1,287 research outputs found

    Exploring a Non-Minimal Sterile Neutrino Model Involving Decay at IceCube and Beyond

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    We study the phenomenology of neutrino decay together with neutrino oscillations in the context of eV-scale sterile neutrinos. We review the formalism of visible neutrino decay in which one of the decay products is a neutrino that potentially can be observed. We apply the formalism developed for decay to the recent sterile neutrino search performed by IceCube with TeV neutrinos. We show that for ν4\nu_4 lifetime τ4/m41016eV1s\tau_4/m_4 \lesssim 10^{-16} {\rm eV^{-1}s}, the interpretation of the high-energy IceCube analysis can be significantly changed.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Find code at: https://github.com/arguelles/nuSQUIDSDeca

    Searching for cavities of various densities in the Earth's crust with a low-energy electron-antineutrino beta-beam

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    We propose searching for deep underground cavities of different densities in the Earth's crust using a long-baseline electron-antineutrino disappearance experiment, realized through a low-energy beta-beam with highly-enhanced luminosity. We focus on four cases: cavities with densities close to that of water, iron-banded formations, heavier mineral deposits, and regions of abnormal charge accumulation that have been posited to appear prior to the occurrence of an intense earthquake. The sensitivity to identify cavities attains confidence levels higher than 3σ3\sigma and 5σ5\sigma for exposures times of 3 months and 1.5 years, respectively, and cavity densities below 1 g cm3^{-3} or above 5 g cm3^{-3}, with widths greater than 200 km. We reconstruct the cavity density, width, and position, assuming one of them known while keeping the other two free. We obtain large allowed regions that improve as the cavity density differs more from the Earth's mean density. Furthermore, we demonstrate that knowledge of the cavity density is important to obtain O(10%) error on the width. Finally, we introduce an observable to quantify the presence of a cavity by changing the orientation of the electron-antineutrino beam, with which we are able to identify the presence of a cavity at the 2σ2\sigma to 5σ5\sigma C.L.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures; matches published versio

    Hernia perineal en el perro. Combinación de tres técnicas para la corrección quirúrgica. Tres casos clínicos

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    En este trabajo se presentan cuatro cirugías de hernia perineal en el perro, realizadas con una combinación de tres técnicas: elevación del músculo obturador interno, interposición de una malla de polipropileno y transposición con rotación del músculo glúteo superficial. Con esta combinación de técnicas intentamos asegurar el menor índice de recidivas a largo plazo posible. También realizamos una aproximación a la controvertida etiología de este problema, todavía no suficientemente aclarada, pero sí orientada hacia una predisposición genética que alteraría la función de los receptores androgénicos en la musculatura del diafragma pélvico. Discutimos las alternativas quirúrgicas y tratamientos complementarios como la orquiectomía.

    Ectopia ureteral bilateral intra y extra mural : caso clínico

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    La ectopia ureteral es una malformación congénita consistente en una apertura errónea del uréter que sobre pasa la vejiga urinaria y termina en otro lugar. Se presenta con mucha mayor frecuencia en hembras y hay algunas razas predispuestas como el Husky siberiano, el Caniche o el Retriever. En la práctica clínica se distinguen 3 situaciones: ectopia extramural a uretra, ectopia intramural y ectopia a útero. Describimos un caso clínico en el que se dio un tipo de uréter ectópico diferente en cada uréter, intramural el derecho y extramural el izquierdo.

    Anatomical variations of the equine popliteal tendon

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    The function of the popliteal muscle and tendon in horses remains undescribed. In humans, it is considered a stabilizer of the posterior-lateral region of the knee; its function is closely related to that of the lateral collateral ligament (LCL) and meniscus. The popliteal tendon (PopT) constitutes the main proximal attachment of the popliteus muscle to the femur, and in humans, insertional variations have been described. Knowledge of anatomical variations is needed for the correct interpretation of diagnostic images and arthroscopic findings. To elucidate further the anatomy of the equine PopT, both hind limbs of 30 horses were dissected. Similar to humans, the equine PopT has 3 variants (types I, II, and III) depending on the number of components forming the tendon. Additionally, the area of insertion varies; the location can be either cranial, underneath, or caudal to the proximal insertion of the LCL. Furthermore, the PopT has a constant attachment to the lateral meniscus. The results of the present study are useful for clinicians working with equine orthopedics, as the tendon and insertional variants could affect the interpretation of diagnostic images and arthroscopic examinations