4,610 research outputs found

    Der Wissenschaftstransfer des deutschen Verwaltungsrechts in die Schweiz : Semantik und Sozialstruktur einer "Gelehrtenrezeption"

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    German administrative law is a product of the foundation of the German Reich in 1871, which on the one hand was orientated towards a national jurisdiction and on the other took account of the comparative horizon of related »Culturstaaten«. The result was a paradox: a legal field both enhanced national borders in a very distinct way and was at the same time capable of stepping across borders. This essay investigates the semantic coupling of academia and nation following the example of Fritz Fleiner, especially his Institutionen«. When Fleiner came back from Germany to Switzerland, his administrative law became »adopted« there and was spread by his sity lectures and his »pupils«. As easily as the coupling of legal science and university out with the nation-state was achieved, so problematic proved the connection to politics, which let itself get distracted by the academic debate on the establishment of administrative courts, but nevertheless offered continuing resistance

    Vertices of Lie Modules

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    Let Lie(n) be the Lie module of the symmetric group S_n over a field F of characteristic p>0, that is, Lie(n) is the left ideal of FS_n generated by the Dynkin-Specht-Wever element. We study the problem of parametrizing non-projective indecomposable summands of Lie(n), via describing their vertices and sources. Our main result shows that this can be reduced to the case when n is a power of p. When n=9 and p=3, and when n=8 and p=2, we present a precise answer. This suggests a possible parametrization for arbitrary prime powers.Comment: 26 page

    Unlesbarkeit : Heinrich Heines "signatura temporis"

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    In vitro and in vivo targeting of different folate receptor-positive cancer cell lines with a novel 99mTc-radiofolate tracer

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    Purpose: For the assessment of folate-based radiopharmaceuticals, human nasopharyngeal KB carcinoma cells are traditionally used although nasopharyngeal cancer is rare. On the other hand, the folate receptor (FR) is frequently overexpressed on diverse cancer types, the highest frequency (>90%) being on ovarian carcinomas. The goal of our study was the in vitro and in vivo assessment of different FR-positive human carcinoma cells. In addition, a murine sarcoma cell line was assessed as a pre-clinical alternative to human xenograft models. Methods: FR-positive human nasopharyngeal, cervical, ovarian and colorectal cancer cell lines and the transgenic mouse sarcoma (24JK-FBP) cell line were targeted with a novel 99mTc-tricarbonyl folate derivative 2. Comparative in vitro cell binding studies were carried out under standardised folate-deficient conditions. In vivo studies were performed in nude mice and C6 black mice. Results: The in vitro cell experiments revealed only FR-specific binding (unspecific <0.02%), ranging from 3.5% to 52% of complex 2 owing to variable levels of FR expression of the cell lines. In vivo tumour uptake of radiotracer 2 varied less than in vitro. It ranged from 0.66±0.17% ID/g (LoVo) through 1.16±0.64%ID/g (IGROV-1) and 1.55±0.43% ID/g (24JK-FBP) to 2.33±0.36% ID/g (KB) 4h p.i. Conclusion: These pre-clinical studies indicate that in vitro data obtained in FR-positive cancer cells do not necessarily correspond with or predict in vivo radiofolate uptake in corresponding (xeno)grafts. In addition, the murine 24JK-FBP cell line proved to be a valuable pre-clinical alternative to human tumour model

    Börsenkooperationen im Labyrinth des Börsenrechts : ILF Symposion

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    Enthaltene Aufsätze: Reto Francioni : Börsen im internationalen Wettbewerb: Konsolidierung als Teilaspekt einer globalen Wachstumsstrategie, S. 1 Roger Müller : Kooperationen und Zusammenschlüsse von Börsen als Bewährungsprobe für das Börsenrecht, S. 8 Horst Hammen : Verschmelzung von Börsen? S. 1

    Was ist gute Hochschullehre? Befunde aus der Hattie-Studie

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    StudieDie Vorstellungen davon, was gute Lehre ist bzw. gute Lehre ausmacht, gehen weit auseinander und sind zeitlichen Trends und Ideologien unterworfen. Die Frage, die sich zwangsläufig stellt, ist, welchen Orientierungsrahmen es für Hochschullehrende gibt bzw. auf welchen Prinzipien Lehre an einer Hochschule aufbauen kann und muss. Aktuelle Studien – wie die vielbeachtete Metanalyse von Hattie - zeigen vor allem eines: Es gibt nicht eine spezifische Methode oder ein bestimmtes Tool, das den Unterricht verbessert. Lehren und Lernen ist ein komplexer, hochgradig kontext-sensitiver Prozess, der vielen Einflüssen ausgesetzt ist. Deshalb soll nicht von einzelnen Methoden ausgegangen werden, sondern von sieben Prinzipien guter Lehre, welche die Basis eines didaktischen Konzepts für die SML bilden. Im Kern zielen diese auf das reflexive Moment des Lern- und Lehrvorganges ab sowie auf das Sichtbarmachen dieses Vorgangs

    Preclinical evaluation of novel organometallic 99mTc-folate and 99mTc-pteroate radiotracers for folate receptor-positive tumour targeting

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    Purpose: The folate receptor (FR) is a valuable tumour marker, since it is frequently overexpressed on various cancer types. The purpose of the present study was to pre-clinically evaluate novel site-specifically modified 99mTc(CO)3 folate (γ-derivative 4, α-derivative 5) and pteroate (6) conjugates for FR targeting. Methods: The 99mTc(CO)3 radiotracers 4-6 were prepared by a kit-like procedure. In vitro characterisation (K D and B max) of the radiotracers was performed with FR-positive KB cells. Tissue distribution was studied in tumour-bearing mice. SPECT/CT experiments were performed with a dedicated small animal SPECT/CT scanner. Results: The complexes 4-6 were formed in high yields (>92%). Binding constants of the radiotracers (K D in nM: 4: 2.09; 5: 2.51; 6: 14.52) were similar to those of 3H-folic acid (K D in nM: 7.22). In vivo the folate derivatives showed significantly better tumour uptake (4: 2.3±0.4% ID/g and 5: 1.2±0.2% ID/g, 4h p.i.) than the pteroate derivative (6: 0.4±0.2% ID/g, 4h p.i.). Clearance of all radiotracers from the blood pool and from non-targeted tissues was efficient (tumour to blood ratio approx. 200-350, 24h p.i.). FR-positive tissue and organs were successfully visualised via small animal SPECT/CT. Conclusion: Radiotracers 4-6 are the first 99mTc(CO)3 tracers prepared via a kit formulation which exhibit full biological activity in vitro and in vivo. Folate derivatives 4 and 5 revealed significantly better pharmacokinetic properties than the pteroate derivative 6. Promising pre-clinical SPECT results warrant further assessment of 99mTc(CO)3 radiofolates for detection of FR-positive tumour

    Dauerhaft digital : systematische Entwicklung und Implementation einer E-Learning-Strategie

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    E-Learning an Hochschulen hat längst den Status von Pilotprojekten hinter sich gelassen. Häufig jedoch fehlt eine Verstetigung auf institutioneller Ebene. In einem aufwendigen Prozess, der über mehrere Abstimmungszyklen alle Stakeholder involvierte, wurde an der School of Management and Law (SML) der ZHAW eine E-Learning-Strategie entwickelt und verabschiedet. Zentraler Entwicklungsbaustein war die Erstellung eines Morphologischen Kastens, der bei der Abstimmung über relevante Parameter und ihre Ausgestaltung zu einer kongruenten und systematischen Entscheidungsfindung beitrug. Für die Implementation der E-Learning-Strategie wurde das Analysemodell von Knoster herangezogen, um Schwierigkeiten und Widerstände zu antizipieren und geeignete Massnahmen abzuleiten