39 research outputs found

    Manajemen Mutu Terpadu Lembaga Pendidikan Pondok Pesantren

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    Islamic boarding schools are non-formal educational institutions inherited from their ancestors and have made a big contribution in creating quality human resources. Nowadays Islamic boarding schools have modernized education as a form of effort to improve the quality of Islamic boarding schools in meeting community demands. Improving the quality of Islamic boarding schools must be carried out continuously and the concept of Integrated Quality Management (MMT) or Total Quality Management (TQM) can be a reference in quality-based management of Islamic boarding schools, because Total Quality Management (TQM) is an approach or management to improve quality overall. comprehensive, competitive, effectiveness and flexibility of the entire organization and oriented towards customer satisfaction

    Pelaksanaan Event Petang Megang di Kota Pekanbaru

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    Pekanbaru has tourism potencial as nature tourism, cultural tourism, religious tourism and history tourism. Event Petang Megang held on the afternoon before welcoming the holy month of Ramadan. Because it, this research was conducted to find out how to implementation event Petang Megang di Kota Pekanbaru. Which is conducted by Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kota Pekanbaru to increase the number of tourist visits in pekanbaru city.This study aims to know how implementation Event Petang Megang as well as the intent and purpose implementation Event Petang Megang di Kota Pekanbaru.This research used descriptive qualitative method to examine the issues raised by analyzing implementation Event Petang Megang di Kota Pekanbaru. As for key informant in this research as many as five people involved as perpetrator of event,taken from the interview.While data collection techniques in this study using observation, interviews, and documentation.The result of this study show that implementation Event Petang Megang it's been much different in the past because of the time that has been shortened and the of process of change in the activity at the time of the event, with the change in the implementation of this event on the afternoon of the past is the cultural preservation while at the present time it's an Event petang Megang to preserve culture and as a cultural tourism.In the implementation of the Event Petang Megang there are several races that are catching the ducks, melayu song, and runway.So with the holding of the will increase the number of tourist arrivals in pekanbaru city to follow the Event Petang Megang.Petang Megang has become a flagship event in the city of pekanbaru so it must be preserved because this event is a legacy of the ancestors of the tribe melayu

    Karakter Pemimpin dalam Persfektif Budaya Melayu; Telaaah atas Buku Tunjuk Ajar Melayu Karya Tenas Effendy

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menggambarkan tunjuk ajar melayu tentang kepemimpinan dan karakter pemimpin berdasarkan persfektif budaya melayu menurut buku tunjuk ajar melayu karya Tenas Effendy. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif-kualitatif, yaitu menggambarkan, memahami dan menjelaskan data-data yang diperoleh dari sumber primer dan sekunder. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis isi (content analyisis). Hasil penelitian ini ada lima belas karakter pemimpin berdasarkan tunjuk ajar melayu, yaitu beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Allah Swt, berilmu, bekerja keras, rajin dan tekun, bijaksana dan adil, jujur dan benar, memiliki kekuatan dan semangat, pemurah dan penyayang, ikhlas dan rela berkorban, terbuka dan berbaik sangka, santun dan rendah hati, amanah dan bertanggung jawab, berani dan tegas, hemat dan cermat, baik budi dan elok kelakuan, sederhana. &nbsp


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    ABSTRAKSI M. Amrizal Ridho S, 51145158. N, Optimalisasi Pelaksanaan Bongkar Muat Pertalite Di MT. Klawotong Periode Oktober 2016-Oktober 2017. Pembimbing : (I) Capt. Ali Imran Ritonga, M.M, M.Mar (II) Irma Shinta Dewi, S.S, M.Pd Indonesia merupakan salah satu produsen minyak dan gas negara di dunia. Dengan semakin meningkat dan meningkatkan produksi dari ladang minyak, peran tanker dalam peran ini sangat penting bagi sarana transportasi minyak dan gas alam. Seiring dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, maka tanker sendiri mengalami perubahan dan perkembangan serta pembaharuan, terutama dalam hal bongkar muat peralatan di papan dengan kemajuan teknologi, harus seimbang dengan faktor manusia dalam rangka untuk beroperasi peralatan peralatan canggih dengan baik dan benar sesuai dengan prosedur dan manual yang ada. Permasalahan bagaimana pelaksanaan bongkar muat pertalite di kapal tanker yang benar agar kendala-kendala yang terjadi pada saat bongkar muat dapat ditekan. Optimalisasi adalah proses peningkatan sesuatu dengan perbuatan dan juga pikiran. Bongkar muat adalah penempatan atau pemindahan muatan dari darat ke atas kapal dan sebaliknya, memindahkan muatan dari atas kapal ke darat di pelabuhan tujuan. Berdasarkan analisa bahwa pelaksanaan bongkar muat pertalite di kapal tanker sering mengalami keterlambatan dikarenakan beberapa kendala baik dari faktor manusia maupun dari faktor peralatan. Dari analisa diatas perlu diadakan pelatihan kepada seluruh crew mengenai proses bongkar muat yang sesuai dengan prosedur dan pengoperasian alat-alat bongkar muat yang benar serta melakukan perawatan terhadap peralatan bongkar muat. Simpulan (1). Proses bongkar muat pertalite di kapal tanker sering mengalami kendalakendala yang mengakibatkan keterlambatan pada saat di pelabuhan. (2). Kendala-kendala yang terjadi pada saat proses bongkar muat adalah: kurangnya pemahaman, pengetahuan dan kesadaran dari para crew kapal tentang bahaya dan bagaimana prosedur bongkar muat yang sesuai dengan standart serta aman. (3). Upaya-upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi kendala yaitu dengan cara mengadakan pengenalan dan pelatihan kepada seluruh crew kapal mengenai pelaksanaan bongkar muat yang benar dan melakukan perawatan yang berkala terhadap peralatan bongkar muat. Saran dari penulis sebaiknya : seluruh pihak yang terkait seperti : pihak kapal dengan pihak darat atau pihak perusahaan harus melakukan kerja sama yang baik, memberikan pengarahan dan pelatihan kepada seluruh crew mengenai proses bongkar muat, memaksimalkan peralatan yang ada di atas kapal, dan melakukan perawatan terhadap alat-alat bongkar muat secara periodik serta meminta kepada perusahaan untuk melakukan penambahan atau penggantian peralatan yang sudah rusak. ABSTRACT M. Amrizal Ridho S, 51145158. N, Optimization Loading and Unloading Pertalite On MT. Klawotong Period October 2016-October 2017. Supervisor : (I) Capt. Ali Imran Ritonga, M.M, M.Mar (II) Irma Shinta Dewi, S.S, M.Pd Indonesia is one of the state oil and gas producers in the world. With the ever increasing and increasing production from oil fields, the role of the tanker in this very important role for the means of transport of the oil and natural gas. Along with the development of science and technology, then the tankers themselves undergo changes and developments as well as renewal, especially in terms of loading and unloading equipment on board with the advancement of technology, must be in balance with the human factor in order to operate the equipment-advanced equipment properly and correctly in accordance with existing procedures and manuals. How implementation problems unloading the product pertalite in the correct order constraints that occur when loading and unloading can be suppressed. Optimizing is the process of improving something with deeds and thoughts. Loading and unloading is the placement or removal of cargo from land to the ship and vice versa, right move cargo from the ship ashore at the port of destination. Based on the analysis that the implementation of the loading and unloading of pertalite tankers are experiencing delays due to several constraints of both human factors and equipment factors. From the above analysis of training needs to be held to the entire crew of the loading and unloading process in accordance with the procedures and the operation of loading and unloading equipment is right and taking care of the loading and unloading equipment. Conclusions (1). The process of loading and unloading of pertalite oil in tankers often have constraints that result in a delay in the time at the port. (2). Constraints that occur during the process of loading and unloading are : lack of understanding, knowledge and awareness of the ship crew about the dangers and how the loading and unloading procedures are in accordance with the standards as well as safe. (3). Efforts are being made to overcome the obstacles that by conducting introduction and training to the entire crew of the ship unloading correct implementation and perform periodic maintenance on the loading and unloading equipment. Advice from the author should be: all relevant parties such as: the ship with the land or the company must make a good cooperation, provide guidance and training to the entire crew of the loading and unloading process, maximizing existing equipment on board, and perform maintenance on loading and unloading equipment periodically and ask the company to do the addition or replacement of damaged equipment

    Heat Transfer Characteristics of Paraffin in Staggered Fins Heat Exchanger for the Cooling Process to Room Cooling Applications

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    © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved. The night air temperature which is below or equal to the temperature of human thermal comfort is very potential to be used to help reduce the thermal load of the room. This utilization can help minimize the electrical energy consumption of air conditioning systems. Phase change material (PCM) can be used to utilize the potential of cold air at night as latent heat thermal energy storage (LHTES). One model of the application of PCM is the heat exchanger. PCM fills one part of the heat exchanger. The characteristics of heat transfer need to be known so that it can know the cooling rate and the time required in the process. The variable used in this study is the inlet air velocity. In this research, a staggered fins-type heat exchanger which contains PCM with paraffin material is used in the cooling process. The results showed that an increase in speed would accelerate the cooling rate. At a velocity of 3 m.s-1, the average cooling rate of the PCM mass unity was 6.4 °C.hr'.kg-1. With this rate of cooling, the potential for cold night air for about two to three hours can be utilized for the PCM freezing process

    Analisis Usahatani Jambu Biji (Studi Kasus: Petani Jambu di Tanjung Anom, Kecamatan Phancur Batu, Kabupaten Deli Serdang)

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    Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: 1) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor-faktor produksi usahatani jambu biji yaitu luas lahan, sarana produksi dan jumlah tenaga kerja terhadap pendapatan usahatani jambu biji, 2) Untuk mengetahui kelayakan usahatani jambu biji. Hipotesis penelitian adalah: 1) Pendapatan usahatani jambu biji dipengaruhi oleh faktor produksi yaitu luas lahan, curahan tenaga kerja dan sarana produksi, 2) Usahatani jambu biji layak diusahakan atau menguntungkan. Daerah penelitian ditentukan dengan purposive sampling atau sengaja, dengan dasar bahwa penduduk umumnya mengusahakan tanaman jambu biji sebagai mata pencaharian utamanya

    Diversifikasi Olahan Salak untuk Meningkatkan Kemandirian dan Kualitas Hidup Masyarakat Desa Purwobinangun

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    Snake fruit is a kind of fruit that can be harvested all year long, although there\u27s a time in a year when the trees produces an extra ordinarily huge amount of fruits, or as local people say it \u27panen raya\u27, literally means great harvesting. The price for every kilo of snake fruits dropped drastically when panen raya comes. Salak pondoh (local name for Purwobinangun\u27s snake fruit) are normally priced about Rp 8.000,00 - Rp 12.000,00 per kilo when they are not in season and about Rp 2.000,00 - Rp 5.000,00 when it\u27s time for panen raya. It means snake fruits farmers suffer a substantial amount of financial loss