109 research outputs found

    Explaining Recurrent Neural Network Predictions in Sentiment Analysis

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    Recently, a technique called Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) was shown to deliver insightful explanations in the form of input space relevances for understanding feed-forward neural network classification decisions. In the present work, we extend the usage of LRP to recurrent neural networks. We propose a specific propagation rule applicable to multiplicative connections as they arise in recurrent network architectures such as LSTMs and GRUs. We apply our technique to a word-based bi-directional LSTM model on a five-class sentiment prediction task, and evaluate the resulting LRP relevances both qualitatively and quantitatively, obtaining better results than a gradient-based related method which was used in previous work.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted for EMNLP'17 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment & Social Media Analysis (WASSA

    Rescuers at Risk: Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms Among Police Officers, Fire Fighters, Ambulance Personnel, and Emergency and Psychiatric Nurses.

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    Emergency personnel and rescue workers may be at a risk of posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) due to exposure to trauma and work-related stressors. Though rescuers of different professions are often engaged in the same type of emergency, they have different tasks and responsibilities and receive different training in coping with traumatic events and stress; hence, we speculated that the salience of identified risk factors for PTSS vary across their respective professions. The present cross-sectional survey aimed to identify influencing variables on PTSS, well-being, and suicidal ideation that can act differently across professions of rescue workers and emergency personnel. In this anonymous online study, data from 1,002 rescue workers and emergency personnel in Switzerland, were collected: 499 police officers, 239 firefighters, 97 ambulance personnel, and 85 emergency and 82 psychiatric nurses. PTSS, coping strategies, well-being, suicidal ideation, previously experienced and work-related trauma, and self-efficacy were measured and analyzed using multiple regression and structural equation modeling (SEM). The prevalence of suspected posttraumatic stress disorder varied across the professions, ranged from 8% (firefighters) to 22% (psychiatric nurses), and was associated with psychological strain and suicidal ideation. The SEM showed that dysfunctional coping strategies, self-efficacy, previously experienced and work-related trauma, years on job, and female sex explained up to 78% of PTSS and that PTSS itself explained up to 68% of the psychological strain experienced in the different professions. Independent of the profession, dysfunctional coping such as alcohol use, avoidance, and distraction, as well as work-related trauma were the most robust predictors of PTSS. However, while self-efficacy was a risk factor for police officers, firefighters and ambulance personnel, it was a protective factor for emergency and psychiatric nurses. Furthermore, female sex was only a risk factor for ambulance personnel and emergency nurses. In agreement with prior research, emergency personnel and rescuers exhibited enhanced prevalence of PTSS and suspected PTSD, leading to significant psychological strain and suicidal ideation. However, risk factors varied across the professions. Thus, the development of profession-specific trainings to improve self-efficacy and coping with work-related stressors to reduce PTSS, and enhance quality of life, is needed for individuals in such high-risk professions. Clinical Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov Nr. NCT03842553

    Continuing Educational Needs and Preferences for Swiss Registered Dietitians: Lessons Learned.

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    Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) in Switzerland offers continuing educational programs for registered dietitians. In order to initialize effective changes to maximize attendance, the promotors and barriers influencing the participation of Swiss registered dietitians to continuing education classes were identified. A survey was conducted from December 2013 to January 2014 and sent to 630 registered members of the Swiss Association of Registered Dietitians (SVDE). The questionnaire was developed on the web-based software Survey Monkey® and included 37 open- and closed-ended questions. Evaluation questions were based on a four-point Likert scale and space for individual comments was ensured. Data analysis included descriptive statistics and chi-squared tests. The final sample included 202 dietitians, the majority being female (96%), between 25 and 54 years old (90%) and 45% worked in clinical settings. Almost 70% had participated in a BFH continuing education course. Respondents were overall very satisfied with parameters including course registration, organisation, content, professional competence of teachers, and practical relevance. Preferred course format were short courses (1-2 days). The lecturer’s limited practical experience, no interest to the subject matter, and no cost coverage by employer were mentioned as the main barriers for attending courses. Based on lessons learned from this evaluation, the following aspects should be considered in order to secure the attractiveness of such programs: Favouring shorter more intensive courses and having them taught by lecturers with a strong practical experience, and hence with more insightful approach. Topics should be established based on the audience’s expectations and needs, possibly through an inquiry among professional societies. In addition, overlapping fields as for example nutritional psychology, gerontology, and transdisciplinary approaches could be further included to broaden the dietitians’ perspectives and encourage a more holistic approach. Finally, the registration process and quality of teaching environment should be seamless, in order to avoid negative influences on the course. Keywords Continuing education; Dietetics; Nutritionists; Needs assessmen


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    A sustentabilidade da atividade agrícola depende do equilíbrio ambiental, social, cultural e econômico do agroecossistema e o manejo integrado de pragas (MIP) colabora nesse sentido. Entre as estratégias que podem ser adotadas nesse tipo de manejo, está a aplicação de produtos silicatados, que são capazes de proporcionar às plantas maior resistência ao ataque de herbívoros e de agentes patogênicos, além de reduzir o acamamento e o estresse hídrico, entre outros benefícios que resultam em maior rendimento do produto final. Diversos estudos vêm sendo conduzidos acerca da técnica demonstrando o seu potencial como ferramenta do MIP, mas há carência no que concerne às plantas não gramíneas e aos efeitos nas populações de inimigos naturais.&nbsp

    Comparação de comunidades campestres com e sem influência de distúrbios

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    Grassland management with fire and grazing is considered one of the main factors determining plant physiognomy and composition in grassland ecosystem. In that sense, it is thought that intermediate disturbances, neither high frequent and/or intense, nor absent, could enhance grasslands diversity by diminishing the competitive exclusion. Therefore, the present study evaluated the effect of disturbance exclusion over grassland plant communities in Plateau region of Southern Brazil. Two grasslands were sampled: one excluded of disturbances over the past 16 years, and other with fire and grazing disturbances. Six plots (1m2) were sorted inside each area. Inside each plot, plant species composition was described, while plant richness and evenness were assessed based on cover proportion of each species. The data analysis showed that the grassland without disturbances presented higher richness and evenness. Furthermore, there were differences in the species composition between the grasslands, with less tussock dominance in the disturbed grassland. In addition, plots’ compositions were more homogeneous in areas submitted to disturbances, despite of the high richness. It is concluded that dominant tussock grasses in the grassland without disturbances suppressed many forbs, leading to reducing the species richness and evenness. On the other hand, the presence of disturbances limits the tussocks growth allowing the development of other forbs species. Key words: grassland management, fire, cattle grazing, intermediate disturbance.O manejo do campo com pastejo e fogo é considerado um dos principais fatores determinantes da fisionomia e composição de ecossistemas campestres. Nesse sentido, pode-se esperar que distúrbios intermediários, não frequentes e/ou intensos, nem ausentes, contribuam para aumentar a diversidade das comunidades campestres pelo relaxamento da exclusão competitiva. O presente estudo analisou o efeito da exclusão de distúrbios em campos do Planalto Sul Brasileiro, no Rio Grande do Sul. Dois campos foram amostrados: um excluído de distúrbios há 16 anos e outro com ocorrência de distúrbios (fogo e pastejo). Em cada área foram utilizadas seis parcelas de 1m2. Dentro de cada parcela foi analisada a composição, a riqueza e a equabilidade da vegetação com base em medidas de cobertura das espécies. A análise dos dados revelou que o campo com distúrbios apresentou maior riqueza e maior equabilidade. Verificou-se diferença na composição das espécies que ocorreram nos dois tipos de campo, com diminuição da dominância de plantas cespitosas no campo com distúrbios. Além disso, as parcelas foram mais homogêneas na área com distúrbios, mostrando baixa substituição das espécies, apesar de elevada riqueza. Conclui-se que a dominância de plantas cespitosas no campo excluído tende a suprimir outras plantas herbáceas, diminuindo a riqueza e a equabilidade. A presença de distúrbios, contudo, mantém as cespitosas com menor tamanho, o que propicia condições para o desenvolvimento de outras espécies herbáceas. Palavras-chave: manejo de campo, fogo, pastejo, distúrbio intermediário