35,355 research outputs found

    Wage Divergence and Asymmetries in Unemployment in a Model with Biased Technical Change

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    In this article we assume two levels of skills and two classes of goods, one produced with a technology requiring high skills, the other produced with a technology that can be operated by both low and high skilled workers. Our model generates two distinct labour market regimes. In one regime we show technical change can be the cause of wage divergence between skilled and unskilled workers. This result is consistent with recent evidence on wage differentials. Adding the Phillips-effect shows this wage divergence can be "traded off" against unemployment of low skilled workers, and hence explains evidence on skill asymmetries in unemployment. Under the alternative regime these effects do not exist but high skilled workers may replace low skilled workers driving them out of their jobs.economics of technology ;

    Observations of fast anisotropic ion heating, ion cooling, and ion recycling in large-amplitude drift waves

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    Large-amplitude drift wave fluctuations are observed to cause severe ion temperature oscillations in plasmas of the Caltech Encore tokamak [J. M. McChesney, P. M. Bellan, and R. A. Stern, Phys. Fluids B 3, 3370 (1991)]. Experimental investigations of the complete ion dynamical behavior in these waves are presented. The wave electric field excites stochastic ion orbits in the plane normal (perpendicular to) to B, resulting in rapid perpendicular to heating. Ion-ion collisions impart energy along (parallel to) B, relaxing the perpendicular to-parallel to temperature anisotropy. Hot ions with large orbit radii escape confinement, reaching the chamber wall and cooling the distribution. Cold ions from the plasma edge convect back into the plasma (i.e., recycle), causing further cooling and significantly replenishing the density depleted by orbit losses. The ion-ion collision period tau(ii)similar to Tau(3/2)/n fluctuates strongly with the drift wave phase, due to intense (approximate to 50%) fluctuations in n and Tau. Evidence for particle recycling is given by observations of bimodal ion velocity distributions near the plasma edge, indicating the presence of cold ions (0.4 eV) superposed atop the hot (4-8 eV) plasma background. These appear periodically, synchronous with the drift wave phase at which ion fluid flow from the wall toward the plasma center peaks. Evidence is presented that such a periodic heat/loss/recycle/cool process is expected in plasmas with strong stochastic heating

    Real-time phase-selective data acquisition system for measurement of wave phenomena in pulsed plasma discharges

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    A novel data acquisition system and methodology have been developed for the study of wave phenomena in pulsed plasma discharges. The method effectively reduces experimental uncertainty due to shot-to-shot fluctuations in high repetition rate experiments. Real-time analysis of each wave form allows classification of discharges by wave amplitude, phase, or other features. Measurements can then be constructed from subsets of discharges having similar wave properties. The method clarifies the trade-offs between experimental uncertainty reduction and increased demand for data storage capacity and acquisition time. Finally, this data acquisition system is simple to implement and requires relatively little equipment: only a wave form digitizer and a moderately fast computer

    An IRAS High Resolution Image Restoration (HIRES) Atlas of All Interacting Galaxies in the IRAS Revised Bright Galaxy Sample

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    We present high-resolution (30"-1') 12, 25, 60, and 100 micron images of 106 interacting galaxy systems contained in the IRAS Revised Bright Galaxy Sample (RBGS, Sanders et al. 2003), a complete sample of all galaxies having a 60 micron flux density greater than 5.24 Jy. These systems were selected to have at least two distinguishable galaxies separated by less than three average galactic diameters, and thus we have excluded very widely separated systems and very advanced mergers. The new complete survey has the same properties as the prototype survey of Surace et al. 1993. We find no increased tendency for infrared-bright galaxies to be associated with other infrared bright galaxies among the widely separated pairs studied here. We find small enhancements in far-infrared activity in multiple galaxy systems relative to RBGS non-interacting galaxies with the same blue luminosity distribution. We also find no differences in infrared activity (as measured by infrared color and luminosity) between late and early-type spiral galaxies.Comment: 49 pages, 13 figures. To appear in the Astronomical Journal. Figures have been degraded due to space considerations. A PDF version with higher quality figures is available at http://humu.ipac.caltech.edu/~jason/pubs/surace_hires.pd

    Stating Appointment Costs in SMS Reminders Reduces Missed Hospital Appointments: Findings from Two Randomised Controlled Trials

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    BACKGROUND: Missed hospital appointments are a major cause of inefficiency worldwide. Healthcare providers are increasingly using Short Message Service reminders to reduce 'Did Not Attend' (DNA) rates. Systematic reviews show that sending such reminders is effective, but there is no evidence on whether their impact is affected by their content. Accordingly, we undertook two randomised controlled trials that tested the impact of rephrasing appointment reminders on DNA rates in the United Kingdom. TRIAL METHODS: Participants were outpatients with a valid mobile telephone number and an outpatient appointment between November 2013 and January 2014 (Trial One, 10,111 participants) or March and May 2014 (Trial Two, 9,848 participants). Appointments were randomly allocated to one of four reminder messages, which were issued five days in advance. Message assignment was then compared against appointment outcomes (appointment attendance, DNA, cancellation by patient). RESULTS: In Trial One, a message including the cost of a missed appointment to the health system produced a DNA rate of 8.4%, compared to 11.1% for the existing message (OR 0.74, 95% CI 0.61-0.89, P<0.01). Trial Two replicated this effect (DNA rate 8.2%), but also found that expressing the same concept in general terms was significantly less effective (DNA rate 9.9%, OR 1.22, 95% CI 1.00-1.48, P<0.05). Moving from the existing reminder to the more effective costs message would result in 5,800 fewer missed appointments per year in the National Health Service Trust in question, at no additional cost. The study's main limitations are that it took place in a single location in England, and that it required accurate phone records, which were only obtained for 20% of eligible patients. We conclude that missed appointments can be reduced, for no additional cost, by introducing persuasive messages to appointment reminders. Future studies could examine the impact of varying reminder messages in other health systems. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Controlled-Trials.com 49432571

    X-ray emission from the Ultramassive Black Hole candidate NGC1277: implications and speculation on its origin

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    We study the X-ray emission from NGC1277, a galaxy in the core of the Perseus cluster, for which van den Bosch et al. have recently claimed the presence of an UltraMassive Black Hole (UMBH) of mass 1.7 times 10^10 Msun, unless the IMF of the stars in the stellar bulge is extremely bottom heavy. The X-rays originate in a power-law component of luminosity 1.3 times 10^40 erg/s embedded in a 1 keV thermal minicorona which has a half-light radius of about 360 pc, typical of many early-type galaxies in rich clusters of galaxies. If Bondi accretion operated onto the UMBH from the minicorona with a radiative efficiency of 10 per cent, then the object would appear as a quasar with luminosity 10^46 erg/s, a factor of almost 10^6 times higher than observed. The accretion flow must be highly radiatively inefficient, similar to past results on M87 and NGC3115. The UMBH in NGC1277 is definitely not undergoing any significant growth at the present epoch. We note that there are 3 UMBH candidates in the Perseus cluster and that the inferred present mean mass density in UMBH could be 10^5 Msun/Mpc^3, which is 20 to 30 per cent of the estimated mean mass density of all black holes. We speculate on the implied growth of UMBH and their hosts, and discuss the possibiity that extreme AGN feedback could make all UMBH host galaxies have low stellar masses at redshifts around 3. Only those which end up at the centres of groups and clusters later accrete large stellar envelopes and become Brightest Cluster Galaxies. NGC1277 and the other Perseus core UMBH, NGC1270, have not however been able to gather more stars or gas owing to their rapid orbital motion in the cluster core.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, MNRAS in pres

    Generalized virial theorem in Palatini f(R)f(R) gravity

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    We use the collision-free Boltzmann equation in Palatini f(R)f({\mathcal{R}}) gravity to derive the virial theorem within the context of the Palatini approach. It is shown that the virial mass is proportional to certain geometrical terms appearing in the Einstein field equations which contribute to gravitational energy and that such geometric mass can be attributed to the virial mass discrepancy in cluster of galaxies. We then derive the velocity dispersion relation for clusters followed by the metric tensor components inside the cluster as well as the f(R)f({\mathcal{R}}) lagrangian in terms of the observational parameters. Since these quantities may also be obtained experimentally, the f(R)f({\mathcal{R}}) virial theorem is a convenient tool to test the viability of f(R)f({\mathcal{R}}) theories in different models. Finally, we discuss the limitations of our approach in the light of the cosmological averaging used and questions that have been raised in the literature against such averaging procedures in the context of the present work.Comment: 16 pages, to appear in PR

    Testing a double AGN hypothesis for Mrk 273

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    The ULIRG Mrk 273 contains two infrared nuclei, N and SW, separated by 1 arcsec. A Chandra observation has identified the SW nucleus as an absorbed X-ray source with nH ~4e23 cm-2 but also hinted at the possible presence of a Compton thick AGN in the N nucleus, where a black hole of 10^9 Msun is inferred from the ionized gas kinematics. The intrinsic X-ray spectral slope recently measured by NuSTAR is unusually hard (photon index of ~1.3) for a Seyfert nucleus, for which we seek an alternative explanation. We hypothesise a strongly absorbed X-ray source in N, of which X-ray emission rises steeply above 10 keV, in addition to the known X-ray source in SW, and test it against the NuSTAR data, assuming the standard spectral slope (photon index of 1.9). This double X-ray source model gives a good explanation of the hard continuum spectrum, the deep Fe K absorption edge, and the strong Fe K line observed in this ULIRG, without invoking the unusual spectral slope required for a single source interpretation. The putative X-ray source in N is found to be absorbed by nH = 1.4(+0.7/-0.4)e24 cm-2. The estimated 2-10 keV luminosity of the N source is 1.3e43 erg/s, about a factor of 2 larger than that of SW during the NuSTAR observation. Uncorrelated variability above and below 10 keV between the Suzaku and NuSTAR observations appears to support the double source interpretation. Variability in spectral hardness and Fe K line flux between the previous X-ray observations is also consistent with this picture.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    New Results from a Near-Infrared Search for Hidden Broad-Line Regions in Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies

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    This paper reports the latest results from a near-infrared search for hidden broad-line regions (BLRs: FWHM >~ 2,000 km/s) in ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIGs). The new sample contains thirty-nine ULIGs from the 1-Jy sample selected for their lack of BLRs at optical wavelengths. The results from this new study are combined with those from our previous optical and near-infrared surveys to derive the fraction of all ULIGs with optical or near-infrared signs of genuine AGN activity (either a BLR or [Si VI] emission). Comparisons of the dereddened emission-line luminosities of the optical or obscured BLRs detected in the ULIGs of the 1-Jy sample with those of optical quasars indicate that the obscured AGN/quasar in ULIGs is the main source of energy in at least 15 -- 25% of all ULIGs in the 1-Jy sample. This fraction is 30 -- 50% among ULIGs with L_ir > 10^{12.3} L_sun. These results are compatible with those from recent mid-infrared spectroscopic surveys carried out with ISO. (abridged)Comment: 40 pages including 10 figures and 3 tables (Table 3 should be printed in landscape mode

    Ground-based measurements of O3, NO2, OClO, and BrO during the 1987 Antarctic ozone depletion event

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    Near-ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy in the wavelength range from 330 to 370 nm was used to measure O3, NO2, OClO, and BrO at McMurdo Station (78S) during 1987. Visible absorption measurements of O3, NO2, and OClO were also obtained using the wavelength range from about 403 to 453 nm. These data are described and compared to observations obtained in 1986. It is shown that comparisons of observations in the two wavelength ranges provide a sensitive measure of the altitude where the bulk of atmospheric absorption takes place
