14 research outputs found
Career Education as Humanization: A Freirean Approach to Lifelong Learning
This article contrasts the view of lifelong learning posed by the human capital discourse with Freire’s understanding of education as a lifelong journey toward personal growth and social transformation. Rather than reducing learners to objects of economic globalization, Freire’s pedagogy considers students as political participants who actively shape their vocational and social lives. We argue that career education policies and programs should accept Freire’s understanding of lifelong learning as a necessary component of human ontology. The article also offers suggestions that career education teachers might employ to counteract the human capital assumptions framing the current discourse on lifelong learning.Cet article compare la perspective de l’éducation permanente selon le discours sur le capital humain d’une part et le point du vue de Freire selon lequel l’éducation constitue un voyage continu vers l’épanouissement personnel et la transformation sociale d’autre part. Plutôt que d’interpréter les apprenants comme de simples objets dans le contexte de la mondialisation économique, la pédagogie de Freire considère que les étudiants sont des participants politiques qui façonnent de manière active leurs vies professionnelles et sociales. Nous faisons valoir notre point de vue voulant que les politiques et les programmes en matière de formation au choix de carrière devraient accepter la vision de Freire selon laquelle l’apprentissage continu est une composante essentielle d’une ontologie humaine. De plus, nous proposons des stratégies que pourraient employer les enseignants d’éducation au choix de carrière pour amortir les hypothèses sur le capital humain qui dominent actuellement le discours sur l’apprentissage continu
Using Technology for Learning: Generalizable Lessons from Educational Technology Integration in Kenya
This paper presents some initial findings from a multi-year partnership project on the integration of technology into the Kenyan education system. Specifically, qualitative evidence is presented on how results and lessons learned from the partnership project can be generalized and used by other research teams and projects using other technology platforms. Grounded in the critical theory of educational technology and using methodological strategies on the intersections of critical discourse analysis and critical ethnography, this paper examines technology integration in Kenyan public schools using the Learning Toolkit+ developed at the Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada
Artificial agents among us: Should we recognize them as agents proper?
In this paper, I discuss whether in a society where the use of artificial agents is pervasive, these agents should be recognized as having rights like those we accord to group agents. This kind of recognition I understand to be at once social and legal, and I argue that in order for an artificial agent to be so recognized, it will need to meet the same basic conditions in light of which group agents are granted such recognition. I then explore the implications of granting recognition in this manner. The thesis I will be defending is that artificial agents that do meet the conditions of agency in light of which we ascribe rights to group agents should thereby be recognized as having similar rights. The reason for bringing group agents into the picture is that, like artificial agents, they are not self-evidently agents of the sort to which we would naturally ascribe rights, or at least that is what the historical record suggests if we look, for example, at what it took for corporations to gain legal status in the law as group agents entitled to rights and, consequently, as entities subject to responsibilities. This is an example of agency ascribed to a nonhuman agent, and just as a group agent can be described as nonhuman, so can an artificial agent. Therefore, if these two kinds of nonhuman agents can be shown to be sufficiently similar in relevant ways, the agency ascribed to one can also be ascribed to the other-this despite the fact that neither is human, a major impediment when it comes to recognizing an entity as an agent proper, and hence as a bearer of rights
Reimagining peace, reimagining education: Peace educational potential of social media
Abstract In this paper I examine the potential of blogosphere for civic education. My main argument is that in in-crisis societies such as Pakistan the blogosphere is a space where conversations and multilogues on issues that are crucial to societal regeneration are taking place. These conversations and multilogues in/through the blogosphere are democratic and inclusive in that they are not confined by the traditional articulations of ‘expertise’, privilege and subject positioning. Neither the writer nor those who participate in the ensuing conversation are or have to be experts in a disciplinary sense. They are not privileged by credentials or by their positioning in the ‘knowledge’ hierarchy. Any and all agents of the civil society can either start or engage in these multilogues, many of which directly or indirectly, focus on issues of national and societal self-regeneration. Abstrak Dalam makalah ini saya meneliti potensi ruang-blog (blogosphere) untuk pendidikan kewarganegaraan. Argumen utama saya adalah bahwa dalam masyarakat yang sedang dilanda krisis seperti Pakistan ruang-blog (blogosphere) merupakan ruang di mana percakapan dan interaksi percakapan tentang isu-isu yang sangat penting bagi regenerasi sosial, berlangsung. Percakapan dan multilogues melalui ruang-blog ini bersifat demokratis dan inklusif karena tidak dibatasi oleh artikulasi tradisional yang mencirikan 'keahlian', pengaturan posisi berdasarkan hak istimewa dan subjek masalah. Baik penulis maupun orang-orang yang berpartisipasi dalam percakapan tidak harus ahli dalam disiplin tertentu. Mereka tidak diberi hak istimewa atas dasar prestasi atau posisi mereka dalam hirarki 'pengetahuan' . Setiap dan semua masyarakat sipil dapat memulai atau terlibat dalam interaksi percakapan ini, banyak di antara mereka yang baik langsung maupun tidak langsung, berfokus pada isu-isu regenerasi diri di tingkat nasional dan masyarakat.How to Cite : Naseem, M., A. (2015). Reimagining Peace, Reimagining Education: Peace Educational Potential of Social Media. TARBIYA: Journal Of Education In Muslim Society, 2(1), 1-11. doi:10.15408/tjems.v2i1.1474. Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15408/tjems.v2i1.1474</p
Reimagining peace, reimagining education: Peace educational potential of social media
Abstract In this paper I examine the potential of blogosphere for civic education. My main argument is that in in-crisis societies such as Pakistan the blogosphere is a space where conversations and multilogues on issues that are crucial to societal regeneration are taking place. These conversations and multilogues in/through the blogosphere are democratic and inclusive in that they are not confined by the traditional articulations of ‘expertise’, privilege and subject positioning. Neither the writer nor those who participate in the ensuing conversation are or have to be experts in a disciplinary sense. They are not privileged by credentials or by their positioning in the ‘knowledge’ hierarchy. Any and all agents of the civil society can either start or engage in these multilogues, many of which directly or indirectly, focus on issues of national and societal self-regeneration. Abstrak Dalam makalah ini saya meneliti potensi ruang-blog (blogosphere) untuk pendidikan kewarganegaraan. Argumen utama saya adalah bahwa dalam masyarakat yang sedang dilanda krisis seperti Pakistan ruang-blog (blogosphere) merupakan ruang di mana percakapan dan interaksi percakapan tentang isu-isu yang sangat penting bagi regenerasi sosial, berlangsung. Percakapan dan multilogues melalui ruang-blog ini bersifat demokratis dan inklusif karena tidak dibatasi oleh artikulasi tradisional yang mencirikan 'keahlian', pengaturan posisi berdasarkan hak istimewa dan subjek masalah. Baik penulis maupun orang-orang yang berpartisipasi dalam percakapan tidak harus ahli dalam disiplin tertentu. Mereka tidak diberi hak istimewa atas dasar prestasi atau posisi mereka dalam hirarki 'pengetahuan' . Setiap dan semua masyarakat sipil dapat memulai atau terlibat dalam interaksi percakapan ini, banyak di antara mereka yang baik langsung maupun tidak langsung, berfokus pada isu-isu regenerasi diri di tingkat nasional dan masyarakat.How to Cite : Naseem, M., A. (2015). Reimagining Peace, Reimagining Education: Peace Educational Potential of Social Media. TARBIYA: Journal Of Education In Muslim Society, 2(1), 1-11. doi:10.15408/tjems.v2i1.1474. Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15408/tjems.v2i1.1474</p
Perspectivas conceituais sobre o multiculturalismo e a educação multicultural: uma investigação do campo
A noção de multiculturalismo e polÃticas multiculturais em suas várias articulaçõestem sido de grande importância para a elaboração e implementação de polÃticaseducacionais, currÃculo e educação de professores no Canadá. Este artigo investigaperspectivas conceituais com as quais os docentes e profissionais engajadosem pesquisa educacional buscam entender as dinâmicas das polÃticas de multiculturalismo.Estas perspectivas incluem (mas não estão limitadas a): perspectivasde multiculturalismo conservador, multiculturalismo liberal e liberal de esquerda,multiculturalismo crÃtico, educação antirracismo e educação antiopressão. Elas nãorepresentam a totalidade das possibilidades de perspectivas utilizadas pelos docentese profissionais da área. Além disso, não são monolÃticas e/ou consensuais,uma vez que existem debates internos e intrÃnsecos a elas que exigem esforços deinvestigação sobre o tema.Palavras-chave: Multiculturalismo. Perspectivas conceituais. Multiculturalismo crÃtico.Educação antirracismo. Educação antiopressão
Perspectives of Muslim and Minority Canadian Youth on Hate Speech and Social Media
In this article, we highlight the perspectives of marginalized Canadian youth regarding hate speech on social media. Specifically, our research focus is on the complexity and intersectionality involved in cyber violence, especially in relation to marginalized identities. Twenty-five participants aged 18 to 25 studying at a central Canadian University (from an initial sample of 90 participants) who self-identified as victims of hate speech were invited to share their experiences and narrate their stories. Research results demonstrate that online hate speech is growing in Canada to an extent where it is has become normalized. This has serious implications for the well-being of Canadian youth - both perpetrators and victims of hate speech. The main targets of hate speech on social media in Canada are immigrants and minorities, particularly Muslims. Results show that online hate speech has significant consequences for the lives of Canadian youth. The repercussions for the victim's mental and physical well-being manifest in problems ranging from alienation, identity issues, deterioration of psychological and physical health to cyber and in-person bullying, and much more. The study concludes that while there are definite links between the rise of online hate speech, deterioration of mental and physical health, and increased attacks on immigrants and minorities, not much action has gone into policymaking and education to correct the situation.
Nussbaum’s Concept of Cosmopolitanism: Practical Possibility or Academic Delusion?
In this paper, we explore Martha Nussbaum’s version of cosmopolitanism and evaluate its potential to reduce the growing global discord we currently confront. We begin the paper by elucidating the concept of cosmopolitanism in historical and contemporary terms, and then review some of the major criticisms of Nussbaum’s position. Finally, we suggest that Nussbaum’s vision of cosmopolitanism, in spite of its morally noble intentions, faces overwhelming philosophical and practical difficulties that undermine its ultimate tenability as an approach to resolving international conflict