memiliki jurusan Sejarah (SKI), dan dukungan kelembagaan dan pendanaan penelitian yang cukup memadai. Sekedar gambaran kuantitatif, dana penelitian UIN Makasar dalam dua tahun terakhir berkisar antara 1 s/1,2 milyar, sementara STAIN Palopo dan Watampone berkisar 200 jutaan. Proposal yang masuk di UIN mencapai 150 proposal, sementara STAIN tidak lebih dari 30 proposal dengan berbagai macam tema dan isu-isu Islam lokal. Namun demikian, semangat dari dua STAIN terutama STAIN Watampone cukup tinggi untuk menjadikan kampusnya sebagai pusat kajian Islam Bugis, mengingat banyaknya artifaks dan peninggalan Islam Bugis di kawasan tersebut


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    Metode yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriftip melalui pendekatan sejarah dan studi pustaka. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahuin bagaimana asal usul sejarah pakaian dan sejauh sejarah perkembangan pakaian busana tari melayu Jambi. Dengan latar belakang keanekaragaman suku dan etnis yang mendiami wilayah Jambi sedikit banyaknya memiliki mempengaruhi terhadap busana keseharian maupun busana tari yang digunakan masyarakat Jambi. Secara historis, pada awalnya busana pakaian yang gunakan masyarakat tradisi sesuai dengan pengaruh adat dan budaya yang melatar belakangi. Kemudian seiring dengan perkembangan zaman dan masuknya pengaruh Islam maka gaya berbusana pun mengalami perubahan menyesuaikan dengan syariat dan adat sebagaimana yang ditekankan dalam makna simbolik seloko “adat bersendikan syarak, syarak bersendikan kitabullah, syarak mengato adat memakai”. Meskipun busana tari terus bekembang dengan berbagai kreasi namun konsep syarak dan adat tetap melekat sebagai acuan dari busana tari tersebut
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