Seasonal Abundance and the Efficiency of Yeast Liquid Culture (Candida tropicalis) as Bait for Capturing the Oriental Wasps (Vespa orientalis L.) Under Egyptian Environment


Abstract: Seasonal abundance and the efficiency of liquid culture of yeast (Candida tropicalis) as bait to capture the oriental wasps (Vespa orientalis L.), were studied at Dirut location, Assiut governorate during 2003 seasons. The oriental wasps started to appear in the first week of April and gradually decreased to the minimum levels during June (late spring) and July (earlier summer). Then, the activity of wasps increased gradually from the second week of August to the fourth week of September. Total numbers of wasps reached the highest values in October followed by September and November and then the number of oriental wasps decreased until disappeared at the fourth week of December. The modified traps recommended by Ministry of Agriculture were baited with 100% of 1.26×10 5 freshly prepared yeast liquid culture (Candida tropicalis) captured the highest mean numbers of oriental wasps after 24 hr. and 7 days during the active period of wasps (September, October and November). Using liquid yeast culture at 25% concentration recorded the lowest mean numbers of wasps captured in the traps

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