90 research outputs found

    Razvoj eko-pedagoških kompetencija nastavnih kadrova u obrazovanju za zaštitu životne sredine

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    The development of modern society has brought prosperity to mankind, but also many problems, of which the most complex is environmental degradation. The causes must be sought in the man himself and his consumer needs. All available resources (industrial, technical, technological, scientific, educational ...) are directed into the fight for progress and winning a comfortable life. It is undisputable that the man has done it, but, unfortunately, at the expense of nature and the quality of the environment. During the last few decades, mankind has been looking for ecologically acceptable solutions. Sustainable development and the ecologization of the educational system are considered to be the necessary assumption of a sustainable future. Since the teaching staff is the central pillar of the educational system, the question of their eco-pedagogical competencies arises. The development of eco-pedagogical competencies of teaching staff is closely connected to the increasing ecological sensibility of the entire population. Curricular and extra-curricular activities provide plenty of opportunities for ecological upbringing and educational activities; creating such teaching situations which will stimulate the development of environmental awareness and culture to students of all levels of education. However, such an operation requires te with developed eco-pedagogical competencies. Theoretical development of education for environmental protection has implied, in developed countries, education and training of teaching staff in this field. With the development of the concept of education for sustainable development, a number of international organizations initiated projects and programs dedicated to the education of teaching staff for sustainable development. Analysis of relevant sources and observations of contemporary practice shows that education for environmental protection (regardless of the correlation with sustainable development) must confront its own limitations. The complexity and seriousness of the problems of modern society requires such education that has the interrelated dimensions of environmental protection, security, peace, human rights, etc., whose goal is to develop responsible society on the path to sustainable development. It is, in fact, an education that will lead people to the habits of sustainability, participation in a democratic society and life in a sustainable way. Regarding this, the competencies of teaching staff raise concerns of re-orientation of educational policies and educational systems towards sustainability (with a greater emphasis on developing knowledge, skills, perspectives and values in terms of sustainability). Certainly, environmental protection and sustainable development should be seen as a starting point for the selection of competencies, but if the identified competencies are not accompanied by the changes in education system, reorientation of the current curriculum, pedagogical and didactic-methodical activity, the expected results will not be achieved. The theoretical contribution of the work is reflected in the consideration of all relevant factors that imply the need for the development of eco-pedagogical skills of teachers, while the empirical part of this paper is to identify the attitudes of respondents - teaching staff about their eco-pedagogical competencies and possibilities for their development and improvement in the future. Environmental protection and sustainable development require new mental models. The key role in their creation belongs to the teaching staff who prepare the future generation of decision-makers, policy-makers and business leaders. The results of our research confirm the crucial importance of professional development for teachers and creating an environment for the integration of eco-pedagogical competencies in their professional development

    Emotional reactivity and basic structure of personality

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    Претходнo истраживање овог аутора, о вези између емоционалне реактивности и психопатије, није утврдило постојање негативне повезаности у смислу да особе са психопатском структуром личности испољавају слабију емоционалну реактивност. Истраживање је заправо продубило проблем, указујући да је и међу непсихопатама пронађен одређен број емоционално нереактивних испитаника. На трагу ових налаза, у овом истраживању и даље смо проучавали емоционалну реактивност испитаника али смо психопатију заменили свеобухватнијим петофакторским моделом личности, укључујући и дезинтеграцију...Previous study of the author about the connection between emotional reactivity and psychopathy did not determine the existence of negative relations in the sense that individuals with a psychopathic personality structure display weaker emotional reactivity. The research has, in fact, expanded the problem, as it pointed out that even among the non-psychopathic personalities there was a certain number of emotionally non-reactive participants. Following these findings in this research we have studied emotional reactivity of the participants but we replaced psychopathy with an all-encompassing five-factor model of personality, plus disintegration..

    Development of the heating system using geothermal energy

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    The paper presents the results achieved by the project financed by Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection of Serbia during the period 2003-2005. The purpose of the project was determination methodology for designing heating system using geothermal water. Achieved results were implemented in the demonstration installment in factory "Palanački kiseljak" in Smederevska Palanka, Serbia, using geothermal water from the well near by factory

    Development of the heating system using geothermal energy

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    The paper presents the results achieved by the project financed by Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection of Serbia during the period 2003-2005. The purpose of the project was determination methodology for designing heating system using geothermal water. Achieved results were implemented in the demonstration installment in factory "Palanački kiseljak" in Smederevska Palanka, Serbia, using geothermal water from the well near by factory

    Cytogenetic findings in Serbian patients with Turner's syndrome stigmata

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    Cytogenetic findings are reported for 31 female patients with Turner's syndrome. Chromosome studies were made from lymphocyte cultures. Non-mosaicism 45, X was demonstrated in 15 of these patients, whereas only three were apparently mosaic. Eight patients showed non-mosaic and four patients showed mosaic structural aberrations of the X-chromosome. One non-mosaic case displayed a karyotype containing a small marker chromosome. Conventional cytogenetics was supplemented by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with an X-specific probe to identify the chromosomal origin of the ring and a 1q12-specific DNA probe to identify de novo balanced translocation (1;9) in one patient. To our knowledge, this is the first finding of karyotype 45,X,t(1;9) (cen;cen)/46,X,r(X),t(1;9)(cen;cen) in Turner's syndrome. The same X-specific probe was also used to identify a derivative chromosome in one patient

    Comparative analyses of built environment exposures relevant to health of greenhouse gas emissions reduction strategies in Serbia

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    Paper presents comparative analysis of residential indoor air pollutant concentration change over future specified time horizon, implementing building physical and thermal retrofit measures, thus creating pollution mitigation scenarios for existing Belgrade and Nis housing stock followed by greenhouse gas emission reduction scenarios up to 2050. Regarding specified mitigation scenarios, the set of typical housing unit models has been generated which define existing housing stock of Belgrade and Nis. Extensive monitoring of physical and thermal parameters as well as detailed socio-technical survey of selected households was performed and used as an initial modeling input. Relationship between environment pollution and building performances was investigated, with respect to indoor-outdoor sources of pollution, thermal and physical properties of the stock samples and occupant's behavior. As a final output, indoor pollutant concentrations for each of the modelled cases was obtained and validated against the available data. This housing modelling framework has been created in order to develop an assessment of present and future exposure and health impact quantity regarding single/multiple scenario interventions introduced to the housing stock. This paper provides each strategy guidelines for taking measures towards achieving the healthier indoor environments

    Experimental determination of the balled soya residue permeability

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    Biomasa kao najznačajniji obnovljivi izvor energije kod nas, ima značajne prednosti sa aspekta očuvanja životne sredine, jer se njenim korišćenjem ne povećava koncentracija ugljendioksida u atmosferi, što se u potpunosti uklapa u tendencije zemalja potpisnica Kjoto sporazuma, među kojima je i Republika Srbija. U skladu s tim, grupa saradnika Laboratorije za termotehniku i energetiku Instituta za nuklearne nauke 'Vinča', niz godina unazad značajno radi na promovisanju korišćenja otpadne poljoprivredne biomase, što je finalizovano razvojem kotla snage 1,5 MW za sagorevanje baliranog sojinog ostatka za potrebe grejanja 1 hektara plastenika u okviru Poljoprivrednog kombinata Beograd. Za potrebe definisanja termofizičkih karakteristika goriva (bali- ranog sojinog ostatka) koje su od posebnog značaja za sveobuhvatnije sagledavanje i predviđanje procesa sagorevanja, u ovom radu je prikazano eksperimentalno određivanje koeficijenata permeabilnosti. Koeficijenti su određivani tako da odgovaraju viskoznim i inercionim članovima uopštene Forhajmerove jednačine. Eksperimentalnim istraživanjima je obuhvaćen uticaj poroznosti na permeabilnost, a kao rezultat analize eksperimentalnih podataka, definisane su i funkcionalne zavisnosti pomenutih koeficijenata od poroznosti. Pored toga, u radu je razmatran i uticaj vlažnosti biomase na permeabilnost, kao i funkcionalna zavisnost vlažnosti i poroznosti. Određivanje parametara permeabilnosti, kao i njihove zavisnosti od uticajnih faktora (poroznost i vlažnost), polazne su osnove u daljem istraživanju kinetike procesa sagorevanja u realnim uslovima, što je veoma značajno pri definisanju geometrijskih karakteristika ložišta.Biomass as the most important renewable energy source in our country has also significant advantages from the aspect of environment protection. The later is because its use does not increase the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, what is completely in accordance with the tendencies of the signatory countries of the Kyoto Agreement, including the Republic of Serbia. Accordingly, a group of associates of the Laboratory for Thermal Engineering and Energy of the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, a large number of years has invested huge efforts into promoting the use of agricultural waste biomass. These efforts finished with the development of 1.5 MW power boiler combustion balled soybean residue for 1 ha heating greenhouses in the Agricultural complex Belgrade. For purposes of defining the thermophysical properties of fuel (balled soybean residue), which are of great importance for the comprehensive understanding and prediction of the combustion process, this work has been shown experimental determination of the permeability coefficients in Forchheimer's equation which presents the pressure drop through porous media. Coefficients were determined to match the viscous and inertia terms of the general Forchheimer's equation. Experimental research include influence of porosity on permeability analysis, and accordingly, the semi-empirical dependence of these coefficients of porosity has been given. In addition, the paper also has discussed the influence of humidity on the permeability of biomass, and the dependence on moisture and porosity, as well. The determination of permeability parameters, and their dependence of the relevant factors (porosity and humidity), is the starting base for the further study of the combustion process kinetics under real conditions, what is very important for the defining combustion chamber construction features

    Experimental and Numerical Study on Combustion of Baled Biomass in Cigar Burners and Effects of Flue Gas Re-Circulation

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    The paper presents results of experimental and numerical investigation addressing combustion of baled agricultural biomass in a 50 kW experimental furnace equipped with cigar burners. Experiments performed included measurements of all parameters deemed important for mass and energy balance, as well as parameters defining quality of the combustion process. Experimental results were compared with results of numerical simulations performed with previously developed CFD model. The model takes into account complex thermo mechanical combustion processes occurring in a porous layer of biomass bales and the surrounding fluid. The combustion process and the corresponding model were deemed stationary. Comparison of experimental and numerical results obtained through research presented in this paper showed satisfactory correspondence, leading to the conclusion that the model developed could be used for analysis of different effects associated with variations in process parameters and/or structural modifications in industrial biomass facilities. Mathematical model developed was also utilized to examine the impact of gas re-circulation on maximum temperatures in the combustion chamber. Gas re-circulation was found to have positive effect on the reduction of maximum temperature in the combustion chamber, as well as on the reduction of maximum temperature zone in the chamber. The conclusions made provided valuable inputs towards prevention of biomass ash sintering, which occurs at higher temperatures and negatively affects biomass combustion process

    Radon indoor survey in Montenegro

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    Sistematsko istraživanje radona u stalno nastanjenim stanovima u Crnoj Gori završeno je krajem 2016. godine. Mjerenja radona su rađena detektorima tragova CR-39, u trajanju dva puta po 6 mjeseci. Dobijeno je da je srednja godišnja koncentracija aktivnosti radona u stanovima u Crnoj Gori 110 Bq/m3 , a medijana 52 Bq/m3 . Prosječne godišnje koncentracije aktivnosti radona u stanovima po opštinama kreću se od 40 Bq/m3 (Budva) do 201 Bq/m3 (Nikšić). U kvadratima mreže 10 km x 10 km, koja prekriva teritoriju države, prosječne godišnje koncentracije aktivnosti radona u stanovima su u opsegu od 30 Bq/m3 do 732 Bq/m3 . Srednja godišnja koncentracija aktivnosti radona u stanovima urbanih područja (86 Bq/m3 ) znatno je manja od one u stanovima ruralnih područja (144 Bq/m3 ). Takođe, srednja godišnja koncentracija aktivnosti radona u kolektivnim stambenim zgradama (51 Bq/m3 ) više nego dvostruko je manja od one u individualnim porodičnim kućama (119 Bq/m3 ).First systematic national radon survey in 1095 dwellings in Montenegro was finished by the end of year 2016. Radon was measured with CR-39 nuclear track detectors during two consecutive six-month periods. It is obtained that the national average radon activity concentration in indoor air of homes in Montenegro is 110 Bq/m3 and median is 52 Bq/m3 . The average indoor radon concentrations in the municipalities are in range from 40 Bq/m3 (Budva municipality) to 201 Bq/m3 (Niksic municipality). The average radon concentrations are also calculated for each of 131 squares of the 10 km × 10 km grid which covers territory of Montenegro, and they are in a range from 30 Bq/m3 to 732 Bq/m3 . In rural areas, the average indoor radon concentration (144 Bq/m3 ) is much higher than the corresponding one in urban areas (86 Bq/m3 ). Also, the average radon activity concentration in the single-family detached houses (119 Bq/m3 ) are more than twice higher than in dwellings of the large apartment buildings (51 Bq/m3 )