325 research outputs found

    The Role of Acid Sites in the Catalytic Performance of Tungsten Oxide during the Dehydration of Isopropyl and Methyl Alcohols

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    Abstract WO 3 catalyst was prepared by thermal decomposition of ammonium metatungstate (AMT) in a static air atmosphere for 3h at 450, 550, 650 and 750 o C. The techniques employed for characterization of the catalyst were TG, DTA, XRD, FTIR, N 2 -sorption measurements. The surface acidity of the catalyst was investigated by adsorption of pyridine and 2, 6-dimethyl pyridine. The catalytic properties of the catalyst were carried out for the dehydration of isopropyl and methyl alcohols. The results revealed that WO 3 is more active toward isopropanol dehydration than methanol dehydration. Also reflect that the reaction mechanism and the yield of propene and dimethyl ether produced from dehydration of isopropyl and methyl alcohols are controlled by the strength of acid sites


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    The present study aims to use microwave pow-er to facilitate the extraction of pectin from dried mango peels, and also to explore the effect of power on some quality parameters of the resultant pectin. Chemical composition of dried mango peels ascertained a high percent of total pectin, being 16.01 % (on dry weight basis). With respect to microwave heating, the optimal experimented power was 600W, and 6 minutes as the best short holding time, which gave 12.80 % yield, 86.54% recovery and 77.20% anhydrogalacturonic acid (AGA) of extracted pectin. Comparing to the commercial pectin, the results of some physico–chemical characterstics of isolated pectin, revealed that the pectin isolated by microwave heating from mango peels, being to some extent analogous to the commercial pectin with respect to its qualities, such as high methoxyl pectin, high degree of estri-fication (DE), and high percent of AGA besides its high viscosity, followed by the pectin isolated using the conventional method. Statistical analysis of organoleptic data showed no significant differ-ences between strawberry jam prepared by using commercial pectin and that treated with pectin isolated by microwave heating as affecting their texture, color, taste and preference. Besides, high significant differences were detected between var-ious concentrations of added pectin, with respect to the texture alone. Generally, the utilization of pectin isolated from mango peels using microwave heating in jam processing gave high quality attrib-utes resembling that of the commercial pectin when added to strawberry jam and this would also lead to gain economical benefits


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    ABSTRACT Objective: This study was undertaken to evaluate the potential risks of the anti-epileptic drug (oxcarbazepine [OXC]) administration on neonates. Methods: The nursing rats orally administered from 7 th day of gestation until the 28 day of lactation with 108 mg/kg OXC (human equivalent dose) daily. The neonates at day 7, 14, 21, and 28 of lactation were sacrificed and the postnatal developmental signs and skeletal malformation and the histopathology of liver, kidney, and brain of the pups were examined. th Results: Our results showed that OXC induced a significant reduction in the neonatal weight and length, delayed, weak and incomplete ossification, wavy ribs and the neonatal liver revealed histopathological changes, pyknotic hepatocytes, cytoplasmic vacuolization, dilated sinusoid, and necrotic area. Kidney revealed alternation changes, enlargement of the glomerulus, renal tubules degeneration, and lymphatic infiltration. Brain (cerebral cortex and cerebellum) showed neurodegenerative changes, vacuolization of neuropil, congested and dilated blood vessel and dark stain neurons. Biochemical studies showed that OXC induced a reduction in the level glutathione reduced an important intracellular antioxidant, and catalase (enzymatic antioxidant) compared to control group. Conclusions: We support and proof the potential risks of the OXC administration on neonates. Keywords: Rats, Lactation, Oxcarbazepine, Antiepileptic drug

    Adult sex identification using digital radiographs of the proximal epiphysis of the femur at Suez Canal University Hospital in Ismailia, Egypt

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    AbstractSex identification is an important step toward establishing identity from unknown human remains. The study was performed to test accuracy of sex identification using digital radiography of proximal epiphysis of femur among known cross-sectional population at Suez Canal region. Seventy-two radiographs of femur of living non-pathologic individuals were included. Original sample was divided into two equal groups of females and males (24 each). Test sample (group 3) included 24 radiographs. Six landmarks (A–F) were selected and 15 distances were generated representing all possible combinations of these landmarks. A is a point on the shaft under lower end of lesser trochanter, B is a point on the shaft. A–B is perpendicular to the axis of the shaft. C and D are points on femoral neck. E and F are points on femoral head. In original sample, mean and standard deviation were calculated, then accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. In test sample, the 15 distances were used to identify sex of that radiograph according to the cut-off value made from original sample.In original sample, CE and EF were most distinctive measurements for sexual dimorphism. AB and CF showed least accuracy (66.7% and 70.8%). BF, CE and EF were most sensitive for identification.In test sample, CE and EF showed 100% accuracy. AB and CF showed least accuracy (54.2% and 62.5%). AC, AE, BC, BE, BF, CE and EF were most sensitive for identification.Digital radiography of femur can be an alternative measurement used in sex identification in Egyptian population

    Subclinical hypothyroidism among Egyptian children with systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Background: Thyroid autoimmune diseases have been associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are seen, but hypothyroidism is the most common abnormality. Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) has been reported among adult lupus patients. SCH is not without risk as it might contribute to a proatherogenic state. Objectives: This study was aimed to assess the frequency of SCH in a group of Egyptian children with SLE and its effects on the serum lipids. Methods: Forty patients with pediatric SLE who regularly follow up at our center were enrolled in this study. They were subjected to routine laboratory investigations of SLE and measurement of serum lipids (serum triglycerides, cholesterol, LDL and HDL) as well as free thyroxine (T4), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and anti-thyroperoxidase antibody (anti-TPO-ab) titre. SLE activity was assessed using the systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index (SLEDAI). Results: Six patients (15%) were found to have SCH while the remaining 34 patients (85%) had normal thyroid function. Anti-TPO-abs were positive in 4 out of the 6 (66.6 %) SLE patients with SCH and in 20 out of the 34 (58.8%) SLE patients with normal thyroid function. In SLE patients with SCH, TSH correlated positively yet insignificantly with anti-TPO-ab titre and the duration of SLE (p = 0.17, p = 0.12, respectively). There were no statistically significant correlations between the serum lipids of SLE patients with SCH and their thyroid function or anti-TPO-ab titre. Conclusion: SCH is not uncommon among children with SLE. This SCH does not seem to affect serum lipids. However, further longitudinal studies on wider scales are needed to assess the long term effects of SCH in those patients.Keywords: SLE, anti-thyroperoxidase antibodies, subclinical hypothyroidismEgypt J Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2011;9(2):87-9

    Seasonal Abundance and the Efficiency of Yeast Liquid Culture (Candida tropicalis) as Bait for Capturing the Oriental Wasps (Vespa orientalis L.) Under Egyptian Environment

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    Abstract: Seasonal abundance and the efficiency of liquid culture of yeast (Candida tropicalis) as bait to capture the oriental wasps (Vespa orientalis L.), were studied at Dirut location, Assiut governorate during 2003 seasons. The oriental wasps started to appear in the first week of April and gradually decreased to the minimum levels during June (late spring) and July (earlier summer). Then, the activity of wasps increased gradually from the second week of August to the fourth week of September. Total numbers of wasps reached the highest values in October followed by September and November and then the number of oriental wasps decreased until disappeared at the fourth week of December. The modified traps recommended by Ministry of Agriculture were baited with 100% of 1.26×10 5 freshly prepared yeast liquid culture (Candida tropicalis) captured the highest mean numbers of oriental wasps after 24 hr. and 7 days during the active period of wasps (September, October and November). Using liquid yeast culture at 25% concentration recorded the lowest mean numbers of wasps captured in the traps

    Effect of Spirulina platensis extract on growth potential of in vitro culture pear

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    Pears are among the most economically important fruits in the world that are grown in all temperate zones. ‘Le-Cont’ rootstock pear is one of the gene sources used to improve fruit productivity, rootstock resistance, and tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Traditional propagation of pear. Pear is time-consuming and limited by a short growing season and hard winter conditions. Therefore, in vitro propagation is a suitable alternative method. Murashige and Skoog medium (MS) and spirulina platensis extract at 5,10 and 20 % supplemented with different concentrations (0.25, 0.5 and 1.0 mg/l) of 6-benzyladenine (BA) and kinetin (Kin), individually or in combination with them. Treatments were used for in vitro shoot proliferation. Nodal segments were used as explants. MS medium augmented was 3mg/l 6-benzyladenine (BA) plus 20 % Spirulina platensis extraction then used for shootlets proliferation of micro-shoots. A combination of 3 mg/l BA and 20 % Spirulina platensis as a growth media resulted in a significant improvement in shoot proliferation. This combination produced the highest number of shoots (2.8 per explant) and leaves (6.3 per explant) similar with those containing MS media plus 20% extraction (2.9 per explant) and leaves (6.8 per explant). The longest shoots (2.97 cm) were obtained in each previous treatment. However, these shoots were similar with those produced from classical multiplication by MS according to ISSR analysis which scored 89.1 % of mono morphism percentage and 10.1 % polymorphism. The ISSR analysis shows the highest similarity index percentage for P5-P9 0.986301

    Mycobacterial CYP121 as a target for anti-TB drug discovery

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    Despite the introduction of the first line treatment regimen forty years ago and the continuous trials since that time to introduce new regimens, tuberculosis (TB) is considered to be the cause of considerable mortality worldwide. Recent research highlighted the Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb)CYP450s as potential drug targets. This article reviews mycobacterial CYP121 as a target for anti-TB drug discovery

    Synthesis and characterisation of sulphonamide (Schiff base) ligand and its copper metal complex and their efficiency in polyurethane varnish as flame retardant and antimicrobial surface coating additives

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    Sulphonamide compounds are present in many bioactive compounds owing to their multiple biological applications, even their metal complexes. The study reported in this paper focused on the synthesis of a sulphonamide ligand (Schiff base) and its Cu metal complex and their possible applications as antimicrobial and flame retardant additives in polyurethane formulations for surface coating application. Thus, selected divalent (Cu II) metal complex of 4-((E)-(4-hydroxy-3-((E)-(p-tolylimino)methyl) phenyl) diazenyl)-N-(5-methylisoxazol-3-yl) benzenesulphonamide was prepared and characterised using a combination of elemental analysis, Fourier Transform Infrared, Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and mass spectroscopy. The prepared Schiff base ligand and its Cu metal complex were physically added to polyurethane varnish to give varnish coating formulations at a laboratory scale and then applied onto pretreated wood and steel panels using a brush. The oxygen index, Gram negative bacteria; Gram positive bacteria and fungi values obtained indicated that the polyurethane varnish that contained the prepared ligand and its Cu metal complex as additives exhibited very good flame retardant and antimicrobial properties, respectively. It was also found that the metal complex had outperformed the ligand. The physical and mechanical resistance of the coatings was also studied, in order to assess any disadvantages owing to the incorporation of the additives. It was found that the additives did not influence the flexibility, hardness and adhesion of coating films prepared using the polyurethane varnish. The gloss of the polyurethane varnish film was improved due to the incorporation of the aromatic ring into the formulation
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