6,063 research outputs found

    Quantification of transport across the boundary of the lower stratospheric vortex during Arctic winter 2002/2003

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    Strong perturbations of the Arctic stratosphere during the winter 2002/2003 by planetary waves led to enhanced stretching and folding of the vortex. On two occasions the vortex in the lower stratosphere split into two secondary vortices that re-merged after some days. As a result of these strong disturbances the role of transport in and out of the vortex was stronger than usual. An advection and mixing simulation with the Chemical Lagrangian Model of the Stratosphere (CLaMS) utilising a suite of inert tracers tagging the original position of the air masses has been carried out. The results show a variety of synoptic and small scale features in the vicinity of the vortex boundary, especially long filaments peeling off the vortex edge and being slowly mixed into the mid latitude environment. The vortex folding events, followed by re-merging of different parts of the vortex led to strong filamentation of the vortex interior. During January, February, and March 2003 flights of the Russian high-altitude aircraft Geophysica were performed in order to probe the vortex, filaments and in one case the merging zone between the secondary vortices. Comparisons between CLaMS results and observations obtained from the Geophysica flights show in general good agreement. Several areas affected by both transport and strong mixing could be identified, allowing explanation of many of the structures observed during the flights. Furthermore, the CLaMS simulations allow for a quantification of the air mass exchange between mid latitudes and the vortex interior. The simulation suggests that after the formation of the vortex was completed, its interior remaind relatively undisturbed. Only during the two re-merging events were substantial amounts of extra-vortex air transported into the polar vortex. When in March the vortex starts weakening additional influence from lower latitudes becomes apparent in the model results. In the lower stratosphere export of vortex air leads only to a fraction of about 5% polar air in mid latitudes by the end of March. An upper limit for the contribution of ozone depleted vortex air on mid-latitude ozone loss is derived, indicating that the maximum final impact of dilution is on the order of 50%

    The Origin of Double-Peaked Narrow Lines in Active Galactic Nuclei III: Feedback from Biconical AGN Outflows

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    We apply an analytic Markov Chain Monte Carlo model to a sample of 18 AGN-driven biconical outflows that we identified from a sample of active galaxies with double-peaked narrow emission lines at z < 0.1 in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We find that 8/18 are best described as asymmetric bicones, 8/18 are nested bicones, and 2/18 are symmetric bicones. From the geometry and kinematics of the models, we find that these moderate-luminosity AGN outflows are large and energetic. The biconical outflows axes are randomly oriented with respect to the photometric major axis of the galaxy, implying a randomly oriented and clumpier torus to collimate the outflow, but the torus also allows some radiation to escape equatorially. We find that 16/18 (89%) outflows are energetic enough to drive a two-staged feedback process in their host galaxies. All of these outflows geometrically intersect the photometric major axis of the galaxy, and 23% of outflow host galaxies are significantly redder or have significantly lower specific star formation rates when compared to a matched sample of active galaxies.Comment: 32 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS; See Figure 7 for a summary of the finding

    Structural studies of hydrated samples of amorphous calcium phosphate and phosphoprotein nanoclusters

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    There are abundant examples of nanoclusters and inorganic microcrystals in biology. Their study under physiologically relevant conditions remains challenging due to their heterogeneity, instability, and the requirements of sample preparation. Advantages of using neutron diffraction and contrast matching to characterize biomaterials are highlighted in this article. We have applied these and complementary techniques to search for nanocrystals within clusters of calcium phosphate sequestered by bovine phosphopeptides, derived from osteopontin or casein. The neutron diffraction patterns show broad features that could be consistent with hexagonal hydroxyapatite crystallites smaller than 18.9 Å. Such nanocrystallites are, however, undetected by the complementary X-ray and FTIR data, collected on the same samples. The absence of a distinct diffraction pattern from the nanoclusters supports the generally accepted amorphous calcium phosphate structure of the mineral core

    The impact of transport across the polar vortex edge on Match ozone loss estimates

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    The Match method for the quantification of polar chemical ozone loss is investigated mainly with respect to the impact of the transport of air masses across the vortex edge. For the winter 2002/03, we show that significant transport across the vortex edge occurred and was simulated by the Chemical Lagrangian Model of the Stratosphere. In-situ observations of inert tracers and ozone from HAGAR on the Geophysica aircraft and balloon-borne sondes, and remote observations from MIPAS on the ENVISAT satellite were reproduced well by CLaMS. The model even reproduced a small vortex remnant that remained a distinct feature until June 2003 and was also observed in-situ by a balloon-borne whole air sampler. We use this CLaMS simulation to quantify the impact of transport across the vortex edge on ozone loss estimates from the Match method. We show that a time integration of the determined vortex average ozone loss rates, as performed in Match, results in a larger ozone loss than the polar vortex average ozone loss in CLaMS. The determination of the Match ozone loss rates is also influenced by the transport of air across the vortex edge. We use the model to investigate how the sampling of the ozone sondes on which Match is based represents the vortex average ozone loss rate. Both the time integration of ozone loss and the determination of ozone loss rates for Match are evaluated using the winter 2002/2003 CLaMS simulation. These impacts can explain the majority of the differences between CLaMS and Match column ozone loss. While the investigated effects somewhat reduce the apparent discrepancy in January ozone loss rates reported earlier, a distinct discrepancy between simulations and Match remains. However, its contribution to the accumulated ozone loss over the winter is not large

    Simulation of denitrification and ozone loss for the Arctic winter 2002/2003

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    We present simulations with the Chemical Lagrangian Model of the Stratosphere (CLaMS) for the Arctic winter 2002/2003. We integrated a Lagrangian denitrification scheme into the three-dimensional version of CLaMS that calculates the growth and sedimentation of nitric acid trihydrate (NAT) particles along individual particle trajectories. From those, we derive the HNO3 downward flux resulting from different particle nucleation assumptions. The simulation results show a clear vertical redistribution of total inorganic nitrogen (NOy), with a maximum vortex average permanent NOy removal of over 5 ppb in late December between 500 and 550 K and a corresponding increase of NOy of over 2 ppb below about 450 K. The simulated vertical redistribution of NOy is compared with balloon observations by MkIV and in-situ observations from the high altitude aircraft Geophysica. Assuming a globally uniform NAT particle nucleation rate of 3.4·10&#8722;6 cm&#8722;3 h&#8722;1 in the model, the observed denitrification is well reproduced. In the investigated winter 2002/2003, the denitrification has only moderate impact (<=10%) on the simulated vortex average ozone loss of about 1.1 ppm near the 460 K level. At higher altitudes, above 600 K potential temperature, the simulations show significant ozone depletion through NOx-catalytic cycles due to the unusual early exposure of vortex air to sunlight

    The Origin of Double-peaked Narrow Lines in Active Galactic Nuclei. IV. Association with Galaxy Mergers

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    Double-peaked narrow emission lines in active galactic nucleus (AGN) spectra can be produced by AGN outflows, rotation, or dual AGNs, which are AGN pairs in ongoing galaxy mergers. Consequently, double-peaked narrow AGN emission lines are useful tracers of the coevolution of galaxies and their supermassive black holes, as driven by AGN feedback and AGN fueling. We investigate this concept further with follow-up optical longslit observations of a sample of 95 Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) galaxies that have double-peaked narrow AGN emission lines. Based on a kinematic analysis of the longslit spectra, we confirm previous work that finds that the majority of double-peaked narrow AGN emission lines are associated with outflows. We also find that eight of the galaxies have companion galaxies with line-of-sight velocity separations < 500 km/s and physical separations <30 kpc. Since we find evidence of AGNs in both galaxies, all eight of these systems are compelling dual AGN candidates. Galaxies with double-peaked narrow AGN emission lines occur in such galaxy mergers at least twice as often as typical active galaxies. Finally, we conclude that at least 3% of SDSS galaxies with double-peaked narrow AGN emission lines are found in galaxy mergers where both galaxies are resolved in SDSS imaging.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, ApJ in pres

    The thermal QCD transition with two flavours of twisted mass fermions

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    We investigate the thermal QCD transition with two flavors of maximally twisted mass fermions for a set of pion masses, 300 MeV \textless mπm_\pi \textless 500 MeV, and lattice spacings aa \textless 0.09 fm. We determine the pseudo-critical temperatures and discuss their extrapolation to the chiral limit using scaling forms for different universality classes, as well as the scaling form for the magnetic equation of state. For all pion masses considered we find resonable consistency with O(4) scaling plus leading corrections. However, a true distinction between the O(4) scenario and a first order scenario in the chiral limit requires lighter pions than are currently in use in simulations of Wilson fermions.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Thermodynamics of ideal quantum gas with fractional statistics in D dimensions

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    We present exact and explicit results for the thermodynamic properties (isochores, isotherms, isobars, response functions, velocity of sound) of a quantum gas in dimensions D>=1 and with fractional exclusion statistics 0<=g<=1 connecting bosons (g=0) and fermions (g=1). In D=1 the results are equivalent to those of the Calogero-Sutherland model. Emphasis is given to the crossover between boson-like and fermion-like features, caused by aspects of the statistical interaction that mimic long-range attraction and short-range repulsion. The full isochoric heat capacity and the leading low-T term of the isobaric expansivity in D=2 are independent of g. The onset of Bose-Einstein condensation along the isobar occurs at a nonzero transition temperature in all dimensions. The T-dependence of the velocity of sound is in simple relation to isochores and isobars. The effects of soft container walls are accounted for rigorously for the case of a pure power-law potential.Comment: 15 pages, 31 figure

    Actin-Interacting Protein 1 Contributes to Intranuclear Rod Assembly in Dictyostelium discoideum

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    Intranuclear rods are aggregates consisting of actin and cofilin that are formed in the nucleus in consequence of chemical or mechanical stress conditions. The formation of rods is implicated in a variety of pathological conditions, such as certain myopathies and some neurological disorders. It is still not well understood what exactly triggers the formation of intranuclear rods, whether other proteins are involved, and what the underlying mechanisms of rod assembly or disassembly are. In this study, Dictyostelium discoideum was used to examine appearance, stages of assembly, composition, stability, and dismantling of rods. Our data show that intranuclear rods, in addition to actin and cofilin, are composed of a distinct set of other proteins comprising actin-interacting protein 1 (Aip1), coronin (CorA), filactin (Fia), and the 34 kDa actin-bundling protein B (AbpB). A finely tuned spatio-temporal pattern of protein recruitment was found during formation of rods. Aip1 is important for the final state of rod compaction indicating that Aip1 plays a major role in shaping the intranuclear rods. In the absence of both Aip1 and CorA, rods are not formed in the nucleus, suggesting that a sufficient supply of monomeric actin is a prerequisite for rod formation