1,154 research outputs found

    Hukou and Health Insurance Coverage for Migrant Workers

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    Most migrant workers in mainland China are officially covered by the New Rural Cooperative Medical System (NRCMS), a rural health insurance system that operates in their home communities. The NRCMS and the system of household registration (户口, hukou) are tightly linked and systemically interdependent institutions. Migrant workers have difficulties benefitting from this social protection because it remains spatially separated from them. Only a minority have access to urban health insurance systems. This paper sheds light on the institutional origins of the coverage problem of migrant workers and examines crucial policy initiatives that attempt to solve it. In the context of the ongoing hukou reforms, these policies aim to partially dissolve the systemic interdependence of hukou and health insurance. While the policies provide feasible, yet conflict-prone, solutions in short-distance and concentrated bilateral migration systems, covering migrants who cross provincial boundaries remains a challenge

    The Margins and the Marginalised: Social Policy, Labour Migration, and Ethnic Identity in Contemporary China

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    Introduction to Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 2/2016: Marginalisation and State Intervention in Chin

    Boundary regularity via Uhlenbeck-Rivi\`ere decomposition

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    We prove that weak solutions of systems with skew-symmetric structure, which possess a continuous boundary trace, have to be continuous up to the boundary. This applies, e.g., to the H-surface system with bounded H and thus extends an earlier result by P. Strzelecki and proves the natural counterpart of a conjecture by E. Heinz. Methodically, we use estimates below natural exponents of integrability and a recent decomposition result by T.Rivi\`ere.Comment: 20 page


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the influences of body configuration on the biomechanical properties of leg extensor muscles in squat jump (SJ) performances. Ground reaction force data were collected during four different SJ tests of SJ70, SJ90, SJ110, and SJ130 (numbers denoted the knee angles) for maximum jump execution of 22 subjects. The results showed that the forces measured on a force platform, and other variables calculated from the force-time data, were strongly associated with the body configuration at push-off. Peak and average forces were greater in wider knee angle conditions, however, optimum power output and jumping height appeared in SJ90. From the data obtained in this study, it seemed that the force production measured with SJ test could not be used simply to assess the level of active state and muscular strength of leg extensors. The reaction force measured on a platform was the vertical component of the muscular strength generated by extensors, which was determined not only by the strength level, but also the joint angles at push-off position

    Regional- und Fachvernetzungsstellen als neues Instrument für die Hochschulweiterbildung. Ein Praxisbericht aus Baden-Württemberg

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    Seit 2021 läuft in Baden-Württemberg das Landesprojekt Hochschulweiterbildung@BW, in dessen Mittelpunkt die strukturelle Weiterentwicklung der wissenschaftlichen und künstlerischen Weiterbildung steht. Im folgenden Beitrag wird die dritte Säule des Projektes, die Initiierung und Etablierung einer Struktur von Regional- und Fachvernetzungsstellen an den beteiligten Hochschulen, in den Blick genommen. Dieses neue Instrument wird zunächst in seiner Grundstruktur vorgestellt, eine Zwischenbilanz nach Ablauf der ersten Projekthälfte gezogen und dann der Frage nachgegangen, wie die Arbeit der Regional- und Fachvernetzungs- stellen dazu beiträgt, die Bedarfe aus Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft und die Weiterbildungsangebote der Hochschulen noch besser in Passung zu bringen. (DIPF/Orig.

    Konkurrierende Netzwerke: SED und alte Intelligenz in Unternehmen der DDR-Industrie

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    "The fate of former Nazis in the economy of the GDR is closely linked to the question about the transformation of private-state enterprises in the socialist planned economy and the course of the elite change in there. To answer these questions, this article evaluates nine companies. Their directors ('Werkleiter') are characterized and compared for the period between the end of the Second World War and the 1960s. Two relevant generations of managers can be analyzed: Managers of the first generation are described as 'transformation leaders' and were mostly part of the old intelligentsia. They dominated many companies until the late 1950s and, in some cases, until the mid-1960s. Then they were replaced by representatives of the 'Aufbaugeneration', young GDR-socialized managers. In the article this process is characterized as a long drawn-out elite change paralleled by a long phase of transformation towards planned economy. The article divides this transformation into four periods. In the first phase, many former Nazis, together with other owners and managers, were ousted from their top positions in the companies. A central concern of the Communist Party (SED) leadership was the change of industrial power, not a systematic denazification. In later years, an indifferent and inclusive policy towards former Nazis prevailed. The training of a new intelligentsia, a generation that was both politically loyal and professionally qualified, became more important. In the transition phases, in-house networks were dominated by the old intelligentsia and determined the company's developments." (author's abstract

    Wirtschaftsethik im institutionellen Paradigma: zur Reichweite des ordnungsethischen Ansatzes

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    Regional- und Fachvernetzungsstellen als neues Instrument für die Hochschulweiterbildung: Ein Praxisbericht aus Baden-Württemberg

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    Seit 2021 läuft in Baden-Württemberg das Landesprojekt Hochschulweiterbildung@BW, in dessen Mittelpunkt die strukturelle Weiterentwicklung der wissenschaftlichen und künstlerischen Weiterbildung steht. Im folgenden Beitrag wird die dritte Säule des Projektes, die Initiierung und Etablierung einer Struktur von Regional- und Fachvernetzungsstellen an den beteiligten Hochschulen, in den Blick genommen. Dieses neue Instrument wird zunächst in seiner Grundstruktur vorgestellt, eine Zwischenbilanz nach Ablauf der ersten Projekthälfte gezogen und dann der Frage nachgegangen, wie die Arbeit der Regional- und Fachvernetzungs- stellen dazu beiträgt, die Bedarfe aus Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft und die Weiterbildungsangebote der Hochschulen noch besser in Passung zu bringen