23,311 research outputs found

    Copernicus observations of C I and CO in diffuse interstellar clouds

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    Copernicus was used to observe absorption lines of C I in its ground state and excited fine structure levels and CO toward 29 stars. We use the C I data to infer densities and pressures within the observed clouds, and because our results are of higher precision than previous work, much more precise estimates of the physical conditions in clouds are obtained. In agreement with previous work, the interstellar thermal pressure appears to be variable, with most clouds having values of p/k between 1000/cu cm K and 10,000/cu cm K, but there are some clouds with p/k as high as 100,000/cu cm K. Our results are consistent with the view that the interstellar thermal pressure is so variable that the gas undergoes continuous dynamic evolution. Our observations provide useful constraints on the physical processes on the surfaces of grains. In particular, we find that grains are efficient catalysts of interstellar H2 in the sense that at least half of the hydrogen atoms that strike grains come off as part of H2. Results place strong constraints on models for the formation and destruction of interstellar CO. In many clouds, an order of magnitude less CO than predicted in some models was found

    A Near-Solar Metallicity, Nitrogen-Deficient Lyman Limit Absorber Associated with two S0 Galaxies

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    From UV spectra of the bright quasar PHL 1811 recorded by FUSE and the E140M configuration on STIS, we have determined the abundances of various atomic species in a Lyman limit system at z = 0.0809 with log N(H I) = 17.98. Considerably more hydrogen may be in ionized form, since the abundances of C II, Si II, S II and Fe II are very large compared to that of O I, when compared to their respective solar abundance ratios. Our determination [O/H] = -0.19 in the H I-bearing gas indicates that the chemical enrichment of the gas is unusually high for an extragalactic QSO absorption system. However, this same material has an unusually low abundance of nitrogen, [N/O] < -0.59, indicating that there may not have been enough time during this enrichment for secondary nitrogen to arise from low and intermediate mass stars. In an earlier investigation we found two galaxies at nearly the same redshift as this absorption system and displaced by 34 and 87 kpc from the line of sight. An r-band image recorded by the ACS on HST indicates these are S0 galaxies. One or both of these galaxies may be the source of the gas, which might have been expelled in a fast wind, by tidal stripping, or by ram-pressure stripping. Subtraction of the ACS point-spread function from the image of the QSO reveals the presence of a face-on spiral galaxy under the glare of the quasar; although it is possible that this galaxy may be responsible for the Lyman limit absorption, the exact alignment of the QSO with the center of the galaxy suggests that the spiral is the quasar host.Comment: 74 pages, 14 figures; to be published in the Astrophysical Journal (Part 1) May 1, 2005 issue. A version of the paper with figures of better quality may be found at http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~ebj/PHL1811_paper.ps (postscript) or http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~ebj/PHL1811_paper.pdf (pdf

    A Comparison of Absorption and Emission Line Abundances in the Nearby Damped Lyman-alpha Galaxy SBS 1543+593

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    We have used the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) aboard HST to measure a sulfur abundance of [S/H] = -0.41 +/-0.06 in the interstellar medium (ISM) of the nearby damped Lyman-alpha (DLA) absorbing galaxy SBS 1543+593. A direct comparison between this QSO absorption line abundance on the one hand, and abundances measured from HII region emission line diagnostics on the other, yield the same result: the abundance of sulfur in the neutral ISM is in good agreement with that of oxygen measured in an HII region 3 kpc away. Our result contrasts with those of other recent studies which have claimed order-of-magnitude differences between HI (absorption) and HII (emission) region abundances. We also derive a nickel abundance of [Ni/H] < -0.81, some three times less than that of sulfur, and suggest that the depletion is due to dust, although we cannot rule out an over-abundance of alpha-elements as the cause of the lower metallicity. It is possible that our measure of [S/H] is over-estimated if some SII arises in ionized gas; adopting a plausible star formation rate for the galaxy along the line of sight, and a measurement of the CII* 1335.7 absorption line detected from SBS 1543+593, we determine that the metallicity is unlikely to be smaller than we derive by more than 0.25 dex. We estimate that the cooling rate of the cool neutral medium is log [l_c (ergs s^{-1} H atom^{-1})] = -27.0, the same value as that seen in the high redshift DLA population.Comment: 31 pages; accepted for publication in the Ap

    Analysis of General Power Counting Rules in Effective Field Theory

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    We derive the general counting rules for a quantum effective field theory (EFT) in d\mathsf{d} dimensions. The rules are valid for strongly and weakly coupled theories, and predict that all kinetic energy terms are canonically normalized. They determine the energy dependence of scattering cross sections in the range of validity of the EFT expansion. We show that the size of cross sections is controlled by the Λ\Lambda power counting of EFT, not by chiral counting, even for chiral perturbation theory (χ\chiPT). The relation between Λ\Lambda and ff is generalized to d\mathsf{d} dimensions. We show that the naive dimensional analysis 4π4\pi counting is related to \hbar counting. The EFT counting rules are applied to χ\chiPT, low-energy weak interactions, Standard Model EFT and the non-trivial case of Higgs EFT.Comment: V2: more details and examples added; version published in journal. 17 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Revealing the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium with OVI Absorption

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    Hydrodynamic simulations of growth of cosmic structure suggest that 30-50% of the total baryons at z=0 may be in a warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM) with temperatures ~10^5-10^7K. The O VI \lambda \lambda 1032, 1038 absorption line doublet in the FUV portion of QSO spectra provides an important probe of this gas. Utilizing recent hydrodynamic simulations, it is found that there should be ~5 O VI absorption lines per unit redshift with equivalent widths >= 35 mA, decreasing rapidly to ~0.5 per unit redshift at >= 350 mA. About 10% of the total baryonic matter or 20-30% of the WHIM is expected to be in the O VI absorption line systems with equivalent width >= 20 mA; the remaining WHIM gas may be too hot or have too low metallicity to be detected in O VI. We find that the simulation results agree well with observations with regard to the line abundance and total mass contained in these systems. Some of the O VI systems are collisionally ionized and some are photoionized, but most of the mass is in the collisionally ionized systems. We show that the gas that produces the O VI absorption lines does not reside in virialized regions such as galaxies, groups, or clusters of galaxies, but rather has an overdensity of 10-40 times the average density. These regions form a somewhat connected network of filaments. The typical metallicity of these regions is 0.1-0.3Zsun.Comment: accepted to ApJ Letters; full color Figure 1 may be obtained at http://astro.princeton.edu/~cen/PROJECTS/p2/p2.html (at the bottom of the page