271 research outputs found

    Wpływ reform ekonomicznych na instytucje badawczo-rozwojowe oraz na wybór polityki innowacyjnej - sytuacja w krajach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej

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    The restructuralization process in the field of research and development and the barriers that have appeared during this process in the former Soviet Union and the former Soviet bloc countries are presented in this article. The author has paid particular attention to the role of transformation in the area of industrial research, an area that has suffered the most due to the new political and economic conditions. Furthermore, the author discusses the role of particular factors that determine the institutional transformation process, including the financial factors. The author also shows the differences among the restructuralization processes in selected countries, above all the differences in the situation of research personnel.W artykule zostały przedstawione uwarunkowania procesu restrukturyzacji sfery badawczo-rozwojowej - bariery występujące w trakcie realizacji tego procesu w byłych krajach socjalistycznych. Autor zwraca szczególną uwagę na rolę przekształceń w sferze badań przemysłowych, które najbardziej ucierpiały w wyniku nowych uwarunkowań politycznych i ekonomicznych. Ponadto omawia rolę czynników determinujących proces przemian instytucjonalnych, w tym czynników finansowych. Pokazuje także różnice w procesie restrukturyzacji między poszczególnymi krajami, a zwłaszcza sytuację kadr badawczych

    On commuting isometries

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    Geological and hydrogeological situation in selected parts of Karvina region

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    A remark concerning uniqueness of the Wold decomposition of finite-dimensional stationary processes.

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    summary:The uniqueness of the Wold decomposition of a finite-dimensional stationary process without assumption of full rank stationary process and the Lebesgue decomposition of its spectral measure is easily obtained

    Inovační aktéři a inovační prostředí v modernizační perspektivě

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    The aim of the paper is to discuss the issue of innovation from the perspective of relevant sociological interpretative frameworks. The discussion starts with an assessment of evolutionary and institutional economic studies of innovation, which have contributed to a better understanding of the role of institutional and social factors in the formation of innovation resources and the performance of (innovating) firms and (innovating) nation states. The concepts of a national innovation system (Nelson), the learning firm (Lundvall) and the social system of production (Hollingsworth) are discussed to explain this contribution in more detail. They indicate a set of socio-cultural factors and circumstances that can be identifi ed not only as implications of the techno-economic power of innovation but also as the autonomous factors that shape the performance of innovating actors. The EU Lisabon strategy is faced with a similar challenge: to balance the issue of competitiveness with environmental issues and social cohesion. The current debate over fulfilling its goals (the Kok report) offers good arguments as to how techno-economic and socio-cultural resources of innovation could be theorised and governed. In this article, selected methodological frameworks and databases (EIS 2005, EXIS) are applied in an analysis of the social forms and structures of national innovation systems. The final discussion refers both to the relevant concepts (the learning economy, knowledge societies, reflexive modernisation) and the analytical data in order to suggest a concept of innovation, which understands both economic and social factors to be productive resources of current innovation performance. The suggested interpretative framework is used to assess the structural dependencies and challenges of the innovation system in the Czech Republic

    Regulace fosfoenolpyruvátkarboxylasy v rostlinách tabáku během virové infekce

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    Charles University in Prague Faculty of Science, Department of Biochemistry Regulation of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase in tobacco plants during potyviral infection Regulace fosfoenolpyruvátkarboxylasy v rostlinách tabáku během virové infekce Karel Müller Supervisor: RNDr. Helena Ryšlavá CSc. Prague, 2008 2 Table of contents / Obsah Introduction........................................................................................................................................ 3 Aim of the work................................................................................................................................. 4 Results and discussion ....................................................................................................................... 5 Isolation of PEPC from tobacco leaves ......................................................................................... 5 Characterization of tobacco PEPC................................................................................................. 5 Regulation of tobacco PEPC during viral infection....................................................................... 7 Effect of cytokinins in tobacco leaves during stress.................................................................... 10...Charles University in Prague Faculty of Science, Department of Biochemistry Regulation of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase in tobacco plants during potyviral infection Regulace fosfoenolpyruvátkarboxylasy v rostlinách tabáku během virové infekce Karel Müller Supervisor: RNDr. Helena Ryšlavá CSc. Prague, 2008 2 Table of contents / Obsah Introduction........................................................................................................................................ 3 Aim of the work................................................................................................................................. 4 Results and discussion ....................................................................................................................... 5 Isolation of PEPC from tobacco leaves ......................................................................................... 5 Characterization of tobacco PEPC................................................................................................. 5 Regulation of tobacco PEPC during viral infection....................................................................... 7 Effect of cytokinins in tobacco leaves during stress.................................................................... 10...Katedra biochemieDepartment of BiochemistryPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    The regulation and catalytic mechanism of the NADP-malic enzyme from tobacco leaves

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    The non-photosynthetic NADP-malic enzyme EC (NADP-ME), which catalyzes the oxidative decarboxylation of L-malate and NADP+ to produce pyruvate and NADPH, respectively, and which could be involved in plant defense responses, was isolated from Nicotiana tabacum L. leaves. The mechanism of the enzyme reaction was studied by the initial rate method and was found to be an ordered sequential one. Regulation possibilities of purified cytosolic NADP-ME by cell metabolites were tested. Intermediates of the citric acid cycle (a-ketoglutarate, succinate, fumarate), metabolites of glycolysis (pyruvate, phosphoenolpyruvate, glucose-6-phosphate), compounds connected with lipogenesis (coenzyme A, acetyl-CoA, palmitoyl-CoA) and some amino acids (glutamate, glutamine, aspartate) did not significantly affect the NADP-ME activity from tobacco leaves. In contrast, macroergic compounds (GTP, ATP and ADP) were strong inhibitors of NADP-ME; the type of inhibition and the inhibition constants were determined in the presence of the most effective cofactors (Mn2+ or Mg2+), required by NADP-ME. Predominantly non-competitive type of inhibitions of NADP-ME with respect to NADP+ and mixed type to L-malate were found