1,022 research outputs found

    Collisions of Deformed Nuclei: A Path to the Far Side of the Superheavy Island

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    A detailed understanding of complete fusion cross sections in heavy-ion collisions requires a consideration of the effects of the deformation of the projectile and target. Our aim here is to show that deformation and orientation of the colliding nuclei have a very significant effect on the fusion-barrier height and on the compactness of the touching configuration. To facilitate discussions of fusion configurations of deformed nuclei, we develop a classification scheme and introduce a notation convention for these configurations. We discuss particular deformations and orientations that lead to compact touching configurations and to fusion-barrier heights that correspond to fairly low excitation energies of the compound systems. Such configurations should be the most favorable for producing superheavy elements. We analyse a few projectile-target combinations whose deformations allow favorable entrance-channel configurations and whose proton and neutron numbers lead to compound systems in a part of the superheavy region where alpha half-lives are calculated to be observable, that is, longer than 1 microsecond.Comment: 15 pages. LaTeX with iopconf.sty style file. Submitted to Nuclear Physics A. 25 figures not included here. PostScript version with figures available at http://t2.lanl.gov/pub/publications/publications.html or at ftp://t2.lanl.gov/pub/publications/cd

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    Unusual spin-wave population in nickel after femtosecond laser pulse excitation

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    The spin-wave relaxation mechanisms after intense laser excitation in ferromagnetic nickel films are investigated with all-optical pump-probe experiments. Uniform precession (Kittel mode), Damon-Eshbach surface modes and perpendicular standing spin waves can be identified by their dispersion f(H). However, different to other ferromagnets f(H) deviates from the expected behavior. Namely, a mode discontinuity is observed, that can be attributed to a non-linear process. Above a critical field the power spectrum reveals a redistribution of the energy within the spin-wave spectrum populated.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Microscopic Enhancement of Heavy-Element Production

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    Realistic fusion barriers are calculated in a macroscopic-microscopic model for several soft-fusion heavy-ion reactions leading to heavy and superheavy elements. The results obtained in such a realistic picture are very different from those obtained in a purely macroscopic model. For reactions on 208:Pb targets, shell effects in the entrance channel result in fusion-barrier energies at the touching point that are only a few MeV higher than the ground state for compound systems near Z = 110. The entrance-channel fragment-shell effects remain far inside the touching point, almost to configurations only slightly more elongated than the ground-state configuration, where the fusion barrier has risen to about 10 MeV above the ground-state energy. Calculated single-particle level diagrams show that few level crossings occur until the peak in the fusion barrier very close to the ground-state shape is reached, which indicates that dissipation is negligible until very late in the fusion process. Whereas the fission valley in a macroscopic picture is several tens of MeV lower in energy than is the fusion valley, we find in the macroscopic-microscopic picture that the fission valley is only about 5 MeV lower than the fusion valley for soft-fusion reactions leading to compound systems near Z = 110. These results show that no significant ``extra-extra-push'' energy is needed to bring the system inside the fission saddle point and that the typical reaction energies for maximum cross section in heavy-element synthesis correspond to only a few MeV above the maximum in the fusion barrier.Comment: 7 pages. LaTeX. Submitted to Zeitschrift fur Physik A. 5 figures not included here. Complete preprint, including device-independent (dvi), PostScript, and LaTeX versions of the text, plus PostScript files of the figures, available at http://t2.lanl.gov/publications/publications.html or at ftp://t2.lanl.gov/pub/publications/mehe

    Analytical expression of the magneto-optical Kerr effect and Brillouin light scattering intensity arising from dynamic magnetization

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    Time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) and Brillouin light scattering (BLS) spectroscopy are important techniques for the investigation of magnetization dynamics. Within this article, we calculate analytically the MOKE and BLS signals from prototypical spin-wave modes in the ferromagnetic layer. The reliability of the analytical expressions is confirmed by optically exact numerical calculations. Finally, we discuss the dependence of the MOKE and BLS signals on the ferromagnetic layer thickness