38 research outputs found

    The white dwarf in dwarf nova SDSS J080434.20+510349.2: Entering the instability strip?

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    SDSS J080434.20+510349.2 is the WZ type binary that displayed rare outburst in 2006 (Pavlenko et al., 2007). During the long-lasting tail of the late stage of the outburst binary shown the two-humped or four-humped profile of the orbital light modulation. The amplitude of orbital light curve decreased while the mean brightness decreased, more over that occurred ∌\sim 10 times faster during the fast outburst decline in respect to the late quiet state of slow outburst fading. There were no white dwarf pulsations detected neither 1 - 1.5 months prior to the outburst nor in 1.5 - 2 months after the 2006 outburst in this system. However the strong non-radial pulsations with period 12.6 minutes and mean amplitude of 0.05^m were first detected in V band with 2.6-m Shajn mirror telescope of the Crimean astrophysical observatory in ~ 8 months after the outburst. The evolution of pulsations over two years in 2006 - 2008 is considered. It is supposed that pulsations first appeared when the cooling white dwarf (after the outburst) entered the instability strip although the possibility of temporary lack of pulsations at some occasions also could not be excluded.Comment: Submitted to Proceedings of 16th European White Dwarf Workshop (EUROWD08

    Persistent and Transient Blank Field Sources

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    Blank field sources (BFS) are good candidates for hosting dim isolated neutron stars (DINS). The results of a search of BFS in the ROSAT HRI images are revised. We then focus on transient BFS, arguing that they belong to a rather large population. The perspectives of future research on DINS are then discussed.Comment: 3 pages, 0 figures. Paper presented at the Conference "Isolated Neutron Stars: from the interior to the surface", London, April 2006. Astrophysics and Space Science, in pres

    The Factory and the Beehive III: PTFEB132.707+19.810, a Low-Mass Eclipsing Binary in Praesepe Observed by PTF and K2

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    Theoretical models of stars constitute a fundamental bedrock upon which much of astrophysics is built, but large swaths of model parameter space remain uncalibrated by observations. The best calibrators are eclipsing binaries in clusters, allowing measurement of masses, radii, luminosities, and temperatures, for stars of known metallicity and age. We present the discovery and detailed characterization of PTFEB132.707+19.810, a P=6.0 day eclipsing binary in the Praesepe cluster (τ\tau~600--800 Myr; [Fe/H]=0.14±\pm0.04). The system contains two late-type stars (SpTP_P=M3.5±\pm0.2; SpTS_S=M4.3±\pm0.7) with precise masses (Mp=0.3953±0.0020M_p=0.3953\pm0.0020~M⊙M_{\odot}; Ms=0.2098±0.0014M_s=0.2098\pm0.0014~M⊙M_{\odot}) and radii (Rp=0.363±0.008R_p=0.363\pm0.008~R⊙R_{\odot}; Rs=0.272±0.012R_s=0.272\pm0.012~R⊙R_{\odot}). Neither star meets the predictions of stellar evolutionary models. The primary has the expected radius, but is cooler and less luminous, while the secondary has the expected luminosity, but is cooler and substantially larger (by 20%). The system is not tidally locked or circularized. Exploiting a fortuitous 4:5 commensurability between PorbP_{orb} and Prot,primP_{rot,prim}, we demonstrate that fitting errors from the unknown spot configuration only change the inferred radii by <1--2%. We also analyze subsets of data to test the robustness of radius measurements; the radius sum is more robust to systematic errors and preferable for model comparisons. We also test plausible changes in limb darkening, and find corresponding uncertainties of ~1%. Finally, we validate our pipeline using extant data for GU Boo, finding that our independent results match previous radii to within the mutual uncertainties (2--3%). We therefore suggest that the substantial discrepancies are astrophysical; since they are larger than for old field stars, they may be tied to the intermediate age of PTFEB132.707+19.810.Comment: Accepted to ApJ; 36 pages, 19 figures, 8 tables in two-column AASTEX6 forma

    The ChaMP Extended Stellar Survey (ChESS): Photometric and Spectroscopic Properties of Serendipitously Detected Stellar X-Ray Sources

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    We present 348 X-ray-emitting stars identified from correlating the Extended Chandra Multiwavelength Project (ChaMP), a wide-area serendipitous survey based on archival X-ray images, with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We use morphological star/galaxy separation, matching to an SDSS quasar catalog, an optical color-magnitude cut, and X-ray data-quality tests to create our catalog, the ChaMP Extended Stellar Survey (ChESS), from a sample of 2121 matched ChaMP/SDSS sources. Our cuts retain 92% of the spectroscopically confirmed stars in the original sample while excluding 99.6% of the 684 spectroscopically confirmed extragalactic sources. Fewer than 3% of the sources in our final catalog are previously identified stellar X-ray emitters. For 42 catalog members, spectroscopic classifications are available in the literature. We present new spectral classifications and Hα measurements for an additional 79 stars. The catalog is dominated by main-sequence stars; we estimate the fraction of giants in ChESS is ~10%. We identify seven giant stars (including a possible Cepheid and an RR Lyrae star) as ChaMP sources, as well as three cataclysmic variables. We derive distances from ~10 to 2000 pc for the stars in our catalog using photometric parallax relations appropriate for dwarfs on the main sequence and calculate their X-ray and bolometric luminosities. These stars lie in a unique space in the L_X-distance plane, filling the gap between the nearby stars identified as counterparts to sources in the ROSAT All Sky Survey and the more distant stars detected in deep Chandra and XMM-Newton surveys. For 36 newly identified X-ray-emitting M stars we calculate LHα/Lbol. The quantities LHα/Lbol and L_X/L_bol are linearly related below L_X/L_bol ~ 3 × 10⁻⁎, while L_Hα/L_bol appears to turn over at larger L_X/L_bol values. Stars with reliable SDSS photometry have an ~0.1 mag blue excess in u − g, likely due to increased chromospheric continuum emission. Photometric metallicity estimates suggest that the sample is evenly split between the young and old disk populations of the Galaxy; the lowest activity sources belong to the old disk population, a clear signature of the decay of magnetic activity with age. Future papers will present analyses of source variability and comparisons of this catalog to models of stellar activity in the Galactic disk

    The Fifth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    This paper describes the Fifth Data Release (DR5) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). DR5 includes all survey quality data taken through June 2005 and represents the completion of the SDSS-I project (whose successor, SDSS-II will continue through mid-2008). It includes five-band photometric data for 217 million objects selected over 8000 square degrees, and 1,048,960 spectra of galaxies, quasars, and stars selected from 5713 square degrees of that imaging data. These numbers represent a roughly 20% increment over those of the Fourth Data Release; all the data from previous data releases are included in the present release. In addition to "standard" SDSS observations, DR5 includes repeat scans of the southern equatorial stripe, imaging scans across M31 and the core of the Perseus cluster of galaxies, and the first spectroscopic data from SEGUE, a survey to explore the kinematics and chemical evolution of the Galaxy. The catalog database incorporates several new features, including photometric redshifts of galaxies, tables of matched objects in overlap regions of the imaging survey, and tools that allow precise computations of survey geometry for statistical investigations.Comment: ApJ Supp, in press, October 2007. This paper describes DR5. The SDSS Sixth Data Release (DR6) is now public, available from http://www.sdss.or

    The Third Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    This paper describes the Third Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). This release, containing data taken up through June 2003, includes imaging data in five bands over 5282 deg^2, photometric and astrometric catalogs of the 141 million objects detected in these imaging data, and spectra of 528,640 objects selected over 4188 deg^2. The pipelines analyzing both images and spectroscopy are unchanged from those used in our Second Data Release.Comment: 14 pages, including 2 postscript figures. Submitted to AJ. Data available at http://www.sdss.org/dr