2,887 research outputs found

    Polarization retention loss in PbTiO3 ferroelectric films due to leakage currents

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    The relationship between retention loss in single crystal PbTiO3 ferroelectric thin films and leakage currents is demonstrated by piezoresponse and conductive atomic force microscopy measurements. It was found that the polarization reversal in the absence of an electric field followed a stretched exponential behavior 1−exp[−(t/k)^d] with exponent d>1, which is distinct from a dispersive random walk process with d<1. The latter has been observed in polycrystalline films for which retention loss was associated with grain boundaries. The leakage current indicates power law scaling at short length scales, which strongly depends on the applied electric field. Additional information of the microstructure, which contributes to an explanation of the presence of leakage currents, is presented with high resolution transmission electron microscopy analysis.

    Slow relaxation in the Ising model on a small-world network with strong long-range interactions

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    We consider the Ising model on a small-world network, where the long-range interaction strength J2J_2 is in general different from the local interaction strength J1J_1, and examine its relaxation behaviors as well as phase transitions. As J2/J1J_2/J_1 is raised from zero, the critical temperature also increases, manifesting contributions of long-range interactions to ordering. However, it becomes saturated eventually at large values of J2/J1J_2/J_1 and the system is found to display very slow relaxation, revealing that ordering dynamics is inhibited rather than facilitated by strong long-range interactions. To circumvent this problem, we propose a modified updating algorithm in Monte Carlo simulations, assisting the system to reach equilibrium quickly.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Incorporating climate change into invasive species management: insights from managers

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    Invasive alien species are likely to interact with climate change, thus necessitating management that proactively addresses both global changes. However, invasive species managers’ concerns about the effects of climate change, the degree to which they incorporate climate change into their management, and what stops them from doing so remain unknown. Therefore, we surveyed natural resource managers addressing invasive species across the U.S. about their priorities, concerns, and management strategies in a changing climate. Of the 211 managers we surveyed, most were very concerned about the influence of climate change on invasive species management, but their organizations were significantly less so. Managers reported that lack of funding and personnel limited their ability to effectively manage invasive species, while lack of information limited their consideration of climate change in decision-making. Additionally, managers prioritized research that identifies range-shifting invasive species and native communities resilient to invasions and climate change. Managers also reported that this information would be most effectively communicated through conversations, research summaries, and meetings/symposia. Despite the need for more information, 65% of managers incorporate climate change into their invasive species management through strategic planning, preventative management, changing treatment and control, and increasing education and outreach. These results show the potential for incorporating climate change into management, but also highlight a clear and pressing need for more targeted research, accessible science communication, and two-way dialogue between researchers and managers focused on invasive species and climate change

    A rotorcraft in-flight ice detection framework using computational aeroacoustics and Bayesian neural networks

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    This work develops a novel ice detection framework specifically suitable for rotorcraft using computational aeroacoustics and Bayesian neural networks. In an offline phase of the work, the acoustic signature of glaze and rime ice shapes on an oscillating wing are computed. In addition, the aerodynamic performance indicators corresponding to the ice shapes are also monitored. These performance indicators include the lift, drag, and moment coefficients. A Bayesian neural network is subsequently trained using projected Stein variational gradient descent to create a mapping from the acoustic signature generated by the iced wings to predict their performance indicators along with quantified uncertainty that is highly important for time- and safety-critical decision-making scenarios. While the training is carried out fully offline, usage of the Bayesian neural network to make predictions can be conducted rapidly online allowing for an ice detection system that can be used in real time and in-flight

    Comportamento de recópula de fêmeas selvagens de Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) no Vale do São Francisco.

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    Moscas-das-frutas são pragas quarentenárias relevantes na fruticultura mundial. Amosca-do-mediterrâneo, Ceratitis capitata é cosmopolita e atualmente, a mais representativa da família Tephritidae no Submédio do Vale do São Francisco (VSF), no Nordeste do Brasil.Resumo 1003-1

    Constraints on the Cryohydrological Warming of Firn and Ice in Greenland From Rayleigh Wave Ellipticity Data

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    Rayleigh wave ellipticity measurements from seismic ambient noise recorded on the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) show complex and anomalous behavior at wave periods sensitive to ice (T < 3–4 s). To understand these complex observations, we compare them with synthetic ellipticity measurements obtained from synthetic ambient noise computed for various seismic velocity and attenuation models, including surface wave overtone effects. We find that in dry snow conditions within the interior of the GrIS, to first order the anomalous ellipticity observations can be explained by ice models associated with the accumulation and densification of snow into firn. We also show that the distribution of ellipticity measurements is strongly sensitive to seismic attenuation and the thermal structure of the ice. Our results suggest that Rayleigh wave ellipticity is well suited for monitoring changes in firn properties and thermal composition of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets in a changing climate

    A categorification of Morelli's theorem

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    We prove a theorem relating torus-equivariant coherent sheaves on toric varieties to polyhedrally-constructible sheaves on a vector space. At the level of K-theory, the theorem recovers Morelli's description of the K-theory of a smooth projective toric variety. Specifically, let XX be a proper toric variety of dimension nn and let M_\bR = \mathrm{Lie}(T_\bR^\vee)\cong \bR^n be the Lie algebra of the compact dual (real) torus T_\bR^\vee\cong U(1)^n. Then there is a corresponding conical Lagrangian \Lambda \subset T^*M_\bR and an equivalence of triangulated dg categories \Perf_T(X) \cong \Sh_{cc}(M_\bR;\Lambda), where \Perf_T(X) is the triangulated dg category of perfect complexes of torus-equivariant coherent sheaves on XX and \Sh_{cc}(M_\bR;\Lambda) is the triangulated dg category of complex of sheaves on M_\bR with compactly supported, constructible cohomology whose singular support lies in Λ\Lambda. This equivalence is monoidal---it intertwines the tensor product of coherent sheaves on XX with the convolution product of constructible sheaves on M_\bR.Comment: 20 pages. This is a strengthened version of the first half of arXiv:0811.1228v3, with new results; the second half becomes arXiv:0811.1228v

    Higher-Twist Contribution to Pion Structure Function: 4-Fermi Operators

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    We present quenched lattice QCD results for the contribution of higher-twist operators to the lowest non-trivial moment of the pion structure function. To be specific, we consider the combination F2π++F2π−−2F2π0F_2^{\pi^+} + F_2^{\pi^-} - 2 F_2^{\pi^0} which has I=2I = 2 and receives contributions from 4-Fermi operators only. We introduce the basis of lattice operators. The renormalization of the operators is done perturbatively in the MSˉ\bar{\rm{MS}} scheme using the 't Hooft-Veltman prescription for γ5\gamma_5, taking particular care of mixing effects. The contribution is found to be of O(fπ2/Q2)O(f_\pi^2/Q^2), relative to the leading contribution to the moment of F2π+F_2^{\pi^+}.Comment: Version to appear in Nucl. Phys.
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