83 research outputs found

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Semangat Kerja Karyawan pada PT Jbr Mi Denpasar Tahun 2014

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi semangat kerja karyawan dan (2) faktor yang paling dominan mempengaruhi semangat kerja karyawan.Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan vaktorial.Subyek dari penelitian ini adalah semua karyawan pada PT JBR MI Denpasar dan obyek dalam penelitian ini adalah faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi semangat kerja karyawan.Penelitian ini menggunakan populasi sebanyak 56 orang karyawan.Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan angket atau kuesioner, kemudian diolah dengan analisis faktor menggunakan program spss 16 for windows. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat Sembilan faktor yang mempengaruhi semangat kerja karyawan yakni, (1) organisasi itu sendiri sebesar 48,400%, (2) kepemimpinan sebesar 13,509%, (3) hubungan manusiawi sebesar 11,421%, (4) sifat pekerjaan sebesar 9,374%, (5) motivasi sebesar 8,450%, (6) lingkungan fisik tempat kerja sebesar 4,030%, (7) kerjasama sebesar 2,302%, (8) kepuasan sebesar 1,815%, dan (9) disiplin kerja sebesar 0,699%. Faktor organisasi itu sendiri merupakan faktor yang paling dominan mempengaruhi semangat kerja dengan nilai variance sebesar 48,400%. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat Sembilan faktor yang mempengaruhi semangat kerja karyawan yakni, (1) organisasi itu sendiri sebesar 48,400%, (2) kepemimpinan sebesar 13,509%, (3) hubungan manusiawi sebesar 11,421%, (4) sifat pekerjaan sebesar 9,374%, (5) motivasi sebesar 8,450%, (6) lingkungan fisik tempat kerja sebesar 4,030%, (7) kerjasama sebesar 2,302%, (8) kepuasan sebesar 1,815%, dan (9) disiplin kerja sebesar 0,699%. Faktor organisasi itu sendiri merupakan faktor yang paling dominan mempengaruhi semangat kerja dengan nilai variance sebesar 48,400%. Kata Kunci : analisis faktor, karyawan, semangat kerja This research is aimed in knowing (1) The factors which influence the work enthusiasm of the employee and (2) The dominant factor which influence the work enthusiasm. this kind of research is quantitative research with the factorial approachment. Subject of this research is the entire employee in PT Japan Best Rescue Motorcycle Indonesia (JBR MI) Denpasar and the object of this research is the factors which influence the enthusiasm of working of the employee. This research used 56 employees as the population. Data collected by questioner and then proceed with factor analysis used spss16 for windows program. Kata Kunci : analisis faktor, karyawan, semangat kerja This research is aimed in knowing (1) The factors which influence the work enthusiasm of the employee and (2) The dominant factor which influence the work enthusiasm. this kind of research is quantitative research with the factorial approachment. Subject of this research is the entire employee in PT Japan Best Rescue Motorcycle Indonesia (JBR MI) Denpasar and the object of this research is the factors which influence the enthusiasm of working of the employee. This research used 56 employees as the population. Data collected by questioner and then proceed with factor analysis used spss16 for windows program. This research shows that there are nine factors which influence the work enthusiasm of the entire employee, they are :, (1) Organization itself 48,400%, (2) leadership 13,509%, (3) personal relationship 11,421%, (4) character of the work 9,374%, (5) motivation 8,450%, (6) physical environment 4,030%, (7) cooperation 2,302%, (8) satisfaction 1,815%, and (9) discipline 0,699%. Organization itself is the major factor which influences the work enthusiasm with the variance number for 48.400%. This research shows that there are nine factors which influence the work enthusiasm of the entire employee, they are :, (1) Organization itself 48,400%, (2) leadership 13,509%, (3) personal relationship 11,421%, (4) character of the work 9,374%, (5) motivation 8,450%, (6) physical environment 4,030%, (7) cooperation 2,302%, (8) satisfaction 1,815%, and (9) discipline 0,699%. Organization itself is the major factor which influences the work enthusiasm with the variance number for 48.400%. keyword : Factor analysis, work enthusiasm, employee keyword : Factor analysis, work enthusiasm, employe

    Sosialisasi dan Edukasi Pencegahan dan Penanganan Covid-19 pada Masyarakat di Dusun Mbomba I Desa Gheo Ghoma Kabupaten Ende

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    Covid-19 has become an endemic outbreak that has hit all regions of the world that began at the end of 2019 in Wuhan City, China. The increase in the number of cases of the disease is very fast, so that its spread affects to various ages from children to the elderly. For this reason, there is a need to strengthen education and socialization for the community on how to prevent and handle Covid-19. The goal is for the public to understand and implement Covid-19 prevention behavior. This strengthening is also a preventive effort in suppressing the spread of Covid-19 transmission. As for the form of activity programs carried out by direct methods of socialization, education to the community, making hand washing pilots for community residents and installing sticker posters that are informative and easily understood by the community in Mbomba I Village Gheo Ghoma Ende Regency. The results of this activity can be seen from the increasing public knowledge about the prevention of Covid-19 and being able to implement Covid-19 prevention behavior quite well. Educational activities and socialization to prevent the transmission of the Covid-19 virus become simple things that need to be done consistently, in order to build community concern in maintaining health, doing a clean and healthy lifestyle, especially in the current pandemic period

    A framework for green supply chain management in the construction sector: A case study in Indonesia

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    Purpose: In order to implement green supply chain management (GSCM) to support the effort in reducing the environmental impact of the supply chain processes, a framework needs to be developed. This study aimed to propose a conceptual and holistic GSCM framework that represents a roadmap towards GSCM implementation by integrating all green supply chain practices by various stakeholders of the construction sector in Indonesia. Design/methodology/approach: Green supply chain management practices were obtained from an extensive literature review. A questionnaire survey of GSCM stakeholders in the construction sector was conducted to obtain the preference regarding green supply chain variables as the proxy for variable weighting and ranking. Pairwise comparison (PWC) and technique for others preference by similarity to ideal (TOPSIS) were adopted to analyze the weight and to rank the green practices, respectively. The findings from the PWC and TOPSIS were used to develop the framework. Findings: The framework for GSCM in the construction sector in Indonesia primarily focuses on reducing the use of hazardous materials, the management of waste at the project site, selling products and components that are no longer used, using video conferencing both inter- and intra-organization meetings, and support from the management level in the form EMS and ISO 14001 certification. Research limitations/implications: This study did not include other GSCM performances as criteria, such as operational and logistical performance. Practical implications: An efficient evaluation technique developed through the framework could be used in decision making policies by policy makers and organizational stakeholders that can identify and prioritize the green practices for adoption of GSCM in the construction sector. Social implications: A good framework can connect the benchmarking concept with practical applications because the framework can guide organizations in adopting and implementing benchmarking activities more systematically, comprehensively, and in a timely manner Originality/value: The originality of this research is that the GSCM framework was developed with most relevant green practices based on ranking and weighting criteria, as well as the preferences of the main stakeholdersPeer Reviewe

    Transformasi CDNA Gen 1-Aminosiklopropan-1-Asam Karboksilat Oksidase Untuk Penundaan Kematangan Pada Pepaya Dampit Dan Sarirona

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dari bulan Januari 2002 sampai Februari 2003. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkankalus transforman gen 1-aminosiklopropan-1-asam karboksilat (ACC) oksidase yang mampu hidup dan dapatberdiferensiasi, wahana untuk membuat pepaya transgenik tahan simpan, telah dilakukan di Laboratorium BiologiMolekuler, Balai Penelitian Bioteknologi dan Sumber Daya Genetik Pertanian, Bogor. Mutu buah pepaya salahsatunya ditentukan oleh kesegaran buah saat dikonsumsi. Proses pemasakan buah pepaya berlangsung sangat cepat,hal ini menyulitkan dalam transportasi pepaya, terutama untuk menjangkau tempat yang jauh. Proses pemasakan buahdikontrol oleh meningkatnya konsentrasi hormon etilen dan disintesis dari 1-aminosiklopropan-1-asam karboksilat.Produksi etilen dapat ditekan dengan memblok jalur biosintesis etilen. Mekanismenya adalah membuat antisens genreg u la tor biosintesis etilen. Transformasi pepaya varietas dampit dan sarirona dilakukan menggunakan par ti cle bom -bard ment. Rancangan percobaan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan rancangan acak lengkap. Sumber eksplanpepaya berupa embrio zigotik yang digunakan untuk optimasi taraf kematian terhadap kanamisin, uji gusmenggunakan plasmid pRQ6 (gen gus, NPH, promotor 35S, dan ter mi na tor NOS) dan introduksi gen interes dalamplasmid pGA643 SM4 (gen antisens ACC oksidase, NPT II, promotor 35S, dan ter mi na tor NOS) pada me dia seleksi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua eksplan pepaya op ti mal pada kanamisin 150 mg/l, di mana padakonsentrasi ini eksplan mati seluruhnya. Pengujian gus terbanyak pada varietas sarirona 25% (25 spot biru) jarak 9cm, sedangkan varietas dampit 10% (9 spot biru) jarak 5 cm. Spot biru menandakan gen yang disisipi telah terintegrasipada gen tanaman. Efisiensi gen antisens ACC oksidase pada me dia seleksi kanamisin 150 mg/l menunjukkan 16%(14 embrio kotiledon) pada varietas dampit, sedangkan varietas sarirona tidak tumbuh. Tumbuhnya transforman padame dia seleksi menunjukkan eksplan tersebut sudah tersisipi pGA643 SM4 yang mengandung gen tahan terhadapkanamisin (gen NPT II ).Trans for ma tion of cDNAACC ox i dize gene for de lay rip en ing on pa paya dampit and sarirona. This re search was con ducted from Jan u ary2002 to Feb ru ary 2003. The aim of this re search was to find out trans formed cal lus by ACC ox i dize gene, there are via -ble and be able to dif fer en ti a tion, the means to de velop pa paya trans gen ic for de lay rip en ing. The re search was con -ducted at the Lab o ra tory of Mo lec u lar Bi ol ogy of Re search In sti tute for Bio tech nol ogy and Ag ri cul tural Ge neticRe sources, Bogor. One part of pa paya qual ity was de ter mined by fruit re fresh ment. The pro cess of pa paya ma tu ritywas went on very fast. This prob lem made dif fi cult for pa paya tranportation, ex cel lence to reach out long place. Thepro cess of ma tu rity was controled by incresing con cen tra tion of eth yl ene hor mone and it was syn the sized from ACC(1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid). One of ef fort pressed eth yl ene pro duc tion with to block eth yl enebiosynthesis path way. Mech a nism of block ing eth yl ene biosynthesis path way was made antisens of gen reg u la tor.The trans for ma tion of pa paya dampit and sarirona va ri ety have been de rived by bom bard ment par ti cle. The ex per i -men tal de sign is de scrip tive quan ti ta tive and ran dom ized com plete de sign. The zy gotic em bryo as explant sourcewere used for op ti miz ing kanamycin lev els, gus as say with pRQ6 plasmid (gus gene, NPH, 35S pro moter, NOS ter mi -na tor) and in tro duc tion in ter est gene with pGA643 SM4 plasmid (antisens ACC ox i dize gene, NPT II, 35S pro moter,NOS ter mi na tor) on the se lec tive me dium. The re sult in di cated the op ti miz ing of both pa paya on 150 mg/l kanamycin.This concentration made explant die all of it. Gus as say pref er ence of sarirona 25% (25 blue spot) in dis tance 9 cm anddampit 10% (9 blue spot) in dis tance 5 cm. Ef fi ciency of antisens ACC ox i dize gene on se lec tive me dium con tain ing150 mg/l kanamycin in di cated 16% (14 cotyledonae em bryo) in dampit but in sarirona do not growth. Transformangrowth on se lec tive me dium in di cated pGA643 SM4 have in sert to zy gotic em bryo be cause plasmid con tain ing se lec -tion gene of kanamycin (NPT II gene)

    Amomum Compactum Soland Ex Maton Addition as Essential Oil Source and Its Effect on Ruminal Feed Fermentation by in Vitro Analysis

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    Essential Oil (EO), as feed additive, has positive effect on ruminal feed fermentation by increasing feed efficiency and reducing methane production. This research was done to studied java cardamom (Amomum compactum Soland ex Maton) effect, be essential oil source as feed additive, on ruminal feed fermentation. In vitro gas production technique was used in this research to elaborate the effect of cardamom on nutrient digestibility of substrate and parameters of fermentation in rumen. Cardamom meal was added into feed sample equal to end concentration of EO in fermentation medium as much as 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 mg/l. Substrate of fermentation consist of Pennisetum purpureum, rice bran and wheat pollard. Addition of cardamom have no effect on substrate dry matter digestibility except at 100 mg/l was decreased. Protein digestibility in all added cardamom fermentation were lower than control, whereas organic matter and crude fiber digestibility increased up to 13.5 and 24% at level of EO 100mg/l respectively. Fermentation parameters including volatile fatty acid (acetate, propionate, butyrate) production, pH and microbial protein synthesis did not affected by cardamom addition except ammonia concentration. Methane production and protozoa population also did not change by the treatment. In conclusions of this study that, utilization of java cardamom as feed additive have positive effect on ruminal feed fermentation by increase organic matter and crude fiber digestibility and reduce protein digestibility

    Influencing factors of sustainable highway construction

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    The triple bottom line, which consists of the three pillars of the environment, society, and economy, must be balanced to achieve sustainable development. Integrating social, economic, and environmental aspects in construction projects is still a challenge. The construction industry tends to use non-renewable and unsustainable resources with energy values contained therein. One of the infrastructures that need to be considered in the concept of sustainable development is highway infrastructure. Highway infrastructure projects are quite complex because they involve a lot of resources, require a wider location, and significantly impact the community and the government. Environmental, social, and economic issues are just a few of the persistent issues that frequently surface during highway construction. Common environmental difficulties include water and energy consumption, road landscape issues, and wildlife conservation. Social issues are common in road projects and include issues with land acquisition, relocation, and worker comfort. Instead, bid prices and production costs that are elevated as a result of the usage of eco-friendly materials could cause economic issues. This study aims to investigate the TBL factors that influence the construction of sustainable roads and highways. A literature study is carried out by searching articles related to sustainable road projects. There are seven factors and 29 sub-factors for sustainable highway development, according to the literature review. Technology, project management, ecology, materials, government, community, and value system are the seven factors. These seven elements all contribute significantly, are interrelated, and are necessary for the realization of a sustainable highway

    Assessment of airport conditions in resilience efforts: A review

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    Airports, as one of the important transportation infrastructures in a country or region, play a role in the distribution of goods and people. This study aims to compile variables from a literature review to assess the condition of airport natural disaster preparedness. Airports have good resilience when facing natural disasters. This study compiles literature by collecting references from various sources, including journal articles, proceedings articles, and textbooks. So, there are nine factors, such as safety, infrastructure, passenger facilities, availability and performance, operational efficiency, service quality, and environmental sustainability. and thirty subfactors in assessing airport conditions in resilience efforts


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    ABSTRACT Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase is the first and primary enzyme of the regulatory enzymes in the pentose phosphate pathway - the only method by which red blood cells can generate NADPH. Deficiency of G6PD is the most common enzymopathy that affects over 400 million people worldwide. Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase deficiency is found in regions where malaria is endemic or has been endemic and it confers resistance against malaria especially malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum. Mutation upon this X-linked gene - encoding for G6PD - causes enzyme deficiency from asymptomatic to chronic nonspherocytic haemolytic anemia. Over 300 biochemical and genetically distinct variants of G6PD deficiency have been described in the past due to the polymorphism of the gene. This study intends to assess the molecular analysis for the detection of G6PD deficiency in given areas namely Medan, Bangka Island and Palangkaraya, where the level of malaria is not very high but G6PD deficiency is present. Blood samples were collected from apparently healthy males. Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase deficiency was screened biochemically by using Sigma fluorescence spot test. DNA was extracted from buffycoat using soluble saturated phenol (ss-phenol) standard method while exons were PCR- amplified. Restriction endonudease digestion analysis was used to determine known mutations while Single-Strand Conformation Polymorphism (SSCP) followed by DNA sequencing was used to determine unknown mutations. DNA from deficient males was the subject for this study and DNA from normal male was used as control for all analysis. From 13 deficient male subjects studied, subjects from Bangka Island and Palankaraya showed G6PD deficiency on molecular level. Glucose-6¬Phosphate Dehydrogenase Canton variant was found in Bangka. The mutation produces a Gâ1* substitution at position 13884 resulting in the appearance of Viol site in exon 12 and substitution of amino acid Arg.--)Leu at position 459. However, G6PD Viangchan was found in Palangkaraya. The mutation produces a Gât.A substitution at position 13031 predicting Val--)Met ammo acid change at position 291. Keywords: G6PD Deficiency, Polymorphism, restriction endonuclease digestion, SS

    Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and venlafaxine in early pregnancy and risk of birth defects: population based cohort study and sibling design

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    OBJECTIVETo assess whether use of specific selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or venlafaxine in early pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of birth defects, with emphasis on cardiovascular birth defects even when accounting for lifestyle or other familial confounding.DESIGNMulticountry population based cohort study, including sibling controlled design.SETTINGNordic population (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden) identified from nationwide health registers at different periods in 1996-2010.POPULATIONThe full study cohort included women giving birth to 2.3 million live singletons. The sibling cohort included 2288 singleton live births. The sibling controlled analyses included sibling pairs who were discordant for exposure to SSRIs or venlafaxine and birth defects.MAIN OUTCOME MEASUREPrevalence of birth defects, including subtypes of cardiac defects. Odds ratio of birth defects from logistic and conditional logistic regression.RESULTSAmong 36 772 infants exposed to any SSRI in early pregnancy, 3.7% (n=1357) had a birth defect compared with 3.1% of 2 266 875 unexposed infants, yielding a covariate adjusted odds ratio of 1.13 (95% confidence interval 1.06 to 1.20). In the sibling controlled analysis the adjusted odds ratio decreased to 1.06 (0.91 to 1.24). The odds ratios for any cardiac birth defect with use of any SSRI or venlafaxine were 1.15 (95% confidence interval 1.05 to 1.26) in the covariate adjusted analysis and 0.92 (0.72 to 1.17) in the sibling controlled analysis. For atrial and ventricular septal defects the covariate adjusted odds ratio was 1.17 (1.05 to 1.31). Exposure to any SSRI or venlafaxine increased the prevalence of right ventricular outflow tract obstruction defects, with a covariate adjusted odds ratio of 1.48 (1.15 to 1.89). In the sibling controlled analysis the adjusted odds ratio decreased to 0.56 (0.21 to 1.49) for any exposure to SSRIs or venlafaxine and right ventricular outflow tract obstruction defects.CONCLUSIONSIn this large Nordic study no substantial increase was found in prevalence of overall cardiac birth defects among infants exposed to SSRIs or venlafaxine in utero. Although the prevalence of septal defects and right ventricular outflow tract defects was higher in exposed infants, the lack of an association in the sibling controlled analyses points against a teratogenic effect of these drugs.</p
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