33 research outputs found

    Étude de la pollution organique totale et fécale dans les systèmes aquatiques de l’Est de la République Démocratique du Congo

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    Des analyses préliminaires des pollutions organiques totales et fécales des eaux de deux cours d’eau et trois étangs piscicoles de l’Est de la RD Congo ont été réalisées en utilisant les méthodes chimiques (O2, DBO5, DCO) et biologiques (bactériologie, étude des macro-invertébrés et algues). Les résultats obtenus montrent que certaines eaux sont non-polluées et d’autres sont peu polluées par les matières organiques totales. Tandis que toutes ces eaux sont polluées par des parasites fécaux à divers degrés.Mots-clés : pollution, organique, bactériologique, systèmes aquatiques, RD Congo

    Women's participation in livestock markets

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    This brief is an excerpt from the book ‘Bridging the Gender Gap: Women, Livestock Ownership and Markets in Eastern and Southern Africa’, produced by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) with funding from Canada’s International Development Research Centre (www.idrc.ca). The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of ILRI or IDRC. This is one of a series of six briefs on livestock and gender, designed and produced by WRENmedia (www.wrenmedia.co.uk) for IDRC

    Guidelines on integrating gender in livestock projects and programs

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    Sediment and nutrient loads into river Lwiro, in the Lake Kivu basin, Democratic Republic of Congo

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    This study assessed sediment and nutrient loads in Lwiro river, Lake Kivu basin in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Water discharge was measured and water samples were collected twice a month from 6 sites in Lwiro river system and analyzed for total suspended sediment (SS), temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), chemical oxygen demand (COD), five-day biological oxygen demand (BOD5), alkalinity and nutrients (P, N, PO43-, NO3- and NH4+) using standard methods. Results show that the concentration of BOD5 was low (1.08 ± 0.83 mg/L); but COD (13.13 ± 6.26 mg/L) and SS (1.15 ± 0.36 mg/L) were high in the industrial effluent than in agricultural effluent (2.7 ± 0.77 mg/L for BOD5; 9.05 ± 3.55 mg/L for COD and 0.81 ± 0.36 mg/L for TSS). It was observed that all these values were low compared to the standard limit proposed by UNECE and Uganda standard. TSS, nutrient and other chemicals parameters load analyzed were high in agriculture effluent than in industrial effluent except for NH4+ load. Temporal variation and site difference between TSS and nutrient load were significantly different (F=5.54, p< 0.005 for SS; F= 8.59, p< 0.005 for TP and F=7.63, p< 0.005 for TN). Techniques for reducing nutrient and TSS loads should be initiated in the microcatchment to protect the Lake Kivu.Keywords: Sediment; nutrient load; industrial; agriculture effluent; Lwiro river; Lake Kivu

    Anophelinocidal Activity of Volatile Oil from Tagetes minuta L. (Asteraceae)

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    Tagetes minuta, a common weed found throughout Republic Democratic of Congo is used by native population to drive away insects. Volatile oil from flowers extract is endowed with anophelinocidal activity which remains for about seven days. The LD90 and LD50 of the crude extract are respectively of 75 mg and 45.6 mg/ml

    Prévalence de parasites gastro-intestinaux et inventaire de mollusques dans les Hauts-Plateaux d'Uvira, est du Zaïre

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    Prevalance of Gastro-Intestinal Parasites and Snail Inventory in the High-Plateaus of Uvira, Eastern Zaire. Investigations on the cattlebreeding state have been carried out in the High Plateaus of Uvira in view to elucidate the importance of the parasitic pathology on the development of the cattle. The epidemiological study of gastro-intestinal diseases of the cattle and the snail inventory have been done in order to show, on the one hand, the nature, frequency and the gravity of gastrointestinal parasites and on the other hand, the causes of these infestations. Among the 318 samples of faeces examined, 311 have been positive (97.8 %). The main parasites observed from the coproscopy were : Eimeria sp or Coccidia (92.1 %), Schistosoma bovis (83.0) %, Buxtonella sp (40.6 %), Haemonchus sp (29.2 %), Trichostrongylus sp (23.9 %), Cooperia sp (10.1 %), Chabertia sp (11.9 %), Moniezia sp (15.1 %) Strongyloides sp (6.3 %), Fasciola hepatica (8.2 %), Ostertagia sp (5.3 %), Toxocara vitulorum (11.9 %), Oesophagostomum sp (4.4 %), Bunostomum sp (3.5 %) et Nematodirus sp (0.6 %). Seven species of snails have been sampled such as the aquatic species Pisidium casertanum, P. nitidum (Sphaeridae), Segmentorbis sp (Planorbidae), Syrnolopsis gracilis (Syrnolopsis) and Potadomoides schouterdeni and the terrestrial one Burtoa sp and an other one which still remains indetermined

    Value chain analysis: Gender and market participation in livestock markets

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    Risques potentiels des déchets domestiques sur la santédes populations en milieu rural : cas d’Irhambi Katana (Sud-Kivu,République Démocratique du Congo)

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    Cette étude a été conduite afin d’évaluer les risques pour la santé liés à la production de déchets en milieu rural d’Irhambi Katana à l’est de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC). La mesure des quantités des déchets produits par ménage dans six localités du groupement d’Irhambi Katana et l’analyse microscopique des échantillons des déchets ont été réalisées. La comparaison avec les données des centres de santé et la détermination de l’apport de ces déchets en éléments nutritifs du sol ont été réalisées. Les ménages du groupement d’Irhambi Katana produisent en moyenne 0,3 kg de déchets par jour. Ces déchets domestiques renferment plusieurs agents pathogènes tels que Balantidium coli, Shigella flexneri, Ascaris lombricoïdes et Escherichia coli qu’on peut associer à des maladies diarrhéiques couramment rencontrées dans les statistiques des centres de santé comme l’ascaridiose, la shigelose, l’amibiase et le choléra. Mais aussi ces déchets contiennent des matières organiques fertilisantes du sol comme l’azote et le phosphore en quantité importante (1272 mg P/kg; 8,89 % de N /kg). Une sensibilisation de la population dans la gestion des déchets domestiques pour éviter les maladies dues à la mauvaise gestion des déchets ainsi que l’usage de ces déchets dans la fertilisation des sols est recommandée.This study was conducted to evaluate the health risk associated to yard waste generation in rural area of Irhambi Katana in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Quantities of wastes produced per household in six Irhambi Katana villages as well as microbiological analysis of wastes samples were performed. Health centers data were analyzed and wastes contribution in soil nutrients was determined. The households of Irhambi Katana Sub County produce an average of 0.3 Kg of wastes per day. These domestic solid wastes embody many pathogenic agents such as Balantidium coli, Shigella flexneri, Ascaris lombricoïdes and Escherichia coli which can be associated to diarrhea diseases currently encountered in the statistics of health centers such as ascardiose, shigelose, amibiase and cholera. In addition these solid waste have high organic nutrients content such as nitrogen and phosphorus (1272 mg P/kg; 8.89 % N) in the wastes. A sensitization of the population on domestic solid wastes management to avoid diseases due to poor waste management and the use of domestic waste for compost are recommended