157 research outputs found

    Rumusan Masalah Dalam Tesis Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Malang

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    This study tries to examine, evaluate, and classify the research problems written in the S2 theses of the English Education Program at the State University of Malang. Qualitative research method is employed. The study reveals that in general the research problems have good quality in terms of the language used and in terms of the contribution toward the development of language teaching and learning. Ten groups of research problems in the theses of the S2 students are identified

    Extracted Pearl Grass Effect on Broiler Carcass Kept on Escherichia Coli – Sprayed Litter

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    An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of hexane and acetic ethyl extracted pearlgrass as feed additive in the ration on carcass of broiler chickens where the litter was sprayed byEscherichia coli. The experiment was assigned to Completely Randomized Design with 5 treatmentsand 4 replications. The treatments were level of pearl grass extract added into the ration; 0 (R0, control),0.8 (R1), 1.6 (R2), 2.4 (R3) dan 3.2 (R4) gram per kilogram ration. After 3 weeks of age, litters weresprayed by Escherichia coli as much as 106 CFU/100 ml liquid agar. Then, chickens were kept until 6weeks of age. Result showed that there was no significant different among treatments groups on chickencarcass and there was no any adverse effect on liver and intestines. It is concluded that extracted pearlgrass could be utilized as natural feed additive source to produce carcass of broiler chicken where theirlitter was sprayed by E. coli bacteria

    Randomized Group Vs Heterogeneous Group in Developing EFL Argumentative Essay

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    A theory states that writing is a complicated task and highly complex skill. This theory supports a research finding saying that writing is considered difficult by most of students. Pair work is considered to be able to help EFL students to minimize their problem in EFL writing. This study was intended to compare which group performed the higher score in developing an argumentative essay. There were 23 students (randomized group) and 23 students (heterogeneous group) as the subjects of this study. Before the two groups experienced the treatment, the groups were given a pre-test to see the homogeneity of the groups. The instrument used in this study was a writing test adapted from IELTS test. The result showed that the subjects in subjects in randomized group (M = 68.87, SD = 13.815) performed better significantly than those in heterogeneous group (M = 57.13, SD = 11.190). Based on the result, randomized group technique is recommended to be employed in EFL writing class.     Keywords: Randomized Group, Heterogeneous Groups, EFL Argumentative Essa

    The Implementation of Planning and Its Effect on Efl Students\u27 Writing Performance

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    The Implementation of Planning and Its Effect on EFL Students\u27 Writing Performance. This quasi-experimental study is aimed at investigating the effect of planning on EFL students\u27 writing performance. To answer the research question, a quasi experimental, posttest only nonequivalent group-design was used. The subjects of the study were fifty sophomores majoring in the Teaching English as a Foreign Language in STKIP PGRI Pasuruan in the academic year 2014-2015. From the accessible population of all students taking essay writing class, two intact classes were chosen, in which each consisted of 24 and 23 students. These two intact classes were taught by the same instructor for 8 weeks from April 2015 to June 2015. The result of the experiment shows that there is no difference between the students who were taught by prewriting strategies and those who were taught by rough drafting strategies (p = .144)

    Participation Dynamics of Voters Using ID Card in Local Elections: a Case Study of the 2015 Local Election in South Sulawesi

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    The number of voters is an essential element in the legitimacy of a democratic regime. There are various factors that may influence voter turnout in elections; among other factors particularly is electoral management in voter's registration. The problem of voters' data has always been a scourge in every general or local election due to poor population data management in Indonesia. Hence, the General Elections Commission (KPU) responded to this issue with a number of policies to increase the number of voter participation in all elections, especially for those who have not been registered properly. The Commission made a specific regulation to allow voters who were not registered in the voter lists (DPS) to use their ID card (KTP) or other legal documents in voting. This study used qualitative methods in five regions in the South Sulawesi Province that conducted the 2015 local election. This study explores the dynamics of voters using ID card or other legal documents by identifying their reasons and characteristics in using KTP as well as examining the responses of the local election institutions regarding this policy. This condition tends to apply to countries in the transitional period of democracy where the electoral administration system has not been properly regulated. The causes include the failure of administrative systems of management and population data collection with e-KTP card system in Indonesia


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    The study aims to observe the effect of storage time on the hydrolytic rancidity of fish meal as source of protein in animal feed. This study used a completely randomized design with four treatments and four replications. The arrangement of the fish meal storage time treatments were T0: 0 weeks, T1: 2 weeks, T2: 4 weeks and T3: 6 weeks. Temperature and humidity were measured during storage in warehouse. Parameters measured were moisture and free fatty acid. The results showed that fish meal which has been stored at different times was significantly affecting (P<0.05) on moisture and free fatty acids. The average of temperature and humidity during storage (0 - 6 weeks) were 29-30oC and 60-76%. The highest moisture was 17.38% obtained in the T3 and the highest free fatty acid content was obtained at 4.30%

    Perencaaan Penggunaan Lahan Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Sumberdaya Air Di DAS Way Besai - Lampung

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    The problems on water resource are the decreasing of water supply due to the impact of land use changes. The population growth and the rising economy activity lead to the increasing of water demands. Way Besai area of 44,720 hectares has an important role in the provision of water resources. The aims of this research are: to assess the water supply and demand, to assess the water balance and, to formulate the best recommendation of land management planning. This research was conducted in 2011. The SCS (Soil Conservation Service) model was applied to determine land use planning scenarios and run-off prediction. The result shows that the water demand in Way Besai Watershed is 441,450,909m3/year, while water supply is 460,452,600 m3/year. Application of community forestry by applying agroforestry system, implementation of forest rehabilitation on area outside HKm permit, and conducting the change for coffee monoculture to mixed coffee crop in the area outside the forest is considered the best scenario of land management for Way Besai watershed. This scenario could produce 1,055.79 mm/years run-off, coefficient total runoff is 38.52%, water supply is 472,147,141 m3/years, storage is 7,911,616 m3/years and, can meet the of water demand in the dry months at 58.48%

    Preservation and Development Strategies of Gorontalo\u27s Local Culture Through Gorontalo Cultural Digital Repository Application

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    This study aims to implement a strategy of preservation and development of Gorontalo\u27s local culture through a web based application that can store and display the digitizing results of Gorontalo\u27s local culture called “Gorontalo cultural digital repository". The Gorontalo cultural digital repository provides information about the cultures in Gorontalo such as the mores, dances, historic sites and Gorontalo\u27s cultural artifacts in the form of video, images and text. The method used in this research is applied method withresearch procedures by: 1) Exploration, is to identify and analyze the data of local Gorontalo\u27s culture that covers Gorontalo\u27s mores, dances historic sites and Gorontalo\u27s cultural artifacts. 2) The development of Gorontalo cultural digital collection, which digitize the identification and analysis result of Gorontalo\u27s local culture. 3) Gorontalo Cultural Digital Repository application development. From the result of the research found: 1) Exploration the mores of Gorontalo consist of four important aspects, namely customarywelcoming guests, traditional coronation, marriage customs and funeral customs. There are more or less 20 historic sites located in Gorontalo. There are four dances that are usually performed in the customary celebration in Gorontalo

    Peningkatan Mutu Gula Tumbu Melalui Metode Sulfitasi Dalam Laboratorium

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    A. Sutowo Latief, Rizal Syarief, Bambang Pramudya, Muhadiono, in this paper explain that the reseach was aimed to increase of brown sugarcane (gula tumbu) quality by sulphitation method in laboratory eksperimetal, supposed the result fulfils the first quality according to SNI 1-6237-2000 that is a minimal condition of safety food. The method based on factorial complete random plan thrice reduplications. Initially nira that filtered given lime tohor and heated 50-60oC up to achieve ph 9. The treatment: (1) make nira ph 7 and ph 8 with add sulphite acid, and (2) ripening temperature, that is 70,80,90, and 100oC. Nira that heated up to coagulate and it was poured into moulding and solidification to be brown sugarcane. The testing is done towards sugar quality, it was result with parameter: (1) water contain, (2) sucrose contain, (3) glucose contain, (4) rendemen, (5) colour, (6) taste, (6) smell, and (8) hardness of brown sugarcane that produced fulfil the first quality of SNI 1-6237-2000. The best treatment process heats nira in 100°C, either nira ph 7 and nira ph 8

    Productivity of Sugarcane Plants of Ratooning with Fertilizing Treatment

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    Latief AS, Syarief R, Pramudya B, Muhadiono. 2010. Productivity of sugarcane plants of ratooning with various fertilizingtreatments. Nusantara Bioscience 2: 43-47. This research aims to determine the sugarcane plants of ratooning productivity with lowexternal input of fertilization treatment towards farmers can increase profits. The method used is the Completely Randomized BlockDesign (CRBD) with four treatments and three repetitions (4x3). Sugarcane varieties R 579 planted in each patch experiment 5x5 m2.Dosage of fertilizer: P0 = 3.6 kg/year plot experiment was 100% dosage USAge of chemical fertilizers used by farmers. Further dosageswere P1 (75%) = 2.7 kg/plot, P2 (50%) = 1.8 kg/plot and P3 (0.25%) = 0.9 kg/plot, each supplemented with fertilizer 5 mL of liquidorganic/patch a year. Sugarcane crops with a variety of treatment showed no significant difference. The highest productivity wasachieved at dosages of P2 (50% chemical fertilizers plus organic fertilizer) is 21.67 kg per square meter. Chemical fertilizers can besaved 7 quintals per hectare a year or Rp 997,500 per year. Additional costs of liquid organic fertilizer Rp. 100,000 per hectare year andlabor Rp 100,000 per hectare, so the additional advantage of saving farmers fertilizer Rp. 797,500 per year
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