367 research outputs found

    Purification of Neurospora myo-inositol-l-phosphate synthase by affinity chromatography

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    Purification of Neurospora myo-inositol-l-phosphate synthase by affinity chromatography

    Changes of the ratio of inl+ and inl- nuclei in heterocaryons of spontaneous revertant and by DNA-induced inl+ revertant Neurospora crassa strains

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    Changes of the ratio of inl+ and inl- in heterocaryons of spontaneous revertant and by DNA-induced inl+ revertant Neurospora strain

    Erődített középkori kolostorok és templomok kutatása Somogy megyében = The research of medieval fortified cloisters and churches in Somogy county

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    The paper deals with the various causes of fortification of churches and monastic establishments in Somogy county throughout the Middle ages

    Detection and identification of myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase and its assumed defective variant in different Neurospora crassa strains by immunological methods

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    Detection and identification of myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase and its assumed defective variant in different Neurospora crassa strains by immunological method

    Adalék a pécsi székesegyház 12. századi építkezéséhez és a Sámson ciklus értelmezéséhez = Additional information to the 12. C. construction of the cathedral of Pécs and to the interpretation of the Samson cycle

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    Abstract: The paper deals with the 12. C. reconstruction of the Cathedral of PĂ©cs. The romanesque reliefs now decorating the entrance zone of the crypt are in their secondary position. Through thorough examination the possibility of a great western front arises. Within the reliefs of the Samson cycle the so-called tree-pulling Samson depicts a unique representation. Various impects yielded in the formation of the medieval conception of the Samson figure

    Difference between transformed and spontaneous revertant strains of Neurospora crassa

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    Difference between transformed and spontaneous revertant strains of Neurospora crass

    Factors affecting DNA uptake by Neurospora crassa

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    Factors affecting DNA uptak

    Dynamical evolution of the Schottky barrier as a determinant contribution to electron–hole pair stabilization and photocatalysis of plasmon-induced hot carriers

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    The harnessing of plasmon-induced hot carriers promises to open new avenues for the development of clean energies and chemical catalysis. The extraction of carriers before thermalization and recombination is of fundamental importance to obtain appealing conversion yields. Here, hot carrier injection in the paradigmatic Au-TiO2 system is studied by means of electronic and electron-ion dynamics. Our results show that pure electronic features (without considering many-body interactions or dissipation to the environment) contribute to the electron–hole separation stability. These results reveal the existence of a dynamic contribution to the interfacial potential barrier (Schottky barrier) that arises at the charge injection pace, impeding electronic back transfer. Furthermore, we show that this charge separation stabilization provides the time needed for the charge to leak to capping molecules placed over the TiO2 surface triggering a coherent bond oscillation that will lead to a photocatalytic dissociation. We expect that our results will add new perspectives to the interpretation of the already detected long-lived hot carrier lifetimes and their catalytical effect, and concomitantly to their technological applications
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