1,301 research outputs found

    Energy saving market for mobile operators

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    Ensuring seamless coverage accounts for the lion's share of the energy consumed in a mobile network. Overlapping coverage of three to five mobile network operators (MNOs) results in enormous amount of energy waste which is avoidable. The traffic demands of the mobile networks vary significantly throughout the day. As the offered load for all networks are not same at a given time and the differences in energy consumption at different loads are significant, multi-MNO capacity/coverage sharing can dramatically reduce energy consumption of mobile networks and provide the MNOs a cost effective means to cope with the exponential growth of traffic. In this paper, we propose an energy saving market for a multi-MNO network scenario. As the competing MNOs are not comfortable with information sharing, we propose a double auction clearinghouse market mechanism where MNOs sell and buy capacity in order to minimize energy consumption. In our setting, each MNO proposes its bids and asks simultaneously for buying and selling multi-unit capacities respectively to an independent auctioneer, i.e., clearinghouse and ends up either as a buyer or as a seller in each round. We show that the mechanism allows the MNOs to save significant percentage of energy cost throughout a wide range of network load. Different than other energy saving features such as cell sleep or antenna muting which can not be enabled at heavy traffic load, dynamic capacity sharing allows MNOs to handle traffic bursts with energy saving opportunity.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to be published in ICC 2015 workshop on Next Generation Green IC

    The Zika outbreak of the 21st century.

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    The Zika virus outbreak has captivated the attention of the global audience and information has spread rapidly and wildly through the internet and other media channels. This virus was first identified in 1947, when it was isolated from a sentinel rhesus monkey placed by British scientists working at the Yellow Fever Research Laboratory located in the Zika forest area of Uganda, hence its name, and is transmitted primarily by the mosquito vector, Aedes aegypti. The fact that the rhesus macaque is an Asian species being placed in an African forest brings to mind the possibility of rapid adaptation of the virus from an African to Asian species, an issue that has not been considered. Whether such adaptation has played any role in acquiring pathogenicity due to cross species transmission remains to be identified. The first human infection was described in Nigeria in 1954, with only scattered reports of about a dozen human infections identified over a 50-year period. It was not until 2007 that Zika virus raised its ugly head with infections noted in three-quarters of the population on the tiny island of Yap located between the Philippines and Papua New Guinea in the western Pacific Ocean, followed by a major outbreak in French Polynesia in 2013. The virus remained confined to a narrow equatorial band in Africa and Asia until 2014 when it began to spread eastward, first toward Oceania and then to South America. Since then, millions of infected individuals have been identified in Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, including 25 additional countries in the Americas. While the symptoms associated with Zika virus infection are generally mild, consisting of fever, maculopapular rash, arthralgia and conjunctivitis, there have been reports of more severe reactions that are associated with neurological complications. In pregnant women, fetal neurological complications include brain damage and microcephaly, while in adults there have been several cases of virus-associated Guillain-Barre syndrome. The virus was until recently believed to only be transmitted via mosquitoes. But when the Zika virus was isolated from the semen specimens from a patient in Texas, this provided the basis for the recent report of possible sexual transmission of the Zika virus. Due to the neurological complications, various vectors for infection as well as the rapid spread throughout the globe, it has prompted the World Health Organization to issue a global health emergency. Various governmental organizations have recommended that pregnant women do not travel to countries where the virus is epidemic, and within the countries affected by the virus, recommendations were provided for women of childbearing age to delay pregnancy. The overall public health impact of these above findings highlights the need for a rapid but specific diagnostic test for blood banks worldwide to identify those infected and for the counseling of women who are pregnant or contemplating pregnancy. As of this date, there are neither commercially licensed diagnostic tests nor a vaccine. Because cross-reactivity of the Zika virus with dengue and Chikungunya virus is common, it may pose difficulty in being able to quickly develop such tests and vaccines. So far the most effective public health measures include controlling the mosquito populations via insecticides and preventing humans from direct exposure to mosquitoes

    Lattice thermal conductivity of disordered binary alloys : a formulation

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    We present here a formulation for the calculation of the configuration averaged lattice thermal conductivity in random alloys. Our formulation is based on the augmented-space theorem, introduced by one of us, combined with a generalized diagrammatic technique. The diagrammatic approach simplifies the problem of including effects of disorder corrections to a great extent. The approach allows us to obtain an expression for the effective heat current in case of disordered alloys, which in turn is used in a Kubo-Greenwood type formula for the thermal conductivity. We show that disorder scattering renormalizes the phonon propagators as well as the heat currents. The corrections to the current terms have been shown to be related to the self-energy of the propagators. We also study the effect of vertex corrections in a simplified ladder diagram approximation. A mode dependent diffusivity DγD_{\gamma} and then a total thermal diffusivity averaged over different modes are defined. Schemes for implementing the said formalism are discussed. A few initial numerical results on the frequency and temperature dependence of lattice thermal conductivity are presented for NiPd alloy and are also compared with experiment. We also display numerical results on the frequency dependence of thermal diffusivity averaged over modes.Comment: 16 pages, 17 figure

    A rare case of myasthenia gravis with coexisting muscular dystrophy

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    Myasthenia gravis (MG) is an autoimmune disease in which antibodies are directed against postsynaptic membrane of neuromuscular junction, resulting in muscle weakness and fatigability. We report a rare case of an 11 years old boy who was a known case of myasthenia gravis presented with progressive weakness and wasting of facial and limb musculature and was found to have coexisting muscular dystrophy most like facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD)

    Internet of Things: Architectural Components, Protocols and Its Implementation for Ubiquitous Environment

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    Ubiquitous data processing of the sensing nodes has revolutionized the development of electronic industries manufacturing. The concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) is the connectivity of distributed sensing and processing nodes from anywhere rather than fixed computing. For the Implementation of Ubiquitous smart environment, anything and everything can be converted to smart IO Things, and where things have sensing and processing abilities for automation and analysis of environmental processes. Sensors, actuators, embedded processing systems, networking gateways, and IoT Cloud Services are the building blocks of IoT implementation. This paper presents a brief discussion on the connectivity of building blocks with various enabling technologies for the implementation of the Internet of Things. Moreover, many of data link standards and the internet of things data communication protocols will be in the discussion
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