344 research outputs found

    Charged pions from Ni on Ni collisions between 1 and 2 AGeV

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    Charged pions from Ni + Ni reactions at 1.05, 1.45 and 1.93 AGeV are measured with the FOPI detector. The mean π±\pi^{\pm} multiplicities per mean number of participants increase with beam energy, in accordance with earlier studies of the Ar + KCl and La + La systems. The pion kinetic energy spectra have concave shape and are fitted by the superposition of two Boltzmann distributions with different temperatures. These apparent temperatures depend only weakly on bombarding energy. The pion angular distributions show a forward/backward enhancement at all energies, but not the Θ=900\Theta = 90^0 enhancement which was observed in case of the Au + Au system. These features also determine the rapidity distributions which are therefore in disagreement with the hypothesis of one thermal source. The importance of the Coulomb interaction and of the pion rescattering by spectator matter in producing these phenomena is discussed.Comment: 22 pages, Latex using documentstyle[12pt,a4,epsfig], to appear in Z. Phys.

    Radiation Tolerance of CMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors with Self-Biased Pixels

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    CMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) are proposed as a technology for various vertex detectors in nuclear and particle physics. We discuss the mechanisms of ionizing radiation damage on MAPS hosting the the dead time free, so-called self bias pixel. Moreover, we discuss radiation hardened sensor designs which allow operating detectors after exposing them to irradiation doses above 1 Mra

    Probing nuclear expansion dynamics with π/π+\pi^-/\pi^+-spectra

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    We study the dynamics of charged pions in the nuclear medium via the ratio of differential π\pi^-- and π+\pi^+-spectra in a coupled-channel BUU (CBUU) approach. The relative energy shift of the charged pions is found to correlate with the pion freeze-out time in nucleus-nucleus collisions as well as with the impact parameter of the heavy-ion reaction. Furthermore, the long-range Coulomb force provides a 'clock' for the expansion of the hot nuclear system. Detailed comparisons with experimental data for Au+AuAu + Au at 1 GeV/A and Ni+NiNi + Ni at 2.0 GeV/A are presented.Comment: 21 pages, latex, figures include

    On the exact conservation laws in thermal models and the analysis of AGS and SIS experimental results

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    The production of hadrons in relativistic heavy ion collisions is studied using a statistical ensemble with thermal and chemical equilibrium. Special attention is given to exact conservation laws, i.e. certain charges are treated canonically instead of using the usual grand canonical approach. For small systems, the exact conservation of baryon number, strangeness and electric charge is to be taken into account. We have derived compact, analytical expressions for particle abundances in such ensemble. As an application, the change in K/πK/\pi ratios in AGS experiments with different interaction system sizes is well reproduced. The canonical treatment of three charges becomes impractical very quickly with increasing system size. Thus, we draw our attention to exact conservation of strangeness, and treat baryon number and electric charge grand canonically. We present expressions for particle abundances in such ensemble as well, and apply them to reproduce the large variety of particle ratios in GSI SIS 2 A GeV Ni-Ni experiments. At the energies considered here, the exact strangeness conservation fully accounts for strange particle suppression, and no extra chemical factor is needed.Comment: Talk given at Strangeness in Quark Matter '98, Padova, Italy (1998). Submitted to J.Phys. G. 5 pages, 2 figure

    Evidence for Different Freeze-Out Radii of High- and Low-Energy Pions Emitted in Au+Au Collisions at 1 GeV/nucleon

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    Double differential production cross sections of negative and positive pions and the number of participating protons have been measured in central Au+Au collisions at 1 GeV per nucleon incident energy. At low pion energies the pi^- yield is strongly enhanced over the pi^+ yield. The energy dependence of the pi^-/pi^+ ratio is assigned to the Coulomb interaction of the charged pions with the protons in the reaction zone. The deduced Coulomb potential increases with increasing pion c.m. energy. This behavior indicates different freeze-out radii for different pion energies in the c.m.~frame.Comment: IKDA is the Institute for Nuclear Physics in Darmstadt/German

    Role of isospin dependent mean field in pion production in heavy ion reactions

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    The importance of a isospin dependent nuclear mean field (IDMF) in regard to the pion production mechanism is studied for the reaction Au+AuAu+Au at 1 GeV/nucleon using the Quantum Molecular Dynamics (QMD) model. In particular, the effect of the IDMF on pion spectra and the charged pion ratio are analyzed. It is found that the inclusion of a IDMF considerably suppresses the lowpt-p_t pions, thus, leading to a better agreement with the data on pion spectra. Moreover, the rapidity distribution of the charged pion ratio appears to be sensitive to the isospin dependence of the nuclear mean field.Comment: 16 pages, using RevTex, 6 PS-Figure

    Influence of the in-medium pion dispersion relation in heavy ion collisions

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    We investigate the influence of medium corrections to the pion dispersion relation on the pion dynamics in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions. To do so a pion potential is extracted from the in-medium dispersion relation and used in QMD calculations and thus we take care of both, real and imaginary part of the pion optical potential. The potentials are determined from different sources, i.e. from the Δ\Delta--hole model and from phenomenological approaches. Depending on the strength of the potential a reduction of the anti-correlation of pion and nucleon flow in non-central collisions is observed as well as an enhancement of the high energetic yield in transverse pion spectra. A comparison to experiments, in particular to ptp_t-spectra for the reaction Ca+Ca at 1 GeV/nucleon and the pion in-plane flow in Ne+Pb collisions at 800 MeV/nucleon, generally favours a weak potential.Comment: 25 pages, using REVTeX, 6 postscript figures; replaced by published versio

    Relativistic quantum transport theory of hadronic matter: the coupled nucleon, delta and pion system

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    We derive the relativistic quantum transport equation for the pion distribution function based on an effective Lagrangian of the QHD-II model. The closed time-path Green's function technique, the semi-classical, quasi-particle and Born approximation are employed in the derivation. Both the mean field and collision term are derived from the same Lagrangian and presented analytically. The dynamical equation for the pions is consistent with that for the nucleons and deltas which we developed before. Thus, we obtain a relativistic transport model which describes the hadronic matter with NN, Δ\Delta and π\pi degrees of freedom simultaneously. Within this approach, we investigate the medium effects on the pion dispersion relation as well as the pion absorption and pion production channels in cold nuclear matter. In contrast to the results of the non-relativistic model, the pion dispersion relation becomes harder at low momenta and softer at high momenta as compared to the free one, which is mainly caused by the relativistic kinetics. The theoretically predicted free πNΔ\pi N \to \Delta cross section is in agreement with the experimental data. Medium effects on the πNΔ\pi N \to \Delta cross section and momentum-dependent Δ\Delta-decay width are shown to be substantial.Comment: 66 pages, Latex, 12 PostScript figures included; replaced by the revised version, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The HADES Tracking System

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    The tracking system of the dielectron spectrometer HADES at GSI Darmstadt is formed out of 24 low-mass, trapezoidal multi-layer drift chambers providing in total about 30 square meter of active area. Low multiple scattering in the in total four planes of drift chambers before and after the magnetic field is ensured by using helium-based gas mixtures and aluminum cathode and field wires. First in-beam performance results are contrasted with expectations from simulations. Emphasis is placed on the energy loss information, exploring its relevance regarding track recognition.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, presented at the 10th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation, Vienna, February 2004, to be published in NIM A (special issue