28 research outputs found

    Avaliação da influĂȘncia do flunixin meglumine sobre os nĂ­veis sĂ©ricos de progesterona em novilhas e vacas mestiças.

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    Edição dos resumos da 20. Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Tecnologia de EmbriÔes, Araxå, MG, agosto 2006

    Avaliação de diferentes métodos de colheita de embriÔes bovinos.

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    Edição dos resumos da 20. Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Tecnologia de EmbriÔes, Araxå, MG, agosto 2006

    Targeted replacement of mouse apolipoprotein A-I with human ApoA-I or the mutant ApoA-IMilano. Evidence of APOA-IM impaired hepatic secretion

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    Despite a pro-atherogenic profile, individuals carrying the molecular variant (R173C) of apolipoprotein (apo)A-I, named apoA-I(Milano) (apoA-I(M)), appear to be at reduced risk for cardiovascular disease. To develop an in vivo system to explore, in a controlled manner, the effects of apoA-I(M) on lipid metabolism, we have used the gene targeting technology, or "gene knock-in" (gene k-in), to replace the murine apoA-I gene with either human apoA-I or apoA-I(M) genes in embryonic stem cells. As in human carriers, mice expressing apoA-I(M) (A-I(M) k-in) are characterized by low concentrations of the human apolipoprotein and reduced high density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, compared with A-I k-in animals. The aim of the present study was to investigate the basic mechanisms of hypoalphalipoproteinemia associated with the apoA-I(M) mutation. ApoA-I and apoA-I(M) mRNA expression, as assessed by Northern blot analysis and quantitative real time reverse transcription-PCR, did not exhibit significant differences in either liver or intestine. Moreover, human apolipoprotein synthesis rates were similar in the k-in lines. When the secretion rate of the human apolipoproteins was assessed in cultured hepatocytes from the mouse lines, secretion from apoA-I(M)-expressing cells was markedly reduced (42% for A-I(M) k-in and 36% for A-I/A-I(M) k-in mice) as compared with that of A-I k-in hepatocytes. These results provide the first evidence that the hypoalphalipoproteinemia in apoA-I(M) human carriers may be partially explained by impaired apoA-I(M) secretion

    Avaliação dos efeitos do flunixim meglumine sobre a concentração sérica de progesterona e ciclo estral em novilhas e vacas mestiças.

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    Resumo: Baseando-se nos mecanismos de interrupção da sĂ­ntese de PGF2a em bovinos, objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar os efeitos do flunixin meglumine (FM) sobre o comprimento do ciclo estral e sobre os nĂ­veis de progesterona, em novilhas e vacas mestiças. ApĂłs sincronização dos estros, os animais foram divididos em grupos: controle (cinco vacas e quatro novilhas) e tratado (seis vacas e seis novilhas), sendo submetidos Ă  colheita diĂĄria de sangue, atĂ© o estro subseqĂŒente. Do 13o ao 18o dia, aplicou-se nos animais do grupo tratado 1,65 mg/kg intramuscular de FM, e nos do grupo controle, mesmo volume de solução fisiolĂłgica. A determinação da concentração sĂ©rica de progesterona foi realizada por RIA. Os resultados do comprimento do ciclo estral foram comparados entre os grupos e entre animais, pelo teste t de Student, enquanto a concentração de progesterona foi normalizada em relação Ă  luteĂłlise, e analisada entre os grupos pelo teste t de Tukey (SAS). NĂŁo se observou diferença (P>0,05) no comprimento do ciclo estral entre grupos e entre novilhas e vacas, tratadas e nĂŁo tratadas. O dia do ciclo estral em relação Ă  concentração de progesterona mĂĄxima e inferior a 1,0ng/mL, e a concentração sĂ©rica de progesterona entre os animais do grupo controle e tratado, tambĂ©m foram semelhantes entre os grupos (P>0,05). No entanto, observou-se diferença (P0.05). However, there was no difference concerning the concentration of progesterone decrease among theexperimental groups. It was concluded that, under the conditions this study was carried out, even though the effect of the treatment was observed, its action would be better characterized if the sample population were bigger.(AU

    Improved Control Strategy of 2-Sliding Controls Applied to a Flexible Robot Arm

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    International audienceControlling a flexible robot arm driven by McKibben artificial muscles with direct transmission is delicate. The usual PID controller rapidly reveals itself to be inadequate and robust control tools are unavoidable. Classical sliding control, although robust, generates chatter. Several solutions are available to attenuate this phenomenon, among them the twisting and super twisting algorithms, which belong to the 2-sliding control set. It will be shown when to use the equivalent control and the effect of a noised sensor signal on control performance. Also, the use of an additional discontinuous term that increases robustness, performance and stability is put forward. Experimental results are presented and discussed

    An Interdisciplinary Capstone Design Experience on Critical Embedded Systems using Agile Methods

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    International audienceThis paper relates a capstone design project conceived through an engineering problem-based learning approach. The project is applied to critical embedded systems and the Scrum Agile method is used. The focus of the paper is on the pedagogical experience, so the Intended Learning Outcomes and pedagogical sequence over one semester are presented. Two platforms (the Parrot AR.Drone 2 and a toy car) were used for the project. Pros and cons of such platforms are debated. Tools like Git for the version control and iceScrum for the Agile management are presented. The different roles of teachers as clients, counselors, and evaluators are detailed. This paper shows that an interdisciplinary teaching team is very important in this kind of project, so is the teachers' engagement in the Agile philosophy. Feedback, analyses and some suggested improvements are given, based on our 5 years' experience in such projects and surveys.Cet article relate notre expĂ©rience de mise en oeuvre d’un apprentissagebasĂ© sur la rĂ©solution de problĂšmes d’ingĂ©nierie au travers d’unprojet interdisciplinaire. Ce projet a pour domaine d’application lessystĂšmes embarquĂ©s critiques. La mĂ©thode agile Scrum est utilisĂ©ecomme mĂ©thode de gestion de projet. L’article porte principalement sur notre expĂ©rience pĂ©dagogique : il prĂ©sente les acquis d’apprentissagevisĂ©s et la sĂ©quence pĂ©dagogique tout au long du semestre.Deux plates-formes (le Parrot AR.Drone 2 et une voiturette pour enfants)ont Ă©tĂ© successivement utilisĂ©es pour ce projet. Les avantageset les inconvĂ©nients des deux plates-formes sont dĂ©battus. Des outilstels que Git pour le contrĂŽle de version et iceScrum pour la gestionagile sont prĂ©sentĂ©s. Les diffĂ©rents rĂŽles des enseignants en tantque clients, conseillers et Ă©valuateurs sont dĂ©taillĂ©s. Cet article montrequ’une Ă©quipe pĂ©dagogique interdisciplinaire est trĂšs importante dansce type de projet, de mĂȘme que l’engagement des enseignants dans laphilosophie Agile. L’article donne un retour d’expĂ©riences, des analysessur les rĂ©sultats obtenus, des suggestions d’amĂ©lioration sur la base denos cinq annĂ©es d’expĂ©rience et sur des sondages effectuĂ©s auprĂšs desdiffĂ©rentes cohortes d’étudiants.Mots-clĂ©s : projet interdisciplinaire, systĂšmes embarquĂ©s, mĂ©thode agile,apprentissage par rĂ©solution de problĂšmes d’ingĂ©nieri

    AlteraçÔes morfológicas nos órgãos genitais de cães e gatos provenientes de vilas rurais na região de Umuarama, PR.

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    Edição dos resumos da 20. Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Tecnologia de EmbriÔes, Araxå, MG, agosto 2006

    The GLP-1 analog liraglutide attenuates acute liver injury in mice

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    Introduction and objectives: Acute liver injury is a current health problem with few effective treatments. The present study investigated the hepatoprotective and curative potential of the glucagon-like peptide-1 analog liraglutide against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced hepatotoxicity. Materials and methods: Male Swiss mice were subjected to two protocols. The first protocol (Pretreatment) consisted of intraperitoneal (i.p.) treatment with liraglutide (0.057 and 0.118 mg kg−1) or vehicle (distilled water) once daily for 7 days. On days 6 and 7, the animals were challenged with 2% CCl4 (5 mg kg−1, i.p.). The second protocol (Late treatment) began with an injection of 5% CCl4 (5 mg kg−1, i.p.) and subsequent treatment with liraglutide (0.057 mg kg−1) or vehicle (distilled water) for 1 day. In both protocols, 24 h after the last administration, blood and bile were collected from anesthetized animals, followed by euthanasia and liver collection. Plasma and bile underwent biochemical analyses, and histological, oxidative stress, and metabolic parameters were evaluated in the liver. Results: Both liraglutide treatment protocols attenuated hepatotoxicity that was induced by CCl4, decreasing plasma levels of hepatic enzymes, stimulating the hepatic antioxidant system, and decreasing centrilobular necrosis, hepatic glycogen, and lipid accumulation. CCl4 tended to reduce bile lipid excretion, but liraglutide did not influence this parameter. Conclusions: The present results demonstrated the hepatoprotective and therapeutic effects of liraglutide, which may be attributable to a decrease in liver oxidative stress and the preservation of metabolism. Liraglutide may have potential as a complementary therapy for acute liver injury