2,188 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan model pengembangan (Borg, Walter R,. Gall, 1983) yang modifikasi dengan delapan tahapan/prosedur. Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan produk berupa bahan ajar berbasis kasus untuk pembelajaran mata kuliah kajian makro ekonomi di program studi magister pendidikan ekonomi pascasarjana Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri. Tahap pertama prosedur penelitian berupa: review silabus/RPS, analisis pembelajaran, disain pembelajaran, dan pengembangan bahan ajar. Validasi bahan ajar dilakukan oleh dua ahli, dimana hasilnya digunakan untuk penyempurnaan bahan ajar sampai mendapatkan justifikasi dari validator (ahli) sehingga bahan ajar berbasis kasus layak diimplementasikan dalam pembelajaran mata kuliah kajian makro ekonomi. Pada tahap kedua, dilakukan analisis atas efektivitas bahan ajar berbasis kasus yang diimplementasikan dalm pembelajaran mata kuliah kajian makro ekonomi di program studi magister pendidikan ekonomi Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, analisis deskriptif menyimpulkan bahwa bahan ajar berbasis kasus mata kuliah kajian makro ekonomi layak (valid) untuk diimplementasikan dalam pembelajara

    Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Akuntansi Biaya Berbasis Lesson Study

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    Efforts to improve the quality of learning can be done through various approaches, one of which is lesson study. Lesson study is an activity for lecturers to be able to develop learning and professional skills so that they can realize the learning outcomes that have been formulated. This study uses a qualitative approach that aims to describe the effectiveness of lesson study in improving the quality of learning in cost accounting courses in the department of Economic Education FKIP Nusantara PGRI Kediri University. Descriptive analysis is used to describe the data obtained by the observer through observation activities during the learning process. Lesson study activities in learning cost accounting courses consist of three stages, namely: the planning stage (plan), the implementation stage (do), and the reflection stage (see). The results of lesson study activities show that: 1) The three stages of the lesson study-based learning process can increase the creativity and motivation of students and lecturers in cost accounting learning; 2) Lesson study-based cost accounting learning has formed a collaboration between lecturers, between students, and between lecturers and students so that it can create a pleasant and innovative learning climate; 3) Lesson study activities improve the quality of learning which is indicated by an increase in student performance both in the aspect of active involvement during the learning process and in creativity shown when given the task to design the order cost card (production)

    Metode Memahami Hadis-hadis Kontradiktif

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    Activity of hadith external criticism (sanad) and also internal criticism (matn) is the obligation of the observers in order to put its existence together with the Koran as the base of religious argumentation. The process of criticism should be done, knowing that there is no guareantee of hadith which are up to the Muslims society categorized of accepted hadith. In addition to a wide variety of methods to criticize sanad, there are also various offers for hadith editorial criticizing. One of them is the science of mukhtalaf al-hadîth. The existence of this knowledge arises when doing data documentation (takhrîj hadîth) in the shade of the same-similar meaning. It will not be separated from the findings of controversial-looking hadith, and therefore the existence of such controversy should be sought in order to offer solutions with a strong suspect and also sort out the existing data to be placed in the proper position. Thus, this paper focuses on any viable solutions when dealing directly with the hadiths suspected controversia

    Menyingkap Tuhan Dalam Ruang ‘Local Wisdom\u27: Upaya Merumuskan Filsafat Ketuhanan Kontemporer

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    Diskursus tentang Tuhan semestinya harus dilihat dalam sejarah peradaban manusia secara utuh, tidak parsial dan sepotong-potong, dan tidak juga hanya dalam perspektif Barat atau Timur saja. Sebuah peradaban yang mempersempit ruang gerak penalaran yang bersifat instrumental akan menalar Tuhan dengan cara yang sama. Implikasinya, terjadi nihilisme, absurditas, dan bahkan ateisme atas keberadaan Tuhan. Artikel ini membahas tentang konsep ketuhanan dalam ruang lokal wisdom dengan pendekatan filosofis. Dalam pemahaman ‘local wisdom\u27, menalar Tuhan bukan hanya sekedar menalar an sich dengan membiarkan rasio berjalan sendirian. Ia harus dibarengi dengan potensi-potensi lain seperti rasa, zauq, emosi dan seterusnya, sehingga dalam proses penalarannya berjalan dengan seimbang. Hal ini sebagaimana yang nampak dalam ajaran ketuhanan masyarakat Jawa yang bisa dikategorikan sebagai monoteistik kultural. Penalaran terhadap Tuhan hanya mungkin dan bisa dilakukan jika dalam proses penalaran tersebut manusia melibatkan segala potensi, ruang rasio, ruang zauq, ruang emosi, secara berkelindan dan terkait, serta menyadari lokalitas dan historisitas keberadaan manusia itu sendiri

    Telaah Metafisik Upacara Kasada, Mitos Dan Kearifan Hidup Dalam Masyarakat Tengger

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    Dalam upaya mencari dimensi yang paling hakiki, manusia tidak boleh hanya berkutat pada level empiris dan apriori semata. Manusia harus melakukan perenungan dengan melepaskan diri dari segala sesuatu yang bersifat empiris dan apriori untuk menemukan prinsip utama. Tulisan ini menganalisis dimensi metafisik upacara kasada. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa refleksi metafisik mampu ‘mengatasi' realitas yang nampak, yang seakan-akan “sesungguhnya” namun pada Kenyataanya ‘menipu'. Kepalsuan ini tanpa disadari masuk ke dalam ranah ideologis dan membuat manusia tak mampu keluar dari sakralisasi ruang, waktu dan tempat yang mewarnai ritual upacara Kasada. Bertitik tolak dari penemuan ini, pelacakan dimensi metafisik dilanjutkan untuk menemukan eksistensi dan makna dari sebuah simbol-simbol dan mitos. Pelacakan ini pada akhirnya memberi kesimpulan bahwa dimensi metafisik dalam upacara Kasada masyarakat Tengger pada hakekatnya adalah miniatur dari kehidupan semua

    Triply mixed coverings of arbitrary base curves: Quasimodularity, quantum curves and a mysterious topological recursions

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    Simple Hurwitz numbers enumerate branched morphisms between Riemann surfaces with fixed ramification data. In recent years, several variants of this notion for genus 00 base curves have appeared in the literature. Among them are so-called monotone Hurwitz numbers, which are related to the HCIZ integral in random matrix theory and strictly monotone Hurwitz numbers which count certain Grothendieck dessins d'enfants. We generalise the notion of Hurwitz numbers to interpolations between simple, monotone and strictly monotone Hurwitz numbers to any genus and any number of arbitrary but fixed ramification profiles. This yields generalisations of several results known for Hurwitz numbers. When the target surface is of genus one, we show that the generating series of these interpolated Hurwitz numbers are quasimodular forms. In the case that all ramification is simple, we refine this result by writing this series as a sum of quasimodular forms corresonding to tropical covers weighted by Gromov-Witten invariants. Moreover, we derive a quantum curve for monotone and Grothendieck dessins d'enfants Hurwitz numbers for arbitrary genera and one arbitrary but fixed ramification profile. Thus, we obtain spectral curves via the semiclassical limit as input data for the CEO topological recursion. Astonishingly, we find that the CEO topological recursion for the genus 11 spectral curve of the strictly monotone Hurwitz numbers compute the monotone Hurwitz numbers in genus 00. Thus, we give a new proof that monotone Hurwitz numbers satisfy CEO topological recursion. This points to an unknown relation between those enumerants. Finally, specializing to target surface P1\mathbb{P}^1, we find recursions for monotone and Grothendieck dessins d'enfants double Hurwitz numbers, which enables the computation of the respective Hurwitz numbers for any genera with one arbitrary but fixed ramification profile.Comment: 41 page


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    Religious pluralisme is a term used to refer to positive attitudes toward world religions (e.g., Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Budhism, Catholic, etc) with the aim of creating a harmonious, peaceful, and prosperous life within a pluralist society by upholding people's equal rights to live peacefully in this world. The aim of this article is to elaborate on the concept of religious pluralism and its relation to Islamic education. There have been a controversy caused by the differing definitions of religious pluralism, which has led to certain misconceptions and hence its alienation from Islamic education in general. In the face of such challenges, efforts must continually be made to foster mutual understanding and respect between people of different religions in order to avoid potential conflicts, either between people embracing different religions or people within the same religion. It is this positive awareness which religious pluralism seeks to foster. Thus, incorporating the concept of pluralism into Islamic education is a must, especially by making change to the system of Islamic education which for a long time has focused only on building individual or communal piety. The new priority should be given to the creation of social sensitivity toward pluralism, either through cultural, language, or religious interventions. This all aims at reinforcing the notion of Islam as Rahmatallil’alamin